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Council Proceedings

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The regular raontlily meeting of tlie council was held Monday evening, aid usual forinalities gone through wilh. PBimon. Of F. H. Belscr and 10 other.s, askiii; for a strect lamp, cor. of HUI and Thayer streets. Rcferrcd to General Fuud codnnttee. Of V. A. Tolchard, and 13 others, aik ing for a sfdewalk on each side of Hanover gquaic, lying north of Packaid Of Cbristian Mack, Henry 8. Dean, J E. Beal, and 21 others of the oltizeu comraittee, abking the council to appni priate $700 as at) entertainment (tand fu the coming meeting of the Ameiloo Science Association. Reccived and ordered liled. A comniunicatiou was received fron the Aon Albor Water Company, stating that the pipes were being cast at the works in Newport, Ky., and ready foi inspection if council dusired to send a representativo there. A letter was read from J. B Davis, city eugineer, relativo to establishing the necessary straet grades, estiuiating the oost of the same at about $300. The following bids were received for ligliting tbo city gasoline lamps for one year. From C. H. Mattiion, for 95 cent per post, tbe city to do lüe rcpalring. From O. F. Webster, $1.06 per post, imlullng all repairs, eto. Krom Harklns 4 Dignan, 88 cents per post, lncludlug repairs, etc. On motion, Harkins & Dignan were awarded the contract, and ordered to give bonds for the faithful performance of the contract. Aid. Hiscock then read the finalice report for the month, calling for the following amounts : Int ward $ 890 00 2d " 42 10 M " 156 10 Hth " (J9 5 5'!? " H7 40 8'h " iijo 20 General street futid _ 511 70 General fuud 937 42 Contingent fund 4 25 Total $ 2,981 11 The condltion of the old cemetery was referred to by Aid. Hendeison, bilt no action taken. motions and rksolotions. By Aid. Bi;fgs : Resolved, Tbat tliis couucil grant the requegt made tu petitlon of Ultizens' cornmitteeapoD Amertcun Science Assooiallou meeting 8700 íor expenses, ele. To which Aid. Lawreaee offeied the following imeiidment, which was acoepted by Aid. Biggs: Remlved, That the sum of Í700 begranted by the eouucil for the purpose of datraylDK expensen of rntenainlng ihe American Aooclatlon for the advancement of scieuce, to be expended under the dlrectlon of Ihe Onanoe commlttee, appolnted by the citlzens of the city. To which Recorder Pond offered as an araundment, thit the suni he made % 500 inatead of f700. The ayes and nays being called for on the amendment (substituting $500), the result was: Ayes- Aids. Henderaon, Helnzmann. Hiscock, Kearns. Ware, Polaud, Mayor Kapu and Kecorder- 8. ' Nays - Aids. Hud'on, Lawrence, Keatlng Walz, Blggs and Martin- 4. The resolution as amended was then adoptcd : By Aid. Hiscock : Reailved, That the Flnanee conimlltee be hlluwed a elerk for the ensuing year at a salary nol to eceed 8.W. Adopted. Aid. Ilendorson moved that Ihe time of keeping open saloons be extended froui 9 to 10 o'elock n. m.. wliich was c.irried. City Attorney Kinne répOTTM ca ure couucil, lliat the heirs of Jas. B. Gott had unjolneil the cltv froai laking furiher actiou in opening Gott Street, and asked tot iustruetions. Aid. Uiscock moved that the city altorney be niatriicted to defend tlie city u Uie suit retened to. The city ittorney also presented in ordinance relative to grantiiii; privileges to the Anu Arbor Water Company, and asked that the ordinance be re-enacied with the contract included. Wliicli ivas agreed to. The opening of Washington street being brought bcfore the council by the city attorney, and on motloii of Aid. Maitin, thealdermenof the second ward were authorized to take such action as muy be legal and proper to re-open Washington Street. On motion of Aid. Ware, Thomas Specchley was re-elected as trustee of the city cemetery. On motion of Aid. Biggs, W. A. Chamberlain was appointed deputy marshal without cost to llie city. On motion of the Recorder, C. C. Warner was granted peirnission to ocmipy one-half of the street in front of hi's premises ou Aun street, lor building material. By Aid. Hiscock: Resolved, That the city recorder be Instrncted to nutlfy Mr. Durbelm of the errors found in his report, aud request him to oorreci tliu saine. Adopted. The que8tion of the location of the hydrants and water mams coming before the meeting, Aid. Martin oflered the following, which was adopted: Betülved, That the hydrants to be located in the city, be located In accordance wltb the plan Bubniltted by Prof. U. K. Oreen tuis evening. By Aid. Hiscock: Xeolved, That Prof. Chas. E. Greene be appointed to represent the city in uie construclion of water works. Adopted. On motion of Aid. Lavvrence the liquor bonda of August Herz, J. D. ITei .ïith end John Beahan were approved. By Aid. Martin: hesolved, That the city marshal iiKcertuin if any Haluonlst or Citizen of the city ol At-n Arbor la sel 1 Ing lnloxlcatlng HquorH without havlng pald the tax requlred by luw thal ü any such persons aru found vlulailug said laws, the eald city marshal cow menee pro ceeding agalnst sald persous wllhln ten days afier ascertalulug sucn fact. Adopled. Dr. W. F. Breakey, addressed the council in referenee to several existing nuisanees, and Uked to have in ordiliance dnftefl by tbe city attorney and presented at the next meeting in nfeience to licensing city ecavengeis. Which was granted. REPOHTS OP OFPICERS. The report of City Treasurer W:tts, for the moDth of May was Uien read as follows : Balance on hand as per last report... .$12,038 17 ArnouDt recelved 2o6 69 Í12..74 m Amoiint dlsbursed j,i5i 55 !_$ Leavlugon hand $1 1,12a 31 The city marshal reported the following expenditures for the city poor fund : lst ward $ )789 2a ;; 1 uw M 44 30 h ' 3 5', 't ' „.. 4 75 Total $ 163 58 The city recorder reported the followbalance8 on hand: Contingent fuud on hand $ 4710 19 General " overdmft l,la Os " Street fond overdraft 265 84 lst ward fond, on 1 8 9 21 Ia. '.I " I' " ".. '905 31 3(1 " " " " 123 67 S :: :: ; - 55042 oth " " " " 31178 6tu " " overdraft 93 49 City Cmetery fund, overdrait m 7 D015 tax, on hand 100 uu Dellnqunet tax fund, overdraft ! 903 40 Water works tax, on hand 4,000 M)


Ann Arbor Courier
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