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n. f. siitiiu. Will sell this week: 5 Pieces of Summer Silks at 35c. per yard. 10 Pieces Summer Silks at 50c. per yard500 yards more of our $1.00 Colored Dress Silks at 75c per yard5 Pieces "Gold Medal" Black 24-inch Dress Silks at $1 00, $1-25, $1.50, $1.75, and $200. The best Silks for the money in town. 10 Pieces Colored Cashmere, 10 Twill, worth 75c Over 30 Pieces sold this season10 Pieces of Albatross and Nuns Veiling in black, cream, white, pale-blue, and rose at per yard. 5 Pieces 40-inch, All-Wool Black Cashmere, worth 75c, our price only 50c. per yard1 case Dress Lawns at 5c. per yard. 1 case Standard Dress Prints at 5c. per yard. 50 Pieces Ginghnms at 8c. per yard. 1 Bale all Linen Crash at 6c. per yard. 50 Doz all Linen Towels, at each. We have one case White Crotchet Quilts, at only 75c. each, worth $1.00. Handkerohiefs. We have purchased from a large Importer of Linens over 200 Dozen all Linen Handkerchiefs, for Ladies, Men and Cliildrcn, and will COUliutjnee this week a great sale of Linen Handkerchiefs at less than half It will pay everybody to examine them. It is the cheapest lot ever brought to this cityPARASOLS ! MIS! Largest Stock, Best Styles and Lowest Prices in Town. Don't buy until you examine what we have. It will pay you. D. F. COXIAIHEII. Backache, stitcncs in tlie sklc, iullution umi lorenesa of tlie bowelt, are tymptomi of a disonleml Blate ot' the digetive and assimilativeorgans.which can be promptly and thomuglily conected by the use of Ayers Cuthartie Pilis As diouer pills, and as aids tg digestión, tlicv have 1,0 eqiiHl. They cure CODBtipstiou. The Detioit Even ing News last night had the IbHowlDg item : " The eccleslastical trial of liev. Dcuias Dawe, of Deerfit;kl, bcffan at Ann Albor to -day. Tlie charge afaint Min is that he avoided tlic trutll in certain statements connected witii the ei reu insta nces out of which giew the examination of his brother, K"V. E. Dawe, on charge of setting fiie to the Dterfield M. E. parsonuge a fw years ago." - - - The successful conibination of Soda and Cream Tartar, called DeLand'g Chemical B.iking Powder, without the use of any otlier Ingrediente, makei it Dea'rly doublé tliestrength of othtr Baking l'owderand fice from all deleterious substanoes. Bokl in Cana only. OPIUM HABIT! Suffertrs from tliis perniciotit habit will do wrll to wrftt to DR. AHSII, of ulnc, Mleh., who ha a wnrld wil rqmM'i n (hl the cures he has made during the past twclve j mrs. The maJn pointsto booommunicated aro the rent state of healtl, length of timo usfd, and prrent arnount of drug um1 pr week. Sanitarium Treatniint wticn dt.ire.l. S"i-1 kt twHBODtali trom leftdutg iiliysiciiin and reprowtuUtiire iut-ii nd wumcn curd. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtei)aw. ss. In the matter of the estáte of Minnie O. Henley, Minor. Nollee Is hereby glven. that In pursuaiice of an order sranted to the uudertilgiied guardián, of the Ksiate of sald minor, by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the 28th day of Jluy, A. D 1885, therewlll be sold at public vendue, to the hlubest bidder, at the east front iloor of the Court Huuse in the city ol Ann Arbor, In the County of Wathlenaw In said State, on Saturday, the eighteenth du of July, A.. D. 1885, at 10 oolock In the forenoon ol that day (subject to all encumbranoes by mortgage or olherwlse exlsiin ut llie time of the Hale), all the riiht. tltln and interest ¦ f Kald minor, the followlng de-cribcd Real Estáte, to wil: Lo nurnbcr fonr on B ock Doraber two, aooordlog to the record ed plat of the Vlllage of Delhi, Washtenaw Couuty, lu Mii'liiK.'iii. JOUNSON W. KNIQIIT Dated May mh, 1885Qrdlan.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News