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stwrt :ui Tri isi'iiii'iii.s i.oi to exceed three li iii-s, of Lost ana Fouud. House for Sale or But, Wants, etc.. inserted tliree weeks for 2.1 ttnt simut lonh unica, free. SHIRT ikomm. imule eaaj hy th in-w prwciw ol preparing and nsing starch. KquulH wteam Lanndry instructlons. Malled ai recelpt of 15 ccuts- dlme and slamps. Address A. Speer, 281 21st Street Detroit, Mlch. WANTEI - An agent In every city and town lOHoliolt orders for an Educationai l'ydoprdia a.m Polyglot Kaïnily Blble lor oash or on th InslalliMcnt plan. Addre&s, K. H. Wheeler, Aun Arbor, Mloh. FOR 8ALE CHEAP- A house and lot on Kirst strcct nour Iluron, well located. Apply to U. Ij. Matluewü, Real EsUUe Ageney, Ann Arbor, Mlch. IrOR SALE- Fine farm of 160 acres lu town Webster, well-wooded and watered. Apply to O. Ij. Matlhews, Real Estáte Ageney, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 2 -6w. BOARD WITH ROOM, 83.50 per week. 75 e. ii is per day or 25 cents per meal, and 25 cents lor lodglng. at Walker'a Biardlng llouse, Corner ot First and Caiherlne ïStreet, Aun Arbor, Mlch. FOR SALE- The three story brlck store, corner of Washington and Fourth streets, and the frame store adjonlng the same on Washington strekt. For term:, etc , enqulre of G. F. Uwlnuer. FOR SALE - 25 000 GARDEN PLANT8. Early Cahbage (Jersey WakeHeld), Touiato, (Livingston, i ewest and lest). Urders fllled eltber al Urocery atores or dellvered lf ordeied by mail. LeKoy N. P-ttlson, P. O. Box, lvm. Garden, lft mile bouiU on State slreet. HOUSE FOK RENT and nearly new furniture. stoves, etc, etc. for sale. Juquire at No. 12 South Unlverslly Avenue. IHave a few Coloules of UK ES not In very goud couüliion, whlcb 1 wtll geil cheap as 1 am nol able to care for tbem, also Hlvea and tlxture extra. No. 80 North stntt utreet, N. A. 1-rudden, Ann Arbor, May 1, 't5. HOUSE FOBSALE-No. 85 East Washington ülreot. Terras reasonable. FOK 8ALE CIIEAP.- Office Furniture- Tables, Desks, etc. 58 Iluron Street. WANTED- ROOMS. I wish to secare elther fumlshed or unfurnislu'd rooms lor llght housekeeplnK, f"r ' !'' collego year of '85 and 8. Address box 326 A n u Arbor, glviug locatloa aud üescrlptiou of rooms. T7"0R SALí-HouRe, lot aud barn, S9 WashJ: lniiton átreet. on easy tertus. Apply to J. H. l'eeblps, on the preinlses. T?OR SALE- Ten acres of land on Mlller JC Ave.,goodfor gurdenlngor small frults. 1 o be sold clieap. Apply lo Jas. Kearns, Keglster of Ueeds ornee. T OANINQ-Money to loan on flrst-class JLj Real Estáte Morlgage at Cnrrenl rates of Interest. Satlsfactory arrangemenls made wlih capltnllsts delrlng such lnvestmenis. Kvery conveyance aud transaction ín abstracts of t UIl's carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z V. KINU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News