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Mr. Campbell Again

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Wherever and wbenever Mr. Milo D. Campbell succeecls In gettin blnuelf Into print, he is veiy careful to have it ¦nnouuced thut " he is a frleod to the University altuough opposing the Univeisity ai'piopriations." Nmv all the reputation this man C.iuipbell lias made in the Ifgialalure has heen by hÍ3 lierce oppotlllon to the approprintioni askcd fir, imd ncedt'd by the University wlth whicli to keep abreast of the times- nietuphoricülly speaking, " to keep its In aü above water." It he is a fiiend of the University muy the Lord dellver that institution l'rom its fi ieuds. He is the same fort of a friend that Caesar had in Brutus. Yon know that individual lovcd CSBMT, and tlierefore hf killeil him. Tlif University does not apprt'ciate that sort of triendsliip. mí. otiiiiutii, me cantankernus member of the house tïoni Brancli counly, poses ;.s a "frlend to the Uuiversity," and provea h8 peculiar idea of frieiulship by eiideavoring to cripple tlie University in withlioliiing a portion of tu-edcd ippropriatioiis and cutting down the balance to ;i uigL'.irdly snin. It is fortúnate tlmt the Uiiiveisity has few sucli dear friends. In afoimer ss-ue llie OODRIER refcmd to the fnet Mr. Campbell was a gradúale of the State Normal school, thinking Ui that uiiglit be attributed u reasou lor hls course toward the Uuiversity. But later developmeuta prove that the Niumal is nol mTe prouil of him than are siim ntliers tl'at mifrlit ba BMBtioiicd. He dlilu't absnib any jettloowy while it that collo-rc; li is peculiar conduct comes tram aatural not ncquireil ïiatural-bom, pure castedoess. Therefore, Tor the utterances of two weik's ago, we moít humbly apologize to the Normui. "Economy" la the "reason" Mr. Campbi-ll fiives tor opposinr the University appn.iiiitions. Bui he diiln't cry ''econoiny" wlien the exlremely liberal Agri cultural eollrjte appropriation liill passed, did lie, where it cits ihe state over 2,00ü a liead to rr iduate fOODg men ? Huw did Mr. Campbell vote on the the new s'ate prison? iluw iliil he voie on several other gencrniis uppropriations? DeniMg ij;iiti y is the term wliich prop6rlv defines tuch nttion, Mr. Campbell. That is, a man who doe-s tliïti rs simply for policy's sake is usually teimed a (iciiiMgngue.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News