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short MilviTllsiiiiioiits BOt to exceed turee ln ol LoMMMI Found. ilouses forSaleor Kent, Wants, etc, inserted luree weeks for HmH sltuatlon wanted, free. WANTED- An agent In every city and lowo to sc il lelt orders for an Eiiucaiiumil Cidopedia aul Polyglot Family Bibletoi ,,i ..11 ui.. InsUllmunt plan. Addrens, K. II. Wneelw, Aim Arbor, Mlcli. _ ÏmiII SALK CHKAP-A house and lot on 1 lirsl streel DMt Ilnron, well lOOftted. .iniy toO. 1.. Miitil.cws, Keal Eslute Agency, Ann Artiur, Mith. I.OR SALE- Fine farm of II acres In town 1 Wenster, wiii--oilel mul wati-red. Apply tod. 1.. Miitili.-WM. Keal Kstate Agency, Auu Arbor, Mloh. BOARD WITH ROOM, $3 50 per week. 75 c. nis per iluy or i') oenta per meal.and 25 cents lor lodiEinis. at Walker' liiarding House, c.irner ol Kirst and Calherlne Street, Ann Arbor. Mli'll. Filt, SALE- The threo story hrlc-k store, ooroer ol Washington and Konrth streets, and tlie triinie store inlJonhiK the game on WauntnElon ire.t. For terins, etc , enqulre of (1. f Gwlnuer. FÜR 9ALE - 2.1.000 GARDEN PLANTS. Early Cabbage (Jersey Wakefleld), Toiimio, i Llvingstuu, ' ewest and i csl). order Ulied eitlier at urrx'ery stores or del'vered f ordeied Oy mail. Leltoy N P ttlson, P.O. Box, luSI. Garden, 1H 'alle soulu on State hl I rfl. HOUSE FOK RENT and neurly new furniture Ktoves, etc, etc. torsair. Xnquireat No. 12 South Unlve:slty Avenue. Illave a few Colonles of IIK.KS not In very good condillon, whlch 1 wlll sell elieaji as I ain nol able to care for them, also llivisan.l tlitures extra. No. 30 North state .it reet, N. A. Prudden, Aun Arbor, May 1, '85. HOUSE FORSALE-No. 86 East Washington Slreet. Term reasouable. "IOH BALE CHKAP.- Office Furulture- X Tables. Desks, etc. 58 Huron street. WAÑTED---ROOMS. Iwishto secure ellher furnlshed or unfurnlshed rooms lor llght housekeeping, tor Hik college ol '86 and 8. Address box 326 Auu Arbor, glvlus location and descrlptlon of rooms. OR 8ALE- House, lot and barn, R9 Washington iStreet. on easy ternas. Apply to J.H. Peebles, on the premlses. FOR SALE- Ten acres of land on Miller Ave good for garden Ing or Ninall frulu. lo be sold cheap. Apply to Jas. Kwirns, Register of Deeds office. LOANIXO-Money to loan on flrst-class Real Estáte Morlgage at Cnrrent rates of Inierest. atlsfactory arrangements matle wlll) capltallsts UeMrlng Buch lnvestmenls. Every conveyance and transactiun In abstracts of tltles earefully exaralned as to legal effect Z P. KINO. Auu Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News