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H. A. Powkrs and wife. of Osborue, Kan., accompauieil by anothsr wom&n, were drowned on the 2th while atteinpting to cross a swollen stream. Milliüns of young grasshoppers were onthe-öih reported coming out of tb sandy soil on the south side of the Arkaua River abo re Pueblo, Col., devouring early vegetables aud tender shrubs. Dispatchis of the 26th from various points in Keutucky atated that the tobáceo erop was thirty days behiud, and that this year's erop would be one of the poorest ever known. At Manilla, Ind.,William Kiley killed bis young daughtur and himsolf on the 2th. After raonthsof domestic trouble he kidnaped the child from its mother, aud a fear that tho courts would tak her L10111 hls custody caused the tragedy. The re.iiJeuce of T. C. Campbell, the noted criminal lawyer, near Cincinnati, was niysteriously destroyed Ly flre early the other morning. The loss was 30,000. Burqlars entered the resiJonce of Theodore Vanriore, a weallby farmer of Butler County, Mo., a few nights ago, aud carried off $2,000 in money. This was the fourth tim that Vandore had suffjred in this manner for his lack of faith in bauks. Cdbans at Ky West were on the -JOth celebrating the landing of an expedition of 200 men in Cuba, which had been reenforced, as alleged, by 1,000 uatives, and a state of siege had been proclaimad, but troops were en route to meet the invaders. Thi fruit erop, with the single exceplion of peaches, in the lluilsou River Vulli-y, wil!, it is said, ba one of tha largest and best in several years. [iiiAU.u li ;u liis sweethenrt, Cathri„e Bohan, with a revolver fatally on the 2Uth at Wilkesbarre, Pa., and then rushed to Um river aud drowned bimsclf. Anqds Bratt, a prominent citizeu of East Liverpool, O., shot and killed Jefï C. Davis, of Youngstowo, O., ou the '2Jth. Davis, it was said, slandered Bratt'a daughtr. At th Presbvterian General Asseuibly in Cincïunati on ho 2(lth th Committee on Home Missions roiorted that the Home Missions Buard was $110,01)0 in debt, althoi"-{h the total receipts for the year wore $408.890. There are 1,435 ministors supportod by the board. The bodies of fivo Americana who had been killed by Iudians were fouud on the 26th at Blue River, N. M., and a missing stage-coach was supposed to have been captured by olie savages. Cavalry were pursuing a body of Indians who were beading for Mexico. Charles P. Boyd, who absoonded from Bteubenville, O., last fall, after committlng forgrÍ9s to the amount of $100,000, was brought m to Pittsburgh on the 'Jtitb, having been arrested at Columbio, B. C. Jerry Taylor and Wesley Hicks, who burned a residence recently, endangering the lives of a womau and her three children, were taken from jail at Franklin, Ky., by a mob early on the morging of the 2tith and caiTied across the line to Mitchellville Station, Tenn., where they were hanged. Advices of the 27th from Deining, N. M., report a flght between the Uuite 1 States troops and the Iu liana in Cook's Canyon. Six Indians were killed and four ¦oldiers. Tbe total numbrof white people killed by the Apache raiders so far as knowu was tbirfc, -three. Düring a quarrel in Memphis the olher day William Kanerz, nineteen years old, shot and ki led R. M. Schuyler, his stepfatber. Four minera wero killed on the 27th while going up a mountaia on ui incline road naar diarlesion, W. Va., by the breaking of a brake-band, whicli threw them down the hillside. James N. Day, a confMeutial cleik for Mnrtin & Runyan, bankers, New York, was on the Tth found to be short in his aceouuts jcyv,vjj. ne lost tus mimrj iu Wall traet. A han nanied Frentiss, of Uranse, Mass., while in a drunken flt theother day ordered his soa to shoot a cup ulT his hearl. The boy obeyed and shot his father dead. The fifty-third annual meeting of the Baptist Home llission Society began at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., on the 27th. Tha report of the boarJ showed the expenditures last year exceeded the receipts $63,60", and that the entire deficit was $117,967. Durino a fire in New York City on the 27lh Mrs. Emma Dernerand her baby were burued to death. Lizzie Spinler, aged twenty-three years, of Brooklyn, N. Y., shot and killed herself the other day because of a recreant lover. HiS9 Gracb Lord, a literary celebrity tn Boston, was killed a few evenings ago by the fall of a derrick. The managers of the New Orleans Exposition on the 27th claimed to have secured nearly all the funds required for its extouslon, but the refusal of the Cabinet at Washington to pei'iuit the Government exhihits to remain was thought to have killed the scheme. The Bank of Mitchell, D. T., suspended recently, and a receiver was appointed. A story frame tenemeut at Jersey City, N. J., occupied by flve families, collapseii on the moruingof the 27th, killing tbra chililreu of one family and a lad of üftecn. Ten persons were injured more or less seriously. Cowboys witn drawn revolver on the 27th stopped the spe ial train with Theodore Thomas' concert troupe on board at Coolidge, N. M., and compelled Mme. Materna to siae and the musicians to play. Cyclones did serious damage on the 27th at Norton ville, GoITs and Frank for, Kan., wrecking several structures and injuring many persons, a few fatally. Herman's furuiture factory in New York City was destroyed by fire on tho 27th. The loss was estlmated at nearly $400,000. In a Philadelphia court on the 27th Margaret Brooks was sentenced to four months imprisonment for being a comiuoa scold. Her grown daughter struck a lady witness in the face, and was given four months for oontempt of court. At the meeting of the Presbyterian General Assembly in Cinclnnati on the 27th the Committee ou Foreign Missions reported that the receipts for the year had been $690,983 and the expenditures $757,6Üö. Ninï persons were drowned ou the 27th Dy ine uu stmg or a waterspaut Bear ladianola, Neb. Mus. John Parry, oL Delta, Pa., whiU asleep a few nightu ago partially swallüwed har false teeth and wal choked to death. A OHiLD of A. C. Truax, the flfteenth ?iclira from the epidemie prevailing at Paris Roads, O., died on the 28th. FoCR rundrbd Monnon immlgi ants rrived in New York on the 28th, en route for Utah. At a meeting of the Cabinet on the 28tb the question of the continuation of the World'd Exposüion at New Orleans was cousidered. The Cabinet wera unaniinously of the opinión that thera was no warrant of law for it, and tbat it would be inzpedlent on other grounds. Tuk Apaches were still continuing their bloody work on the 28th, and many white settlers in Now Mexico were falling victims. The troops were in parsuit. Fines of thirty dollars and costs were on the 28th imposed on Kev. W. F. Davis and P. Uastings for preauhing on Boston Common after being warned by the authorities. In a childish quarrel at Pittsburgh, Pa., the other evoiiiug Selina Weir, flvo yeari old, was fatally beaten by three playmates, ranging in age from uine to twelve. A riRi early on the morning of the Ü8th destroyed the business ïection of Medford, Wil, together with a large quantity of lumber. Twenty-iix business houges were burned. Thouas Warnhk, au extensiva lumber dealer at Cohoctoa, N. Y., failed oa the 28th for WOO.000. A vkin of natural gas, with n estimated daily fiow of one milliou oubio feet, has { bmn itrnck at Findlay, O. Xbe iioauishli City ut Rom, whlch rlTtd at New York on the 28th, reporta that she collided witb 8 French tisliing bark, the John George, May 25, and siiuk her. Twenty-two of the crew of twentyfour were lost. Advices of the 28tu state that the viciuity of Waco, Tex., haa beeu overflowed by ralns nul swept by a tornado. Eieren persons were Icnowu to hare perished, and flve others were rcported drowned. The lossee in McLennou County were estiniated at if'2ó ),000. The Brazo Rier rose two feet above water mark. Nea'ly two thousand citifeni fled froin East Waco durinj the storm. Tiikek exilo8ious, resulting from tha bursting of a can of beuz ne, demolished the frout wall of a furniture warehouse at Pliiladelphia a few evenings ago, killing a woman and injuring several persons. It was reported on the 28th that locusts were hatching by the thousaud in the tree tops of Crittenden and Phillips Counties, Ark. Charles Smith, aged twelve, descended a twenty-flre fooi well at Reading, Pa., the othcr day, to recover a knife. He wa Buffoeated by gas, and a similar fate befell Isaac Doyle, aged tweuty-six, who went down to rescoe him. Twklvk buildings at Phcenix, A. T., were deslroyed by a recent flre. The dispatch-boat Dolphin, aftor the fourth trial, cama up to the requirements ot the Government on the 28th, making fifteen knots au forsix hourson Long Island Sound. In the Southern Presbyterian Assembly, at Ciucinuati, on the 28th an amendment to the confession of faith designod to permit marriage with a deceased wife's sister failed to pass. Harrioan, CUief-of-Police at St. Louis, was on the 29lh uit. suspended on charges of accepting bribes frorn gamblers and of playing pokor for stakes. In the United States aud Canada there were 181 business failures during the seven days euded on the 29th uit., against 210 the pravious seren days. The distributiou was asfollows: Middle States, 30; New England States, 28; Western, 68; Southern, 80; Paciflc States and Territorios, 10; Canada, 21. . The Shackamaxon Bank of Pliiladelphli clossd its dooroii the 2'Jth uit. It vran said that tho accounts had beeu overdrawn faoo.o I i, Joii.x rTüiiKY (colored) was hanged aft Barnwoll, S. C, on the 20th uit., ior th murder, in May, 1884, of Her. John G. Session, and Arehie Gitsou (coloreü) was executed at Uuuston, Tex., for the murder of his wife November 2ö last. John Mottkb, one of the wealthiest faiuiers in ürange Township, O., became nrud nt his twelve-year-old boy the other day, and struck him a violent blow in such a manner as to break hi neck, caasing instant death. W. H. Chadwice, formerly cashier of a National bank at Nantucket, Mass., was rocently sr-ntenced to flve years' imprisonment for embozzling J,000. Thomas Macomb, connected with the diHtnatic professiou, committed suicide a few davb ago at Niágara Falls by leaping over the bank near Suspension Bridge, striking the rocks below. WiLLiAM C. Smith postraaster at Holden, Mo., whose books showed a deflcit of $900, killed hiinself with a revolver a few day3 ago. Adviues of the 29th uit. to Bradatreet't state that tho general oondition of trade throughout the country showed no improvement. Locüsts in lart'e numbors appeared on the 29th uit. in East and West Carroll and adjo niu parishes in Louisiana. So far no ilamage had been done. Cotton worm were also appearing. A si.iïïM on the 29th uit. at Hannibal, Mo., did great damnge to lumber-yaids, and swept away brldges and severai iiouses. The Indian troubles in New Mexico were on the 2!Hh uit. considered at an end for the present. The savages had scattei-ed over the country to facilítate their escape, anlwereon their way to cross the Mexcan border. About sixty persous had e.'n killad the outbreak. It nu tciivrri.wd v tíi ÜOUft alt. ik erop prospecty in the Northwest were imjrovjují. Iu Indiana aud Wisconstn everything looked promising, though corn was souiewhat backward. PERSONAL AND POLITiCAL. Cïma Halikax, a coloree! wotnan, died at Lake Providenee, La., a few days ago, at the ripeige of 112 years. She had been a resident of Carroll Parish about niuety years, and was much respecced by the people. Z. Montoomery, of California, Las been appoiuted Assistant General for the Interior Depart nent at Washington. Louis Kiel's olalra that he is an American citizen was estahlisued ou the 2Oth. Be Look out nis naturalization papers at Helena, M. T., Maroh 16, 1883. Miss Nkli.ik Canfikld, agad ssveuteu y ears, a granduiece of President Lincoln, wliile temporarily insana ghot herself faíally on the 25rh at Bllerille, N. J. Thk Governor of Penniylrania has approved of a bilí to punish any person haring oleomargarine in his possossion after JuW 1. Whitakhr, the colored cadt who claimed to hnye had his ears slib at West Point, appeared before the Supretne Court of South Carolina a few days ago aud waa admitted as an attorney. Charles W. Anobll, who for six yearst had been behiud the prison bars for being a defaulter to the Pullman Palace Car Compaay, of Chicago, in the sum of $113,000, was released on the 27th, his term haviug expired. Both houses of the Michigan Legislatura on the 28th passed a bilí making ten hours day's work. Thk Illinois Senate on the 28th adopted a joint resolution providing for an adjournment sine die ou June Vi. F. A. Palmer, forraerly Auditor of Newark, N. J., who in 1882 was sentenced to twenty yeais' imprisonment for enibezzlin.? $12S,000, died in prisou on the 2Sth of heart-disease. James VV. Whblplkt, of New York, has been promoted to Assistant Treasurer of the United States. Thk üovernor of New York has votoed the I ill for taking the State census passed at the extra session of the Legislature. Charles Dknbt, of Evansvills, Ind., has been appointed Minister to China to succeed John Russell Young. Rev. Dr. R. L. Stanton, of Washington, died recently on board the steamsbip Nevada when within one day of Queenstown, and was buried at sea. He was ia Try feeble health wheu he sailed. FOREIGN. General amnesly was ou the 28th offered by the Mexlcan Government to the Iniliaiis who would sunender and give up their anus, but only a few had availed themselves of the offer. John Harper and Etta Farmer (engaged to be married) and Juhu Welsh were drou-ned near Toronto, Can., on Ui '2{Mi liy the upsetlin of a boat. On the 2fith the inhabitants of Ouinss, France, celebratuJ the ceutanary of the baloon asee-sion of Jeffrtes aud Blanchard. the first aeronauta. BiZTr pictures and oc atatuette in the Royal Acudemy in Loudon had on the 26th been mystdriously defaced, and the vile work was still kept 1111, The Marine Hospital Bureau at Washington was informad on the 2fith that dnrin the two week ended April 4 there wer 188 deaths from cholera in Calcutta. The ïeport that Asiatic cholera wa prevalout nt Quebec was on the 27th declared unfounded. Al as8Ígnment has been made by the Canada operntiv Society, of Montreal, witb lial.ilities of 400,000. Advices of the 27th from Battlsford state that Chief Poundmaker aad thirty of hls braves had surrendered uuconditionally to General Mildletoti. General Middleton stated on the 28th that ha appreheuded no further trouble, and considered the warfare at an end. Thk great strike of minera ia Yorkshire, Englaud, ended recently by their acoepting the reduction propossd by the maaters. Joh Thokktoh & Sok, dyerg, of Brdford. Ene., bare falled (or {200,000. i loKN EIXIÖTT S SOXS' Impemnwnnnutactory at London, Out., was destnyed by flre a few days ago, tho loss roaobing .fl 50,000. 1T was aunounced on the 29th uit. that the new Hlolatry of IJrnzil had dstcrmln 1 upoa the aboliliou of slavery in (.Uu! country. Thi Loudou Diilij Y im announced on thel!9th uit. on, the htgbest authority iliat Russia's reply t l'.n Innd's counter propoials had boon rectiwd in Jondon. Th reply, it said, iuvolved the acceptanco of the proposals and practieally settlod tn a satiffaetory manner tho wbole queslion of the Af;hnn bouudary. LATER NEWS. Thk resiiloutsof Socorrí), N, M., ware on the .'iOth uit. becoming greatly alarmed for t ti.ii outlying min ng aod ranching dit trict. Money was being raised to equip a compauy of cowboys to pursue Gerónimo. A train left for Las Cruces, N. M., wher it would piek up Major Koudtain and uiuety men, who would go at oncu to the relief of LakO Valley, wliicli as threatened by Apaches. Decoration Dat was very gonerally observed throughout the countr. A waterspoüt burst the other day in Yankee Creek and Crooked Creek Valli'ys, Crawford County, Mo., doiug great daiuttge to farms and crups. Up to the 31st uit. s xty cases of cholera had occurred in the province of Valencia, Spain, and there were several cases oi tho digease in the city of Vuloncia. THe town of Waco, Tex., was partiy under water on the 31st uit. One hqpdred and fifty huues had ben suljinerged by the overflow of tho Brazos River. Thu damage to city property wouMreacli $100,000. Seventeen br dges in McLellau Couuty had beon -d uway. All the iron and steol milis at Wheeling, VV. Va., closed down on the 3uth uit. for au indeñnite period, throwing inanv persons out of employmenu The milis at Cincinnati were also closed. The post-oWce nt Dodge Ciry, Kan., wns roblifd by burilare a few ninhts ago of six huudrod dollars in cash, besides a larga anmber of registered letters. The exchanges at twenty-six leailing clearing-houses in the United States duriug the week euded on the 3Hh uit. aggregated (8,868,888,688, agalnst .I4, 114,073 the previous week. As comparod with the corresponding period of 1884, the falling off amounts to 17.1 por cent. General Grant's physiclans held their weokly consultation on the 31st uit., but they found no changes of importuuce in the patieut's conrlitiun. A heavy wind and hail-storm passed over the northern end of Lancaster County, Pa., on tho afternoon of the 31t uit., doing great iujury to property. Louis Reaumk, a French Canadian coming from Denver, Col., became a raving inaniac on the Wabash train which arrived in Chicago on the 30th uit., and at the depot shot and killed Cornelius Barrett, a policeman, and wounded another offiinl. A general firin by a squad of poiice brought the luuatic down with fatal wounds. Advices of tho3Ist uit. state that a forre of about flve hundred Indiuns under Big Bear gave battle to the troops under General Strango twelve miles north of Fort Pitt and about four milos north of the Saskatchewan River. General Strane's losa was one man killed and two wouudod; the Indian loss was unknown.


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