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IT WILL PAY YOÜ TO GO TO DETROIT AND HAVE YuUB EXAMINED AND FTTTED WITH BPECTACLE8 OR EYE GLASSE8 KOEIIM aVrIGHTS, IMPORTERd, JEWELEUS AND m TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FOrI TE8TINQ EYES. AND 8ELDOMÍ PAIL TO GIVE RELTEF. , Robust Health ! not always enjoyed bv those who eem to posten lt. The taint of corrupted blood may be secretly underminiutc the eomtitution. In time, the poisoii will certainly Bhow its effects, aud w it h all t lic more virufence tbc longer it bas been ullowed to permcate thr xystem. Eacb pimple, ty, boíl, skin disorder and sense of unnatural lanltude, or languor, ia one of Nature's warnlng oí the consequences of ueglirt. Ayers Sarsaparilla Li the only remedy that can be relied upon , In all cases, to cradicate the laiutof heredltary dinea-sc and the special cormptions of the blood. It Is the only alterativo that is suffleiently powerful to tborouglily cleansc the system of Scrofiilons and Mercurial Impurities and the pollut iou of Contaglous Diseases. It also ucutralizea the poisons left by DipUtherla and Scarlet Fever, and enable rapid recuperatlon from the enfeeblemcnt and deblMty caused by these diseases. Myriads of Cures Achleved by Aykr's Sarsaparilla. In the paxt fortv yeais, are attctcd,andtbere Is no blood (lieap, at all possible of ture, that will not yicld to it. Wliatevor tha allments of this class.aud wliercver found, from the scurvy of the Arctic cirilc to the 'veldt-sores" f South Afrii-a, this reraedy ha afforded health to the sufferers by whom it wiu eniployod. Drisiwla everywherecan cite numerous cases, within tueir personal knowledsc, of remurkable cure wroufíht by it, whcre all oiher treatment had been unuvailiug. Poople wilJ do weU to Trust Nothing Else than Athr'8 Sarsaparilla. Numerou crude mixtures are offert-d to the public u "blood puriflera," whiih ouly allure the patiënt with the pretense of many cheap doses, and with which it li folly to experiment while diacase is steailily becoming more deep-9eated and difticult of cure. Sorae of these mixtures do much latlnsr harm. Bear in mind that the only medicine that eau radically purify the Yitinted blood U Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PBKPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., lowell, Mas. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; SU botües for $6. LÏJMBER! LTJMBEH! LÏÏMBER! U you contemplHte buililnr, cali at FERDON Lnui il! Corner Fourt h and Depot Sts., an 1 ge our figures for all kinils of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and giiiirantee AERY LOW PRICES JGive u a c:ill and we will mukt it to ynur intt-rtst, as nur lar;e ud wrll ifr.idtd st ik lully iusl.iiiis our sscrtion TeUpnoo ConoeUiom with Office. T. J. Kr.KCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, OEM EB AL mum tecïl i - ii OKFICIO : Oïer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COU. HUUON AND FOÜRTH;STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edlnburg. ICapIUl, $13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine Insurance Co., Cah Auets $600,UOO. Springfleld Ins. Co. of Massachusett, CaehAiaetg $1,800,000. Howard Ihs. Company of New York, Cuk Aisets $1,000,000. Agrrlcultnral Ins Co., WateHown,li.T., CMhAnets $1.200,000. Lo Llherally Adjn-'ert and Promptly Pa!d. 117 Í II more monry tlinanythln)reliebY tK 11 I 1 liman -eury lor the b.-t rrt i,k lo-k II IV „gi Ki-kiiiikT" -'K'i'i-i il ifim riv. N lie ¦ in Turuj Ir. Ualutc UooK Co., Portland, Malo.


Ann Arbor Courier
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