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Valuable Relics

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Miss Mary Murphy of LeBoy, N. T., lias preseuted to Lewis Cass Risdon of this city for the benefit of the Wushtenaw County Pioneer Society, a map of the surveyed portions of Michigan, publislicd by Orangt! Risdon, father of L. C. Risdon, in 1825, sixty years ago. It was trom this map tliat Mr. Farmer obtained the notes which he used in the publicatiou of his lii-t map of Michigan, while he was at work for Mr. Risdon as a survejror. O range Kisdon surveyed the United States road from Detroit to Chicago in 1824. Mr. Risdon has also preseuted to the society four certified copies or maps of the townships of Pittófleld, Lodi, Saline and York, taken from the books of the U. S. land office at Detroit, containing the names of the first purchasersof tandt in those townships with the d;ite of purchase. The map of the survey by Mr. Risdon as well as the township maps have been so carefully kept that they are as perfect na when made. Miss Murpliy and Mr. Risdon wil! accept the tlianks of the society for this valuable addition to the relies of the association. The following faets taken from Inspector General Kidd's report of liis tour of inspection among the 26 coinpanies composing the four regiments M. S. T, will be read with interest by many of our citlteni : The percentage of attendance at tht! inüpectioo, compared with the numbcr ou the rolls, was as follows: Monroe, 06 per cent; National Guard, Detroit, 9"; Scott Guard, Detroit, 83; Adrián, 80; Grand Rápida, 80; Big Rapfds, 77; Grand Haven, 75; Tecumseh, 75; ColdwaUr, 70; ManUtee, 74; Liglit infantiy. Detroit, 60; Ionia, 67; Port Hu ron, 67; Lansfng. 70; Ypsilanti, 62; Ann Arbor,59; Th ree Rivers, 58; Custer Guard, Grand Rapids, 57; Flint, 56; ï:ist 9glnftW, 55; Bay City, 50; Mason. o(i; Kalaniiizon, 43. Gen. Kidd asserts that tliere are too many men on the rolls of each company, and that those who do no duty and join for the benefits of the animal encampment sliouid be weeded out. Aüain, soine men have been known to lui in-li substitutes who go to camp, answer tlieir names, and draw pay, the same as tlioiiLh the muti himself had been present. About half of tlie men need new clothing, and he recommends issuing new tronsers to all the troops at once, and the oíd ones kept for future ur. Alioiil 200 huwt uniform coats, OOO new pairs of trousers and 100 new helmets woutd eqalp the 20 companies. All the clothing :mil eqnlpmeot of the Marquette company wei e burned, and t must be furnished with arms, uniforms and accoutrements throughout. Ainong otlier reconiuiciulaliotis the inspector-general fjivora the discontinuance of the Sharpe rifle and the issuing of the Sprinfield rifle, calibro 46. The Superintendent of the poor paid the jnil their semi-anmiul visit Monday, and found that the records showed 194 commitments since Nov. 25tli, '84, for the following causes: Disorderly, 28; drunk, 121 mn uit and buttery, 4; larceny, 19; trespass, 3; insane, 4; aaault with intent to kill, embezzlement, kidnapping, forgery, housebreakintf, slander, non-supDort. thrpnta, p')rh 1; dlatUrhUMM of tlic peace and adultery, each 2; stealing ride on cars, 3. We flml that 123 of these coniuiitinents were made between the 25th of November, '84, and Jan. lst, '85; leaving only 71 from Jau. lst to the present, under the reign of Sheriff VValsh. Quite a difference, eh ? The supcrintendents found tlie jail in good condition, clean and healthy. Tliere are four prisoners at present conflncd in the jail. The Ypsilanti Commercial comes out in a sniíill edition - on account of the recent flie tliat burneü tbém out. The coming out at all shows pluck, under the circumstances. The fullowing notice may explan) to some of its readers the reason they have not received even that much: Oursubscription list being In as hes ifany of onr sucrlbers to recelve the paper please notlfy os by brlnging or mailing a copy of your paper toour address. The name and Urne to wlilch It is paid is printed on the paper o( every malled subscrlber. Culllrg off the tab and sending li to us wlll answ.r equiilly as well. They can be lea al the postofllce on Ui Is slde or at lile depot postofflee On hi 111.1, ¦ w appers the name will not be foundon thepaper-Find wrapper lf posslble. Last Saturd;iy, John Harrer, who is agent for the Germán government lottery, au old country institution, received a cablegram that ticket No. 26,685 liad diawn 10,000 marks- a mark beinr equal to about 23 cents of our money. Adam D. Seyler and Christian Gauss each held a quarter iban in this ticket, and deducting atí expenses, the samo will net eacli one $488 75. Quite a nice little llft. And they received the money to-day. L. H. Bulkley, formerly of the Standard Publisliing House, of thls city, and Dow a meruber of the John 8. Willey Publishing Company, of Cincinnati, will remain in thlt city for several days in tlie interest of tlieir latest publication " Kingg of Capital and Knijrhts of Labor." We cali attention to the book in another column.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News