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' xhï LETS BJEtSOTCT BY. THÏ TT. 0. OOVT I TO CAHBY THE FAST MAIL GOING WEST. OWLY LUTE EÜ1Ï1TIIÏ0 TWO THEOUGE TKAINS DAILY FEOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA &ST.LOÜIS, Througb the Heart of the Continent b wty of Puclfic Junction or Ornaba to DENVER, orvia Ksnxiui Ctty and Atohlsoa to Denver, conQ.Mlnf; ín Union DepolH at kaunas Ctty, Atcnlaoa, OnittüK aud lJeiiver wllh throagh traljib for SAN FRANCISCO, aua all polnu In the Fax West, bhortest IJricto KANSAS CITY, And all polnta tn tbe Soutb-WesL. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Hjionid not forget tbefacttbat Round TrlptlrkMs t reducé rata caá be nureíiuicd vla Hila ;riin Thniuali í.lue, toall iue üalth and 1 1 r Kesoru uf tue West and Houth West, Itcluding theMounialns of CULOttADO, Ihti Valley of toe Yuiemlte, tüe CITY OF MEXICO, aud all pola In the Mexlcan ttepubllc HOME-SEEKERS Hnould also remember tbat thls line leids direct to the beart oí the Uoverumeut and Hat road l.unun Ín Ni'hraiKa, Kansas, Texas, Colorado und WasblngJun Terrltory. Itla knoirn the Krent THHOUOH CAR LINE r Ainorlca, ajjd Ís uulvergally admltted to be the t'inrst Ednlpped Itnllron.l in tho World for all classes of Travel. Through Tickets vía thls line for sale at all Ktlroaa Coupon Ticket OUioa lu tue Uulted htate and Cauada. T.J. POTTKR, Vlce Pres. and Oen. Manager. I'JOÍCKViL, LOWKLI,, Uen. Pasa. Ag't Chicago. JNO. i. A. BEAN.Oeu. Eaatern AK1!, 17 Broadway. Nhw York, aud WS Wasuliixton i., liuaiuu. Conimls.sioner N'otice. STATBOC MK;llIf)AN,C.Mint) o; WhlcniM.. The undtMHÍgnfd haring buen M[ionted l) th l'rnb ilt' (!urt fr Hiil CmntN. ('miiini-!'! ro receivu. azimlOL aud adjut h!1 c1iiidif and dijniai.lí. I all penoiM atmfattt the fstáhfi "i l'aviri (udfiey. late of -aid countv, tl" eaed. heif by kívc ' otu 'hat fix moiitliH Inim date ülluwed, hy ordt-r if said rYobattt Conrt, lor cre4Utir to pi'nwtol ttieir dalmc sffaijksl tbe eiltatfl "' tald deceHced. and tliat they wiil mwt ut the storo oí' Bacb A'n 1. iri thi city oí A :i Arljor, ín said coui'ty.on 'i u - duy, the tuurth daj of umti,and on w crlti'-diy. tin; fociith da.v of Ñt.v. mhi-r ntu,uten u'eleck . vt. ot'rach of raid days, to reci-ivt-, exaniiiu aiidad ii-t tald rbiiin-, Dai-d, May 4 1-S. Ji'B M. WHEEL H. I „„„ . . ,„ l'.. ii.ll' bach. füommMlonera, iT F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, mixed'candies AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Frosh stiok andy for I 5 ci-ntn per pon 1 t A. F. HANGTKHr'KR's, KgoaUi Muin Si reet. frenoh Mlxed CandJpt foT 15 eM T IXMíml. ;it A. K HANGTERFEB'8, -H .Mhíii .Street. N'lce Orngc only 15 rrnti por , iit A. F. ÈANOHTBRFBRij nt M MhIu Btre.-l. AU kindt of XHTTH, tflGS, DATES BA1MN8 and V ILAGA i;!AI'-;s. „i A. F. HawCSTIRFER'S, X". 28 Muln Street, - Ann Arl)'MDrCLARKE nH9,lK i Eítabhsbed 1851 ( Merrill PntllBatt! 1 DETSQIT, MItH, I Block. ftgjBW The regular oíd established Wíl 5ÍK?í?SliI"ysician and 8urReon DK. Vf% yjj]lCLAEKE. at the oíd number ni ff' TfíBI ]vlcont'nues t0 treat wiih his usual 111 QCT Jílgreat skill all private, laV iam In chronic, nervons and special DE-CLEKEisthc bMSSBfaHüKt Advertising Physician, as liles of Papers show and all oíd Rcsiucnts kuow. Age and Important"Nervons DiBeatestwi'h or without dreams,) r debUitjr and loss of nerve power treated scientificaüy by new methodt wiih never failing succes. l&-l mkn no difference what you nave taken or Who hai lailed to cure vou. "Young men and middle-affed men and all who suffer should consult the celebrated Or. Clarke at once. 4-Th= teriible poieon of all bad blood and skin dis. asea of evtry kind name and nature completely eradicated. Kemembar, that one horrible disease, if neilecied or improperly treated, ourses the present and coming generations. 9"Diseaitd BischargCJ cured promptly without hindrance to business. Both sexes consult oonfidentially. If in trocble, cali or rnte. Dslays are dangerous. "Procrastination Is the thief of time." A written warranty oí cure giren in every oase undertaken. - Send two stamps for oelebrated workl on Chronio, Nervous and Delicate Diseas.s. You have an exhaustive symptomatology by which to itudy your own Cases. Consullation, personlly or by letter, free. Conjult the old Doctor, Offioesandpailors private. Vou seo no one but the Doctor. Before confiding irour case consult Dr. CLARKE. A (riendly letter Jr cali mjy save future suffering and shame, and idd golden yearjtolife. Medicine sent every where lecure from Hours, 8 to 8 ; Sunday, ) to u. Address lettert: F. ö. CLiRKG, i TI. D., Merrill Bloek, Cor Woodward and fefferson Aves. OEIS0IT, MICH. Dbtalned in the United States and ForeignCoun. trie. „„ GEO.H I.UTIIIKIP, 70 Grlswol' " Detroit, Heb. ' BALL'S COBSETS A FINE SUITE OF Rooms fop Offices OVK.R TUK NF.W POST-OFFICE. sri'Pi.iKD wiTir Watkr and ¦ STEAM. i Those rccently occupled by Dr. WlLaoK J can now t.e rentod by inqulrlng at the TOTTRIKR OFFICE. liucklen'4 Árnica Sa re. The Bcsi Salvo in the workl tor Cuts, Bruises. Sores, L'lcers, ShIi Rlieum, Fcver Sores,Teit..r, CliMpped Hmiils. ClillhUliilL C'nins, and ill Skin Eniptions, Rnd positively curi-s Piles, or no pav rcquired It isgUHnintecd to (flva perfect s-itist..clioi., J or muney refnnded. l'rice 38 'eutë ptr t box. For Sale by Bbwbh & Son. ,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News