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Grant And Lee--their Relative Positions

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Ueneriil E. D. Keyes In hls new bonk, " Kifly Yeais' Obxervatiou of Men and Events,," suya : ' In deterniiimig tlie relative merk ot Grant and Lee I have betn curtrl'ul to consider all tlie qualities mid circiniiitHncfn peculiar to eacli, mul mil only tlie exuloluol tlie two Generáis, but also tlieir dUpoaitlOHI and temperament. Tlie fact that Ihe toimer linally conqneied tne lader is nut by any nieans conolusive. If l wei to see a nao take tip n gun weighing 1.000 ijouud., place It upon his aboiildtr, and walk awiiy with it. I sliouldknow without furtucr nve.-,tigatlc n ilml lie pi8Sfs.v-d extraurdinary irtreiijjtli ; bul (heKiiin orloss ufa single üattle would noc prove a man to be a food or a pour jtentTnl. Hannibiil, Turennne, Frederick, and Napul on all lost battles, and yet tliey ure cited among tbo greatest captains ot all t ui.Wellington oever quite lost a battle, but he was serioily checked, and in luis renpect Grant retcmbles the Englishman. At the approHch of Lee or ölieitnan bis aruiy would shout more entliuiastically tlian for Grant, but when the latter carne up during the flghtthe line became more sieady, aud tbe soldier would adjust his a.ra with greater accurat-y than before. Süriman Bhowed wonüertul vigor and Siigiic-ity wben he pushed Johnëou f rom Chattanooga to Atlanta, but Grant woiild drive his charlot tliroiijfh passes that öhernian would not venture to approach. There was an abatement in Lee's audacity iiuring the twenty-four hours preceding the battle of Gt-uysbuig, oiherwise he would have wou it and gained the Soutuern cause; but nowhere can I discover ilebility in Grant's tnortraent or assaultn. Grant could hold hi. eneniy in a vise witu a ruUilt-ssness like that ot Tuuiei Iane or the Dtikeot Alya, and when he had acCninpiished eveiythiiiff he left upon the iniiid ot his observer an iiupressiun that he pos.-essed a reserve of toice that had not been called into play. I am eotiatraii J cd, theretore, to assign to Ulytses S. Qraut the Uighest rank as a militaiy coniinamler ot all ihat hayu been bom on the contiuent of Anieiica.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News