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Prof. Kent delivered his last lecture today. Mrs. Keenan, took B trip to Detroit Monday. Lawn tennis tournament Satnrday on the cxnipus. Miss Allie Brooks, of Detroit U vlsiting frlends in the city. Miss Allie Mclntyre, of Detroit, is visiting friends in Ann Arbor. Glee club sings at Pontiac Monday evening, and Orcbard Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Wirt CornwHl bas returned home from a visil to her parents In Chicago. The pleasant face of B. F. Bower of the Detroit Post, beamed in upon us Monday p. m. J. E. Wyman was in from Detroit, Monday, looking after his interests in this city. Gen. Wahr and wife left last night for a three weeks' visit to Council Bluffs, Iowa. Miss Abbie A. Pond is stopping for a few weeks with relatives and friends in the city. Mrs. C. J. Kintner wlll return to Ann Arbor from Washington, D. C, next Tuesday. Lew Taylor's bicycle got balky Monday night, and threw hini, but it didn't hui t murli. Loren Heulon, one of Ann Arbor's old boys, was in town yesterday for a few hoars' stay. Mr. William Eberbach leaves in a few days to engage with Messrs. Dodge & Co., druggists, Detroit. Helen, oldest daughter of Will W. Douglas, bas been dangerously ill for several days with plemisy. J. Ashley Keith, of the Caro Jeffersonian, was in the city filteen or twenty minutes last Friday. John Annstrong has removed from Thompson to No. 13 Elizabeth et., thus being nearer his business. E. K. Freuauff returned last Thursday, from a trip to East Saginaw, Flint, etc., where he had been on business. Mr. Aaron K. Stiles, of Chicago, manager of the Van Depoele Electric Manufacturine; Co., was in town Friday. Regent Whitman, of Ypsilanti, has been doing Washington in company with Mrs. hitman for several days. James Kitson arrived in Ann Arbor Priday, having stopped for several days in Detroit on his way from England. Hon. A. J. Sawyer left Monday morningfor several week's stay at his old home in New York state, to rest and recupérate. Misa Eliza Chase, of Utah, a former r.-sident of Ann Arbor, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Shaw, of Shlawassee Co , are vifitiiig friends in this city.