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National Camp, G. A. R.

National Camp, G. A. R. image
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An elegant and very tasteful circular, bearinj" on the corner the time-honored badge of the G. A. B. in bmi:ze and colar, comes to U8 from the Michijran Centra], "The Niágara Falls Route." It presenta to thu veterans all tiecessary inforitiHtion ahout the various attnctive routes it offers to the National Eucampinent at Portland, June 24th, :iml l of iimiinii.i1 puhlic interest. The inducernents to au Eaxterii trip, combinlng a rUit to olil friends, and attendiince upoi: the larget and most notable military reunion dince the war, are irresistible. Memher of the G. A. R. and W. R. C, their f .milies and sucli bands and other oijraniz itions as may accompatiy them, can pinchase of tiie Michigan Central, Kt the lowrRt rates, round trip tickets t Pol [land and return, ood for thirty days, and with the priviletre of stopping over on the return trip. The tirst route takes llii'in rijfht through iu bout forty-one liours via Niágara Falle, Bnffalo, Albany and Boston, and will be laken by the Comander-in-Cliief and sttdi, wlio?e special tr.iin will leave Chicago, Toledo and Detroit 011 the ÜOih. Thb route luis tinadvautage of the flnest views of Niágara Hom the train, the frrand pcenery trom the Hei k-lnri' uiountain-, and the historie city of Boston. The 8-cond route takes them through the wild, wondeiful pci-nery of Canada by thf new line of the Canadian Pacific, via Ottawa to Montrcal, tlience paft Memphreniajrog and othcr lovely New Enland lakes, by the uuly line running througli the heart of the White Mountains tü Portland. The third mate deicrilwd takes them by the brink of Niagura FulN and over the great. cantilever bridge, throujih the rch tteld8 of Western New Yoik, hy the bfwildering liemities of the Thonsand Islands, down the rapldn of the St. Lawrencu to M'intreal, and then throujih the White Mountaius by Fabyan's and the Notch, past the very'feet of Wásblrigton, Adams and the other giant peaks of thu 1'rrNhlt'iiliul range. A special train will run by this route and a special steamer Chartere-d. Tlie Michigan Central justly claims that no other line offert comparable attractions, grutter comfort or lovser rale, lt is first and foreinort '¦ The Niágara FulU Route." From the car of ho other rond 8 a (ood view of the FalU obtainable; wlille the Portland & Odensburic is the only line pHllng throuirh the heart of thu White Mountain región, no otherrunning wiiliia slxtceu miles of Mt Washinjfton. A bi'autifnl engraving of Niágara Falle, with the Miclilgan Central train stopping at Fall View, and a clear, wellexecuted map showlnjr In color the different routes accompany the clrculur. We presume thatany Mlchljfan Ceutikl fttcent can Mipplv a copy, hut a portal capl to ü. W. Ruggles, at Chicago, wil! undonbtedly procure one.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News