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A new coat uf paint ,- to improve the t. Junes ehuich edlflee at Dexter. John J Sctmufeleaod Miss Eliza Vogt, )Dih ot Lima, we re manied on the 7th. Tlie iit-xt mectiuj: of (he sounty pioneer c nv is to be lield Wudnesday, JunelOlh, t Saline. The Manchester creamery has had toput ii steaui power beuause of Increase f ugiuem. At WHmpler'n L ike, the suminer resort ear Manchester, a laige holel aiul skatig link is lieing built. And now the hotany classes in our 'bnitig meander in the woodlands aft-r fl.iwei'S for dtoaectlon. There is to be ;i grand May festival at ie M. E. (Jliuicli, Yp-iianti, May 37, uner direction ol Mi. Walter llewitt. The Wasulenaw tlouring milis, of Mnnhester, clnined last week, and mahun ry tor roller prouess, will now be ut In, II V Ilnlmmb, who bnught out W. H. ) i Ven pon & Sou, it Saline, soine time mei-, propose to move his stock of goods i Northville to close tlieni out. We Mre Informad that the Post of the }. A. H. Kt Uheluea w II decórate the solUers' sriave-í In ourcenieUriesion the 3UlIi, ) uoratiuD Day - DeltiT Leader. The piosprct foi even a fiircrop ofoats i the ctiiinty la said to he very por. The iid, bnckward cpriug has prevente! the ¦"i.p Mul '¦¦¦"'¦¦" (,if the cron. Uur. the. he:il prospi cis are tint'. Jeroino J WocmI, of Hndson, Mich., ml Ali-s M. Fanchett Yot, d uighter ol lf and .Mis Lee Yost, ot Ypüilanli, were ïniiid on the cTUUÍdk of May 12th, at he residenee of the bride's parents. Mr Overacker, of the Saline Observer, ivi-s an acC"Untof lila ConiICCtlon wilh p:per, in lb purchasiug ot' which he laiin io Imve been mercileasly swlndled y Orín Stair, its tonner ovvuer. The history of the Waslitenavv Baptist Rgociittiiol hy Ebeiiez r ötnith, is to be tublisued wiih the minutes of the anni i-aiy ot that bndy, M ij' 6-i, in patnihlft and book foim. - Dezter Li ader. Capt. E P. Allen, of Ypsilaii ti, istodeIver the address on Memorial Day at Adrián, and on the following day he will iliveran addn ss at the State prison, at uiks'in, liy invilation of the warden. It is wit h sincere regret we record the eath if Prot. J. C. Mafiill, for years a nccesslnl tupertnteiidvBt of our city Clioola iinmt'diaiclv preoedlng Prof. Put mi. IL' was recidiDjf at Claj' Vil lage, vy., and ilicd April lSlh. - Ypsüauti Coinuerolftl. Another old centennarian is gono - l.inv Grefll of onr village and a Mexican war peBgloner, died Mouday mol ulng last, in the 92d year of bis age. The old uldler laid to rest in the villajre eem - 1 ¦ i - , ou Tuesday, afteruoon. - Saline ( Hi-l Vel'. John Tate sheared on the 28(Ii of April, niiteen .made raiiK the BeeoM averageil ,'iij poundt One of thee rama sheared J ' poilliÜK) Ou the the 'Ji of May Mr. I;h. KheNred .-even two year old gi-ade nes, üveraglnjt 17 pounds and 2 ounces. - Saline Observar, A Waghinjrton dtoptltOh announces an elpected visit of "seventeen year locusts,"' Hits year, ::nd kiv, the injury they will uitliet will probably be conlimd to fruit tiees. In a visit of these creatures in -ome ot he western states several years a", injiii y as chietly to oak tieis; umI tint eoitstrtéd meiely In the killing by iheir tlotd tlie sin ill twigs at the ends ot the branches - II we ezcepi the damage to human nervei eauwd by the (trlduloua ibraiions of Iheir straiifre vocal oran. l'he bea.-t is net, a loenst at all. - Yp-ilanlian. It set'ins probable tliat at no dstnnt lay, the ihores of the Dead Sen will be mui' tliP site u' val iou important iiultis uich. The wateri of tin sea ubouud In liemlCHl s.'lt of great v.-iriety - (liey are even di (íi'lit times more s;ilt than tliO9e t' ihe o.imii. Théae s.-ilis ure chloride! .1 snil .mu, iii.-igne-iiiin, CmIcíUID and poi.i-.-iiun All dI tin m moclj used in the ¦ ris and smne of tlicin liivi ni tpecla valne. Wil li t lic prugppctlve opening u flbe K .1-1, jiii-iii upou the Berlli iriüiy, we ni.iv latioiiftlJy expecl i mnltl iiciition of tor iravel and transDoitRtlon. Wit h tliese facllltlea estab lislieil, Wonder ful legión of wliicl uie Deiid Sci is the cent ie, offers oppor tunitles for profltHble hiveitnieot óf cp lal lliat are already attraotlng uotice.


Ann Arbor Courier
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