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Trlnmpli of Science. Ciiemlotry Bever HchWed a more decideil tiininiih tlian in the rm uction of 8OZODONT, which i h botan tcal pippiiitii f wondrodfl efficucy In presfivlng and benntifying the taetli, reseuing Uitm iniin decay, and renderlug tbem as white as atabHSter: It is a toilet luzury 01 which Ril bouid avail ili in-elvt's The Hiipleusantodor commuuicttted to t )¦¦ breMtb by l'.atarrh, b 1(1 tiM'lh clr la ntlru y nlivintRil iiy tiiis trayrmit and salutary uutist-ptic oi which one bottle last a long time, Diugjfists anti perfamowetl it. fr in 1245-1248. " O,doctor. I'm -ut as; n ! I'ni so much obli-red toyou," ui leonvitlcM-encwsrmly ttiaking thé docior'i liand. '¦ Win I duln't even know you'd been II, und h.iviliever been to see you,'' siiid tlie doctor. JThat's it - tlmt's whut mitki-s me obliged to you." In Holland, Mich., 0. J. Doetbary publishesthe News, ami strongly reconmiends Dr. Thomas' Ecleutric Oil tbr coughí, 9ore throat, catan h und astliina. iMiifrlttffi is made of the bladder of the sturgeon ndotlicr kindred lish. Themxk ing nf Iflnglwa is Uie eal-st tliing in the woild 'j'he bladder of tlie Hall U cut into pieces, worked, tlien spread on boards, and dried in the sun. The muscular and tleshy pirts are taken uffaori tlie Isinylaw is ready Pr oommcroe It it is bleaelied with fumes of sulphuric acid lt ItnproTet its uppearance and fetches a better priee. Just as Good. Many bnscrnpnlous dealers muy teil yon the? bam remedies Ihr Coojrh and Colds equal in il mul incvi'ry ifspect jusi al rood :is thé old reliiible Dr. Booinko Cougli and LnngSyrup, unlcssyou insist opon tliis rerdeay and wil! tnke no nther, jou iré Hable ureatly deceired. Price 60 cents and $1.00. Soid by Eberbch & Son. A fair muiden of Keokuk, Ia., hiivintr been jilied ly tlie licad wailrr ol a hotrl, went to siiout liim, wliereupon, in the most nognliant manmr pÓMlble, be kiiocked ber down witii ¦ most gkillfull.v aiuaed piale, He was a gay ili-h beaver. A Wtiiidcrfiil Kiscovery. Consnmptivs and uil, wlio snlfiT f mm auy iffi ctioi of tlie Thrat and I.uugs, eau fiadas cinc in Dr Knifr's X,-u )iOovery ïor Coimumptlón, Tiiousand of penniin-iit ettres vtiifv the truth of this statement. Xo medicine can show midi a record of wondert ui eines. Tbnaiundaof once liopless suffere now (fmtffillly proclaim theyowe r lives to til In New Di-covery. lt wil] osi you ftothin to glT ii a trial. Pree Trial Bottlef n Ëherbnch Sc Son's drug -torn. Ltrge xlae, $1 00. Allftreat men liaveaom eccentrlc hHbit, and now Unit Slttlng Huil is beoomlnjrclv ilized lie Is rini an ecc-ption. Whenerer the great chlef nppttsta at dlnner lie carefully ualolds lus iiupkin, spreads it npon a cbair and mis npon it. Lame Bick? Hniii'i. [Kidney and Liver] liemedy eim-s discres-iir IÜMUM ol diabetes, gravel, and rc-tention of urine. Aninquirerasks: "Hmvcan [ teil cIhbsical müc?" Tlmt is easy eiioutrh Wln-ii yon hear eVeiybody applaud nul look roli.-vt-l iifler flie piece is tli,i-h,.,i, yon cm know tbal ii is strtctly classlcwl. 1 Ikivc I.miii.I "8ay6 ÁdilJsuil," tht tbr nn'ii ulio aie iiinal tond of the lailirs, who clicrish liw tlnin the Mybesl fOlpect, arseldoin the most poptllar uith the sex. Menofgreat iis.-urance, w tongue are hung Hghtly, whognpply the place ol ideas, and plaoe emnpHmenU In the room of ehtiment, are thelr faroritex. However time inakes many Cbsnges. The ladies sec thelr niisiake, and are as wise in their preference, u Hnv were when they gtopped hiiying poor Baking Powder, umi bought DeLand's Chemical Bukiug Powder. Bopnt amber, wiin a Httle Venetinn red mixed with porter, makea a dark oak stain Burkleu's inilca Sa'Te. Thí lies! Salve n liie worl.l for Cuts, Bruisea, Sorea, lieer-. ShH Uheuin, Kever 8orea,Tetter, ühappeti Hands, Chilblatix, Corns, and all Skin Eruptlona, and poaitlvely cures Piles, or no puy requJred It laguaranMed i o srlve perfect satistiictioi, or moiiey lefundt'd. l'rice 35 oenti per box. For Sale by Bberbath Son


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