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XHS LME 8E1KCTK BY TH ff 8. WVT TO CABRY THE TAST MAIL HKml?-- ------ JM! ÍÍOIIVG AVEST. OHLY LINE KU5KING TWO THBOUGH TBAINS DAILY FEOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Through the Heart of the Continent ! way of Pacltic .1 iiiirtniii or Omaha to DENVER, or via Kansas City and Atchlso.i to Denver, i MMIngln Union Depots at Kansag C'iiy. A tchlsoD, Oma-ha and Jienvcr wlth turoügh iruiiiM fur SAN FRANCISCO, and all polnts In the Far Went. bhortcttt Llneto KANSAS CITY, And all pointa In tbe Houtli-Wesu TOURrSTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Khould not forüet the fartthat Round Trip tickets at redured ratea can be purchased vla tlnn (;reM Tliroilgh l.loe. toall Hmüli and f Icaur llHHurw of the 'et aud fcSouth-West, lrcludiug th.M.iuiilaliiHof OOI. OKA ÜO, tbe Valle} of tbe Y ose ml te, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta In the Mexlcan lu-publlc. HOME-SEEKERS Snould also remomber that tbla line lesds direct to the heart oí the Government and Rai.road Lauds in Nebraska. KaïLswi, Texas, Colorado and WaohlngCon Terrltocy. It Is knowfaas the great ÏHROUOII CAI! LIHE 'f America, n(l Is uulversally admitted to be tbe Finen! Equlpperi Huil rond In the World for uil classeH af Travel. Through TlckeU vla thls Une for sale at all Hall - roao Coupon Ticket ÜUices iu tbe UulUKl Btats au'J Canada. T. 1. POTTKR, Vlo Pre, and Oen. Manager. PKRCEVAL LOWKLL, Uen. Pass. Ak'i Chicago. JNO. U. BEAN, Oeu. EaHtern Ag'l, J17 Broadway, New York. and JOB WaabluKton MC., Buatuu. Mortsragp ale. DBÏAÜi.T HAVINO UIEN MADF. IN TUK OODdltionf i ti ccrtain IfHieDtare or morr 'm' ¦ ' bj Laan Uarknr to Johü Lynch, both of Aun Arnor, in the county of vVnBhtonav in the siat'1 f MIcblgKD, hem ng date, tbe eigbteantli Jay 01 Mioht-r, . l.. 1S77. and recoruVd In the OÍBce of the Ket'iater of Di'ihIk for the Coooiy of W -htenaw.iu Llber B of Mortgaae. page W.andar ¦igned on tbe i'th ny "f Haj. 1H81. ny vrlttaii aaiKiiment to John Bmtth, ol .Vru Arbor tcwnnlilp lo ine coDoty aforeaald aBd hlcb naafffnineDt fa rKcoided in (hu office afonaald in LlberSeronof Acicnnientn oi vinri ¦ tLr( ?, on ai-'' 182 and by which rtelault. tbe power oi -a!" eootained ir aio mortgage h.iinij bacome oparttlve, and no -nl or proceedlng iit or ii aqnlty, liaving baan Inatitutad to recover the amonm dae ou aajd mortí:aí,'e ur ' h" iond acc mpanylng the Mme, and itii re bi-inp now claimcd to hu dne on naid bond and mortftL'f the tnfD of Four hnndred and eighty-nine dollars and uinety-tw ci-ntM (489.9S). NOT1CK therefore bereb; (f Wen, tht aald Mortga e wilMtu forcloaed on Satti'day, the 1 h day of April, A. 1. (886, "t ten (.'doek In the foredooo oí' that day, hy a at nnhlic anclloo to thhÍKÍ'(-Hi bidder, tit the K i-t I or of tbe Coort Houw, la the City of Ann Arhor, iu Iba ('Diinty aforenaic], (?ail f'ourt 1 1 ¦ ¦n-'e, oehiff the place ol bolding tbe ircuir Uoart for aald krant) ) o{ the mortgaged premlaea, diacribed ui sitd mortrage or wo much thereof, as may be oeo nr to ¦atfaly the axDoanl ol principal and hnareat mnatntng unpuid upon faiil morheafra, with reaeooable and espanaea; wbich premlfei dEciibed in said mortgaee hs followa : All those et-rtnin plecea or purctïlt of lanrl, citnated aiid belnglnibe city ol Ann Arhtir. In the County of Vahtenaw and State of Mlchieiin. flnd described as tollowti. towit : The weet-aaU oí lotn nnmhrr Kilteen and Sixtot:h, iu l]ock DUBber l-'ivc y?) tfouth of Hnrou street, ia Kiui;e Damber Btgbi eait, agreeably to tbe Anu Arhor Lasd t-ompan) addition to the aid t'ity of Ann Arbor. Dati:d, .lamia.y 19, A. 1). 1886. JOHN SMITH. K.D.K1NNE, AMlgnee of Mnrl Atl'y lor Aaxignee. 1ÜU-IJ. The abovc ;- lelaadjou n i for one week, to Sal urday. April Hto, A. D. 1885, ttt the sume place.and hour of the dny. Dated, Ann Arnor. April lSlh. A. I). 1SS5. JOHN SMITH. B. D.K1NNK, A - -me of Mortsasa. Atl'y for Mortgairee. 1213. Theabov(' sale l adtonmed to Satnrdav. Mav rne aoov saie i aajonrnen to aiuraay, .nav 2d, A. 1). 1886, lor oiic week, M the auna place and hour of the day. Dated, Ann Ar or. April i'ilh, A. I). 1885. JOHN SMITH, E.D. KINNK. AsBi'iiee of Monsa.'ee. Att'y for MortKaïcc. 1241 The tibove HÜela tdjonfied to Siturday. May 9th, A. D. 1885, or one ek. at tne name place, and hour of the day. Da cu, Anu Arljor, May 9d. A. D. 1S85 JOUX S ITIl. B. D. KINNE, Ainee oi AIoj t.-iu f' - Att'y lor MortglgM l-l" The above 8 ile i ïdjotirned to Satnrliy, Miy 16ih, a. d. 1888, atn week, ut the same place, and hour of the day. Dated, Anu Arbor, Mayitih. a. d. Iv ¦ JOHN 8U1TB, E. D. KINNE, AsstgusD of Uortgage. Att'y for Mortgattee. 1246. CommissiontTs' Xtiec. STATEOP MICHIGAN, County of The underflgnod havini: been appoillted hy the Probate Court for said County, CommlMiooen to receive, examine and adjut all claim and dematids ol all persona aüainst the cMiue oí David .üodfrey, late of i-aid countv, decea-ed. hereby giye iiotice thatwix montt)n trotn date nllowc.l, hy order of Baid Probate Court, for creditort to preeeut tlieir claims against the estáte ol said deceayed, and that they will meet at the store of Uach & Abel, In the city of Aun Arbor. in said countv. on Tdwday, the fourth day ol aiiuí, and on Wednediy. tbefourth day of Novmber uext.atten o'clock a. M. of each of said daye, to receive, examine and ad juut Baid claims. Dated, May 4, 18S5. JOHN M. WHEELBK. I „ PbILIP BACH. ( Commissioners. A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, SKLLS MIXED CANDIES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Fresh Stick Tandy for 15 cents per pon ml at A. F. HANGSTERFKK'.S, S Boatb Maiu Street. Frcnch Mixed Candies for 15 oentH per poiiud. at A. F. HANGSTEUKEK'S, 2X Main Street. Nice Oranges only 15 -ent 'per dozen, at A. K. HANG3TERKEKS at 28 Main street. AU kinds of JfUTS, FlffS, DATES, RAI81NS „„,! MALAGA QRAPm, at A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, No. 28 Main Street, - Ann Arbor DrCLARKE BsS&Sil Thc regular oíd established mui B!RSllplly81ciaa and Sureeon DR. lHkHBaiICLAHKE' at thc old """''"¦¦ Hl i W licon"nucs to treat witli his usual IU V IK jflgreat skill all private, IkMAAlIchronic, neryous ami special SyH (lldiseaies. DE CLABKE i -the WBSBbmA oldest Advertising Physician, as nies of Papers show and all old Resillen know. Age and experience Importantes Ifervout DÍBeae3(wth or without dreams,) r aeoilltjr and loss of nerve power treated scienÜli y y new mefhod' wkn never failmg succeis ui "" ? dlfierence what you have takeo or WaO nas failed to cure you. „, "Tonng men and middle-gea men and dl who suffer should consult the oelebrated Dr v Iki,M :Th: terrible poisom of all bad blOOd and skin distase of evcry kind name and nature completely eradicatcd. Remember, that one horrible disease, f negleaed or improperly treated, ourses the present and comine genrt,oni. s-Diseased diBohargci cured promptly without hindrance to busines. Both sexes oonaoJt oonfidentUlly. If in trouble, cali or JTSl. f l 'Iy ", ?a"8f ' ' Prooraitination U the thief of time." A written warrantv of eure given in every oase undertaken. ' rv nd Jwo 'amPJo' celebrated woiks on Chronio, Nervous and Delicate Diseascs You have an exhntive symptomatology by which to itudy your own Catei. Consultation, personJlly or by letter, free. Consult the old Dootor Thoniands eured. Offloeandparlori private ïou see no one hut the Doctor. Before confidinj: your se consul, Dr. CLAKKÏ. A friendly ïette ?5 Mmy " .fliture ufferinK and shame, and add golden yearstolife. Medicine sent every where ecure from expomre. Hourt, 8 to 8 ; íunday 2-'JLa' Addrat letters: T. D. CURKK, W. ., Herrill Block, Cor. Woodward and JeffiMonAvdi. DETKOIT, MICH. Obtained in the United States and Fon-ignCoun. ' n OEO.H.I.OTIIBOPi 70 Grl.woU v Owtroli, htch"' Honey the groat Cough cure,55c.,50c.4 $1 Glenn'iStilphurSonp heals ft beautifles, 25c. GermanCorn Hemorer kllls Corns 4 Bunion Hlll't Hilr and Whiiker Dye- Black and Brown, 60c. Plke'a Toothache Drops cura la 1 Ulnute,29o Dean'i Bbeumatle Piili are ure cur, eoo,


Ann Arbor Courier
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