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The Fifty-third Annual Convention Of Alpha Delta Phi

The Fifty-third Annual Convention Of Alpha Delta Phi image
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F rom sixteeu of the principal college tod inüversities of tlic country, delegatei ciimc togetber lust week ia Uiis city oí Aun Albor, to hold tlic titty-thinl hm duhI convention of the Alpha Delta Phl colirio Morel society, 'l'his fratornity, like really uil the olher Greek letter brotlierhoodt, is ¦ nalional on, and is accustomed every May to bold natlonal gatberlng, ar which delegatea trom all the ehapters Iraiisact the bUlllieSR O( the society, and together with the large nuraber ol' alumni wbom uch ui assemblage alwavsaüracis, renew thcir fraternal teilIng with scK'iai and convivial entertainment and dellghtS. This convention differed In no important respect trom other meetings of the sort, bilt as snch meetings aie somewhat unusnal bere, It wlll donbtless, be not aalntereetlng tor our readers to learn of the OUttldeand visible iiiaiiift stations wblcb ehanutfiie thls coDventlon, The deleítates begüii to anive on Tuesday, and by Weilnesüay moroing tlie hotels were tüleil with Alpha Delts, rani;ini; trom the gay aml enUinsiaslic undergraduate, to the less gay, but equally enthusiastic, gray-heaikil alumntU, in wliom a renewal of youthtul asiociations had levlved youthtul sensations. On W ednesday morniog and alternoon, business scssions of the couvention van held n thecouit room at thecouit house, trom which the public were rigidly e.oladed - this exclusión belog, indeed, about the only element of secresy visible to the outer world. On Wedoesday evening occurred rbat was perbapa the most geoerally enjojed feature of the conveiition - the public exercises of the l'iaternity, at l'niversity Hall. These exercisea are a regalar fealuiv of conventions of this and most other üïst-class foeieties, and furnUh to the world au evidence that the inlliience and films of these traternitles are üot the worst. On this occasion Uuiversity Hall was crowded, probably over two thousand people beinir In attendaiice. The stage was handsomely iitted up and deoorated by Messrs. Randall St Burnham, anil preaented u pleasant contrast to the ! ordlnarlly cheerlest wpeot f the ffrear, bare hall. The colors of the fraternity and of the l'nivcrsity, were killfully worked Into the decoratlon, whlch were ulso still further beautitied by tui abundince of llowers. l'lu. (Y..rcii'ti i'iin.ihird, nfter pr.ivii by 1). Blimclmicl, in au opening adüreu by Judge Tilomas M. Cooley, in whlch he graccfiilly defended the secrel ekfnent of the fraternity, comparing it to the secrecy wblcb rarrounds the family cl iele. 'J'his was followtid by a discusskB of "Th Uelatlon between Public and Private Montllty," by 15ish(i[) S. S. Harris, Hou. B. JI. Cuicheoii and Hou. Andrew Shmnan. Other speakers were expected, but falled from various urgent reasotu u appear. The discuMlon was not onlj n soholarly, but also xeeedinly pi'HCtical and widely varyiiif; pliasrs of theaubject trom "RenlUm and Nomiualisni" to "Piohibition " were touched ti pon. We cannot review the tpeechua at leiigtb, but can only give thi-m ;i broa! ;i i n I genem] commeuüutlon. The programóle was varied by fraternity tong, and nuisic by Speil's O:clicstra. Atieitlic inlilic exercises, a large winiiber ui' lnyited guesta repalred tq tin; new liünC i '.„nLi 1.. Obapterol Llpha Delta Phi, where receptiuH wad glven. bouse was bjautifully decorated by the unmeroua femiiiint frlfiiüa oï " the boy," floweis eapecially beiag leadlag feature ot' u.e ctecorationa. The jfood feeling exlstlng among the frateruitien was veiy liapplly Bhowu by handaome floral offeringa ent hy tiie local chnptera of Pal Upsllon and Delta Kappa Bpsiloo. TIn; ladlea wbo recelved were: Mrs. .1. B. Aogall, Mrs. T. M. i'.jiiley, Mrs. Etordman, Mis. Morris, Mrs De Pont, Mrs. Hutcblna, Airs. RomrBi J.G Pattenglll ud M rs. Miirui. D.incing wiis kept up till i late liour. On ThursÜHy mornlnj; another imsinesa Bession was held, afier wbicb the in. n. i.. ra !' the fi nieriili; took a special train for Dutioit. On ar living there, iIkv all at once embftrked on the stcam yaclit Sigtnu, woed by M. S. Smitli and Qov. AlKer, and enjoyed ;i dellgbtful rkle of tome forty miles un the river. Returning to the city in the early eveninjr, a banquet was seiveil at the Kussell House, beginning at !) p. in., and ernling consideiably later. Among the prominent alumni prewot were W. E. Qulnby, who acted as toastmaster, JUdge T. M. Cooley, Gen. L. S. Trowbridge, Prof J. M. B. Sill, Hou. E. C. Walker, Bishop S. S. Harria, and many others. On Frldavj the vlsltlng brothen icattercd to thelr lodgen wüli pleaaant recol lections of the 58rd convention and pleaiant anticlpatlona "f the S4tli.


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