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S. W. Clarkson is off on a piscatoria] tour. Louis Taylor is undor tho weather this week. Capt. Chas. H. Manly is quite ill with fever. Miss Emma Banfield 6peBt Sunday with frienilsin Detroit. Mrs. S. W. Clarkson is visiting lier parents in Manchester. Mr. and Mis. Geo. A. Douglass glve a reception this evening. Miss Charlotte Hall goes to Europe soon to spend a year in study. Rev. I. N. Elwood, of Flint, is visiting at Auditor Gen. Stevens'. Dr. 8. H. Douglass aud daughters give a recption Fridüy evening. Chas. H. Richmond is assisting in the lst National Bank this week. Maj. W. C. Ransotn of Lansing was in town Friday and Saturday. Philip Bach has gone over to Watkins, Lake, near Manchester, flshing. Mr. F. Pistorius, returned from hls southern trip last Friday evening. Mr. Whltmau of Detroit was in the city Mouday looking after the " boys." J. Kmmett Robison, of the Detroit F ree Press stafl, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents in this city. Mrs. E. E. Brewster of Holly, has been visitiiijf her frieud Mrs. Geo. H. Pond, ör several days dunng the week. J. H. Peebles is pack ing up preparatory to taking a tour for his health. Mr. and Mrs. Heman Smitu, of Livingson Co, are visiting friends in the city. The MissesMaurer, of New York City, are visiüng the Misses Cleuients, on State treet. Chas. Mann, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mr. Euianuel Km o. M. W. Hatch, of Homer, Mich., isstop)iug a few days with Win. A. Hatch, Jr., and fuuiily. Mr. .lerome Culp, nee Miss Jennie Goodrich, and daughler, are visitiiig relaives in the city. The younji peoples' society of the Congregational chuich have a lawn social aturday evening. Horton H. Drury, of Grand Rapids, was n the city Monday, attending the funeral f Mrs. 8 P. Jewett. Mis. Peter Seifer, of Dexter, and Mrs. bbie Gray, of Alpena, were in the city 'esterday, veiling (rienda. Rev. Mr. Neuman of the Betbleheni jutheran church, left this inorning to uttend the annual conference of lus churcb. E. A. Phillips bas returned from his rip east looking lmproved in health. Hij nother, Mrs. L. A. Phillips of Horner, f. Y., returned with hiiu. Mis. Jacob J. Fischer left Friday tor h iwo week'8 visit to her duughter, Mrs. H. i'eldhauser, oí Grayling, Crawford Cd., Illch. Florus S. Pinley, of Ypsilanti, was In Ann Arbor last week Thursday, interewing some of the prominent men of his jarty. Isaac Crawford, Esq., will leava for ireckenridge, Cal., tuis evening, in the ntereat of the Star Mountain mining ompany. Lawyer J. M. Martin, has returned rom Washington, D. C, where he has een counting noses, and avers that '' all s well on the Potoinac." Mrs. J. B. Suthfti'laud and son Malcolin, ormerly of Detroit, hnTo Tcnt.l a u ... v ii Pouitli ft. and will reside in Ann Aror permanently hereafter. Miss Küte Molony, who has been with Lawrence Barrett this season, has been e-eneaged for next year. She is now lome iu Detroit on a vacation. Henry B. Parsons and wife, nee Miss Annie Taylor. stopped overfrom Wednesay to Tuesday to fee friendn. They are u route for Los Angeles, Cal., whcre he ;oes in search of health. Rev. C. Golder, of Pittsburg, Pa., sonn-law of Mrs. Schlotterbeck ia in the city isiting f rienda for a few days. Mrs. Goler has been in the city several days and xpects to remain two or three weeks on ge r. Will Gerstner left Wednesday night for Mitchell, Dakota, where he will stay a few ays until he gets a wife, when he will reurn. The fortúnate lady, we nnderstiind, brmerly lived near Monroe, and that is why Will kuew all about the roads south f town.


Ann Arbor Courier
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