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Answer l'liis. My motlier says Htp Bitters is the only thlng tliHt vvill keep lier tïoni s vere :ittucks of paralysta and beudacbe. Ed. Qowego Bun, My llttle, siekly, puny baby, wis i'ba ncd into t freut bouncini; boy, nud I was niised fr.mi a siek bed by usiug Hop Bitters a fliort lime. A YOCNQ MoTlll.u. N use to worry abmit anv Llver, Kidney or urlnary troubie; eiipeeï illy Briyht'a Diease or Diabetes as Hop Bitters never tails ol a cure wliere a cure is punible. I had si'vere attacbs of gravel inil Kidney truublf ; W;ti Ullnblr to gv% :my medicine or doctor tu cure me uoill I u-el Hop lïiciois. Tltey cureü me m pborl time. '1'. U. Atty. Is tliere a person living w bo ever saw a cuse of Hgvif, billoasoeM, nervousiHT or neuralgia, or :my dl86HW "f tlie sioinacli. livcr or kidiieys tllttt Hop Bitten wijl Dot cure? Unhenlty or inaciive kidneys c;iu?e gravel, BrightH ili-c.isc. rheumalUm, and a honl ol utlier cerious and tntal illteMse, ¦ , in, )¦ , nu I ,m i, nirvl wllll niI 1511tei t it taken in time LODINGTON, Mkh., Fi'b. 2, 1879. 1 liave soul Hop Bituis fiyr fur yeata, and tlicie is no medicine tliat ,-m mm-.thein for biliims att;u-ks, kidi ey coinplaints and all ütoenses incident, lo thiu nialarial elimate. 11. T. Alkxakuek. Miism.ii MlCH., Sept. 26, 1875. SiKs-Ilmve in-m laking Hop Bitten tor ihllaminat on ol kldil'-saliil biathltT, il hus (linie Kir me wlmt lour docton lal ed lo dn - curadme. Xhe ell'iut of tht biiieiü seemed like magie to me. W. L. CAUTUR. Gents - Your Hop Hiuprs been of Kreat vHlue to me. I was hi il np w tli typhold lor over two montbs, and could K' l oo rellel uniil I tri. -d jour Hop Bitten, To thoise lul fermir troin di'lnlity or one In leeblti liciiuli. 1 cordial ly reoommood Uieiu. J. 0. 8TOKTZKL, 6.i Faltón Btreet, Cliit-.iBo, 111. Mis. Blank : "Is your barher n malician f" Mr. lilink:'"Not tlmt I knmv Of." Mr. Blank: "Tben why does h cali hinkelt h ' profeor ' il' he is nol n iolinisi, or somerliinfr ?" Mr Blank: "Oh, that is because lie flddlea aroum' a rustomerV face In a violint nianner wlth a viol ut razor." Very Remurkable Discoyery. Mr. Geo. V Willink, f Manchester, Midi., willes: " Jlv wile Imi Ijitu alino.-t helpleu tor live yai, so be! plees thal he emiid Dot turn over in bi il alono. Sbe nse.i two Bottle of Electric Blttf re, ar.d Ie so inucli ImproVfHi, that she 1 able now to do lier owii work." Electric Bitten ill do all thal is claim ed for tliein. Ilimdreds of teatimoniali attest tlu'ir jrreat curatlve powerg ()i i flfty cent a bottle ut Bberbucb S Son"s. ' An eminent pby.siciau says tbat " i babj mnstnot be allo wed to Rleep tli its motilar." .J list as If anyboily ever kneu' of I baby tliat ever slept witli its motber oi anyliody el.-e. A baby liever jfoe. to sleep until it is time for everybodv else lo gei up. Tben bow tlielitlle ilarling wilt sleep A Pure and Rbliabi.E Mbdicinb.- A compound fluid extract of root, lfa?e, bark anti berries s Burdock Jjlonü Iüii.i Tkey cure all diseaftes of the blood llver, and kidneys. Stage rninatrer - "Whatfa the matter down ri-!" HalU-t girl- ¦(), i tin ciirypliccs h:is falnted. " Wel], uke nfl Illat foal Of !' ¦ I Mini t'lnlll llcl lu'[',-i]. loon her wi;r. lier iri nnl clauyliftT III attend Co her. We want the c,f yon up liere lor the inow scène." Eb' rbaeh & Sou Hip I)nir!sis,vliii arp iilways Innklna ,ii ter tlic of their cn-iciincrs, have iiow Mourecl tbe sale nf Dr. Unsuiko'Gugli anti Lu"(C Svnii, a tlinl neTor falla fu bure ( nlda, I' ihis n the Cliest and all Lung Afffdloii. F"i prooi; iry ;i free nmple bottle. Regular size Bfl cents and $1 00. The gooii Siintl;iy-scii",,i teacher cate cliiscii the good ii. iy Suiniiiy. "Whal ilid Clirisi siv alioiii MltUj cliiliIrcM y Imankcd. The Unit' fcllovv ;in-w. rcil. "Sul ft-r lilllc Olllldl'en to culi.' uut.) in. - hui tor goodneu suite dont tay I toldyou." Advancin sirin wam ns to be prepared for warmer vreather. Btreñgtben ihisvstem, purlfythe blood, liy (kini; Hood's Siiisiiniiilla. Cure Cor Pllea. The Mrst ymptom of Piles is an Intente Itchlogat nijflit nucí gi'iiiiij, arm. 'fliig unpleuBDt KnMtlon is humedtately reIfeved iy an appiicatlon of Dr BoHankn'ti Reinedy. Piles in uil fornig, Itcb, Sak Kiienni and Ringworm can lie perMiiiiiciilly cured liv lili; use ut' til tl grñal renifdy. Trice 50 cents. ManulUiiuie.l by tlie Dr. Bosanko Medicine Uornpauy, PiquH, O. Hold by BberbHch & Sou 120-1258. Whn Bby wh dok, we prre her CASTOMA When he wu t ChUd, the orled for CASTORIA When she booarae Mm, ah clang to CASTOEIA I "WïnbobadChll(lrii. hgTtheiti CAST'A


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