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C. R. Miller of Adrián was [n town last Wednesday. We regretto learn that E. J. Morton is on the sick list Mrs. Jas. E. Field, of Alpena, is iu the city, visiting rchitives and friends. Capt. Manly took in the political situation at Washington dui ing the week. Fred. Root and Wm. Baxter went to Chicago Saturday nlght, prosoectino;. Register of Deeds Kearns expects to be a resident of Ann Arbor after Junelst. Mrs. 11. Woodard has been visiting friends in Detroit during the past week. Lou C. Gooilrich, bas been under the weather for several days duiïng the week. John F. Lawrence and E.D. Kinnevisited Detroit yesterday on important business. Jas. J. Quarry was called to Sandwich, Ont., yesterday, by the the death of au a unt. Miss Angelí gives a reception to-night in honor of Miss Ambrose, of Cambridge, Mass. Miss Kmily Smith, daughter of Dr. W. B. Siuitb, Is visiting friends lo Rochester. N. Y. A. L. Noble has been contined to bis borne several days by a severe throat trouble. Rev. Orrln Whitmore, of St. Isnace, occupied the Methodist pulpit Sunday mornl&g. II. J. Brown bas gone to Lansing as a meniber of the third house on the pharmacy bill. MissFrankie Sweeney and Master Lawrence Swecney spent Sunday with frieuds in Detroit. Mrs. Moore, of Negaunee, Is stopping for 8ome weeks at A. Moore's on N. Thayer st. Mis. J. M. Arnold, of Albion, spent Sunday with her daugïitcr, Mrs. Willis Boaghton. Probate Register Doly and wifc have beeu visiting old friends In Manchester during the past week. E. A. Phillips, the Toledo & Ann Arbor station ageut, leavos to-day for a week's stay in New York. Dr. W. II. Bmltb of St. Clftlr, was in the city last week. lic was the tirst in the U. of M. to receive the Ph. D. degree by examination, in 1876. Mrs. James Kennedy, and dallghter Hattle, who have been visiting friends in Au u Aibor, for some time, have returned to tbeir home in Ionia. Orin Slair of the Ilowell Republlcan, bas been in the city, during the week, looking after hls nteiests iu the circuit court. He made the Courikb an excecdingly pleásaiit cali yesterday.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News