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A Happy Excursion Party

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Kriday last abodt CO pnplkoi the mantial training school, of Toledo, O., visitcd tUt city, together wlili tbeir teachers, and many of ibelr parante The Toledo V Ami Arbor K. H. authorities gave the inviiaiion, and throiigli theni the excursión wm maoagud. Thedey was abeauttful one and everythlng passed oti grandly. The University (TM the point of interest, and the meohanlon) Ih borato ry u;i glven the most altentlon by the pupila, tbal beiiig the department nearesi related to the manual training couise. The chemlcal laboratory, tlie llbrary, t li ? museum, and art departmenl were visited. President Angelí and Professors Green and Taylor gava tho visitors esiecial attention. Tlie Toledo Commercial of Saturday morulng bat the followlng preamble and resolulions, p issed by the visitois Wbciikas We, tho pupllN of the inimunl training daporlmsnt of U Toledo lliyii Schouj, liavtj tlilM day been Iho gUMU "I .Mi. iiiirry Aslilcy, superintendent of the Toledo, Aun Arljur Norlliern ICitllroml. and Imvc, throuKii lila coiuu-sy. enjoyed a dellybtful excursión over the line "i nía road from Toledo i the beautlful city ol aiiii Arbor; tnerefor, Jiewlved, That 'he warmest thanks are extended to M . Ashley and hls ns.soeiaif L - cera for tlils eDjoya lo trip, on tüls, tlie most perfect of spr ng Uay. Resolved, Tliat our tha'ks are also exlended to President Angall, Professor Ureen, Prufeuof 'l'uylor nd oLner olllcers ol the Mlobl an L'ntver8lty, for the opporlunlty of vittttlDg the iin'chiini -al and cliemlcal laboratoi'lts and othi-r clt-});iilinentH of thelamous Unlverislty, and also t the lamily ol Uov. Asiilcy lor numerou courtesU extended on Lilis OOOAllOll, Wealsoe tend uur t' aiiks to our conductor. Mr. Hoolh, and to tlie Ann Arborn out, Mr. riillllps, for tne most considéralo eiiiiri bavlng been nared on i luir part to lunke our trip enjoyable and prorttubie. We shall also remember wllh pleasure the lunch upon the grand old lawn of the HUI D ausiou. Sui'h visil.s all tend to bnikl up OW un Ir eral ty and our city, and are occasions that Ann Arb. iiles dellght in. Laat Frkbty h yoang gentleman was broaght before Juatlce FruMiiffand flned $3 tor küiing a Bulclmore oiiolc. Aa tiie the law in respect to our loof-blrda cloesn't seem to be known, we once again pabllsh it, tor the benefit of our amateur sportsuieo: "Any person who sbtill at ;uiy time, witliin thiri Ktate, klll any robin, night-liawk, rhlppoorwlll, flnch, tbimb, lark, tpurrow, cheny bird, bluebird, brown tlirasber, wren, martin, orlóle, woodpecker, bobolink, pt any song-bhd, (r rob tlu.' nel ut' iucb btrdt, ihall be ifiiilty of B mhdemaDor, and on oonvlotion theieof fthall be flned $r for each bird si) killed and eacb nest so rubbed, or eon fined in the county jall for ten days, or bolk bucIj line and iinprisonment, in the digcretlon of the couit." The spaxrow luis slnce beea dropped troto the list, and is ooDBldered an eoemy to oiher binis, imd ;ii-n in iiie farmer and gardener, An eflort is belng oude iy the Jobn Brown Memoiial AasocUtion of tbe Dnlt1 States u t-rvct i fitting tnemorinl foi that grand kl martyr, if bojeare li is llf tor the cause of freednm. Dr. .1. Washington, Jr, wbo is the president oí tluabuve auoclut'on, has leen in the city ¦ereral days securlng nlMcrlptioiia In tluInterest oi the enterprlne. llt: h;is letters provtng hls Meiitity. and we re plexied ti note meeting with excellent eocceas. The HHociatlon proposea to establisb ¦ 'ïifc acbool for all In Diemory of Jobu Brown. achnol, whlcb will le loc ited in Sprlngfleld, 111.. will b an iodustrial oollege, all stndenta (craduatlng uitli a tntde. and will be open to applic.uiis ot all nationHiltlei and frotu hII parts of the country. ïheground hatalreadj I ti (lonaieil i $2i.0OU aubecribea TTié Building II tté 830 Wel BquHie, witli i round (crunite ibnfl i xteiidliig 50 feet above ilie eentcr, ili a Ar 'i:itne of Jfthn Brown i j top. Mr. .). IL Schau] has donated the (irouud for tbe pui puse near the Liuculu müiiuiiieiH. Wr ftre mil bo -me buc the cutnie iroposeil in the fellowlng, trom tlw Yiilunti bentlne), is a good 01 ¦: ¦] he Ainerloan nssoolallOD for the advanceiihji I ol scieuce, win hold iis arnu 1 meeting in Aun Albur mis year, and ihe Aim aihortans are plutniiiK llieiiist'lvt:s on ihe i oom tin-ir burg wiil gri by tlie event. DonblleM maiiy f oor Bttuena woold Bttend th dm y sessions if Hiere were any obeap wny of KOlng and returalngatouuvemenlhoura. AnUtlils I is DOt Uie only occasion wberewuch nieauuare iieL-tled. ïheie is 8'inething couslamly occurring In one place or the olher, ihal would ntiiiKi iiuiiilM ii tack and lurth il a reatly and eheup irai sitweie provlJed. Ann Arbor and Ypilantl have eai-h tiioughl of horstra Iways, luit, nelilier can see u protit lu the enterpiise. Cerlaluiy one confliieu lo thls city would not be wor. h a cent. liulitarail way coiiinctlng tlie lwo plucex were built there is lit tle l,.ubt tha it would ue a paylug iDVeulment. It shoulil be run ironi depot lo depot, passing tlie university, normal school, and business paris of euch city, wlnch WOOld Insurt! a paying patronage. Ou tlus )ioMisecl rond tlie cars could be propelled by what railroad men cali a "dummy," and In tbi w&y lxrge pardea cotikl be acoommodated and the liours of running made to snit the occasion. When inoiH-y i;ets as plenty here :is it 8 In Ma tacllUMttS, for instance, this schetne will be workcd out. But the one who propOMd it will ncver see thedream reulized. A Sanitary ConTMltloD, undcr the auspices of the state board of he iltli, to bc held at Vpsihinti, on Tuesl;iy, the 30th of this iiioutli and on Weilnesda.v, the lst of July. Amonte lll vice-piesklents is Hou. W. D. flurrimni, of thla city. Aniong the addretiet wiil be one of welconie by the Hou. C. L. Yost, mayor of Ypsilanti, and nlso one by Hon. Edwin Willits, whoactsas president of the eonvention. The followlng 8 a list of the subjects to be discusscd: 1. Ihe present hihI future water supply of pslluiill ; ils relulliius to bud LealUi unit tu ilükneu from oen al n tiinnino. L'. Dlapotul ol 'siops niid KHiljiigc. . Draluaga umi ¦werago of Ypllautl. 4. Causes ui Malaria lu V pniluiui. 6. Prevention ofoómraanloaUa dtatua 7. MniltatioiiH uud duUes uf local bours of 8. Sanltary condltlnn and needs of school buildings and ironndi. M. Practical delaiU of inanauement ofearth oloaeta 10 Iniluence ofsewerage und drainage upon tlieÜL-uili-rateln ciii.s. 11. Alorul etleclsof sanitatlon. The papers are exprcted to be origina coutribiilioiis, whlch wben read are to be considered the property of the convention, and to bc kit with the secretary. Programs wlll be tesued before tbe convenlion. Tlie Ypsilanti Sentinel refers to some of the scruptilously sensitive people tlius: "On of onr cleigyinen o!ijects to receiving the Sentinel, becaose we bare ie re ral times niiide use of tbe word ' dampbool.' Wesliall heieafter write It- phool ; and il we bare to name eertalo plaa In Holland, l write Amster- , Rotter-, etc. it remlndi us of the nice young lady who wlabed to wnd a mnmgt ti Potadam, Pa. She wrote ' I'ots' and bwltated. At ter a pause she hiinded the blank to the operator, taylng 'wlllyou write the rest pleasev' We respect nice scruples, but we have no dm (6r Uien) ouwelve." Thk great uatiouitl camp maetlng,whlc]i is to be held ut Lansing, June 13 to 21 ander the ituplcei of tfie Methodltta, pron ItMtO be a greuter afluir thtiu last year ulnn eightiicn states were represen tfd. Bishop Mallalleu, of New Orlcans, has been eagaged and will be present, al.-o Kev. Drs. McDoiiuld aml Steele of UustOD.


Ann Arbor Courier
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