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ffAEfrlívi ONLY TRUE QTONIC Wfll lutethL'LIVERa.i.l KIDNEYS, and BCflTOKJC TUK HEALTH Hk and VIUÜR of YOÜTH. !;- V? L pepsin. Want of Appelite, In: Uijrcstloti, Liick oi Strength, X'.' and '1 1 red FYHlitg absolute! y ajt! . cured. Bouas, luuscles and ¦ iicrvn rccelvo ncw force. i Knlivcns tho mimi and _ -=r BUpnllei Itraln low r. LAUI t O peculiar to tlttlrtex win find inDK. HARTES'SIRON TONIC paf. od peed y cure. O Ivés a clear, Itcalthy conipu-xion. Krequetit atteiu))lsat counterf itiiiK onl) add t iliv popiitorlty of the original. Uo nut experiment- fet i lie Original and iskst. (Sond youroddrtwstoTho lr. HsrterMwiT'o. í't,T.iÍB, Mo.,for our "DEEAM EOCK." ¦ Fullof stranoe uad usful lnturniutiuo, 1 1 ? ; J LAST CHANCE lo obtain Government Lands free - that are suitable for general farming and stock raising purposes - before chance of laws as per bilis now pending in Contrress. 0OílIN THE DEVILS LAKE, Tll TURTLE MOUNTAIN, Wfcw And Mouse Rivor Country north ApnrQïr'bs"Trd" DAKOTA HUÍILO S&'íSS! Ovr 2,000,000 Acres of R. R. I.ands in Minnesota at the low priceof tó.flO per acre and upwards. becQonal Map and ful] particutars mailed Wk f% mt ¦¦ free toanyaddress hyC. H. WARREN f Gn'_l Pnss. Agent, St Paul, Minn. and I" K f f Manitoba R. R., St. I'aul, Mam. I I I 1_ L UPTU H. El! g EOAN'S IMPERIAL TRU8S. Wy iTit! i-RtMUIUt ; fllldltoiTOT) I11..IK.U, retAininir JT thc hrnilwavi Worn rfay knd mijíA wtlh com ' . h f"rt. NFnt od Trl&l. Knc!ufi Sutniii for Circular % Vf in both Cnrity Hospttíili. CGAITS IMPERIAL TKUSS CO.. Be, 2!S8. Ann Arbor. Kich. Office. Hnmiltoii Block. Ann Arbor. jJ The m-ist popular Week ly newgpape Q devoted to Bienee, mechanica, engineering, aicoveries, inventions and patcnlsover publinhcd. Kvery nnraber illintrated with nplondid eiiRravinea. Thii pnblication, furnishps a most vuluable eneyclopedia of ïnfurmation which no person should bc without. Tha popular i ty of the SoUUtTIFIO Auf.bipaN is Buch thai lts eirculation nenrly equaU that. of atl othr papers of its class oombmcd. Prire, $3.20 a voar. DiscouDt ta Club. Bold by all Dewndeaiers. MUNN 4 CO., Poblichera. No. 361 Broadway. N. Y. B. ATI"!1!" M'irn X Co. biire siso ¦¦Al f N I X had Thlrty-Sevon MB ""¦¦¦"¦ fore tho patent Offlca. ¦ nnd havo prepnred mor than One Hun Bdred Thousand anpürfltionu tor pat¦¦-iitM ip the United ntntts and forelfa IHa nontriefl. Cavents, Marku, Copyv nphts, AseiRpmentfi. and all othrr papmn Pfor seoirlng to in ren ton thi'ir riehta in tha I United Kt atea. Canada, Fm-Und. Franca. H (ii-imany and other fun-irn cmintru's, prepare H at ¦DOTt notice and on ría(fnalií torni. ¦ i Information as to obtaunnc patentH cheerfatly H R'von witlifiit chnrro. Hitnd-nooks of infnrmaII non MBt frMi rat-onts ohta;nrd throuph Mnnn M A t 'o. n re niticd in thn Bolmttflc American frp. rhe nlvantnce of such noiice iswrll undernood by all perRoiis who wtsb to ii mosa "f their patente. AddresSiMUN'N A CO.. Office HciXMTIFIC AlffittlCAM. 161 Broadwuy, cw Vork. BALL'S r&Muli ? S In VA COMÉIS ,ne..r7f..?1?,Ft,Thy„rT,!;,ft,f1i;,'!lï Z ' Aii Oakland obltuary notiee referred to a deceHsed citlzen haring ''gime m happier home." Tlie wldow la at t bringiug a Itbel snit. These Oüklimd vromen are too smsitive for anythiixr- San Francisco Post. " I feei bad : " Hnnr's [Kidney and Liverj JJemedy cncouraes sleep, .reates mi : aptratit, braCPS up the y-lini, inul repairs the wiisted power. $1.25 per btrte ut drugglsW. A damsel applled for a place behlpd a c'Hinter. "Whal clerical experience have jan had? " asked the mn of dr goodg "Vi ry little," slie said with H blinh, " for T only joined tlie ehuich last w.ek."" Cure Tor Piles. The fint symptom of Piles s au intense itehlng at niglit aftergettiiiR warm. This nnplcasant sensation is iinmediately relie ved by an applicntlon of Dr Bosanko'g Pile Heinedy. Piles in all forma, Ite.h, Salt Rheum and Ringworm can be permanently oured by the uk of tlii g rnat lemedy. Price 50 cents. Maimfactured by the Dr. Bosunko Medicine Company Piqua, O. Sold by Hberbach & Son. 12(KM35.


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