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The last issue of our selt-esteemed cont...

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The last issue of our selt-esteemed contemporary, the Register, in a " leadecl " article of considerable lengtli, seeks to excorttate the Courier, with wild assertiuns. It is quite nntlcable that our triend has dropped mathemalic.-'aiid taken to adjectives. He neverdid like figure?, anyway. Bilt In sweeping assertiuns, honey comed with inistatement-, lies liis forte. On this ground we decline to enler, and allow ourfriend ill tlie room lie chooseg. We cannot refrain, however, from ciilling attention once more to bia greiit "enler)ritie " in !ipropriating the the Courier's news. In tne last issue aniont; m;my of the '"original" items (taken froin the Courier) is one in respect to the Chi I'si lruternity's new house. That item was an error, tnv friptKi ,c ¦¦¦- r..., nut iiiieniioiial, of course, but an error just the same, and you- why you didn't steal it - of course not, you know the Coukier has no riglit to lay claim to all these items siniply because it is issued first. Ahem ! Tliis legislatura can be accused of makiug many liberal upproprlations, but not in the way of education. In tliat line it has been very economical. Itcnuld build a new prison, however, years befare one is needed, 80 to créate contracts and portions to be lilled by members or their íriends, and otlier similar institutions fnr like purposes. Bnt for the grand educational institutions tliat give the state fame and position in tlie world it adopts :in ungenerous and picayune policy. TheEvening News through its Lansing correspondent, gare the Courikr, a handsome notice, near a quartei' of i column m length, last Wednesday evening. As the News seldom notlcea one of its country exchanges, we appreciate the compliment, and feel tliat the inission of "The Uuiveisity Article," tliat inspiied the wiiter to rush to Repiesentative Cinipbell's defense, has been accomplislied. Rev. Daniel Dennison Whedon, D. D., of New York City, late editor of the Methodist Qurrteily Review, and from 18-15 to 1852 professor of Logic, Rlietoric and II story in the University of Michigan, (and president of the faculty during 1847-48), died at Atlantic HlghUnda, a watering place near New York City, l;i;-t Vlonday, after an extended illncss. The doctor was an uncle of V. W. Whedon, )f this city, and leaves nuiujr fnends heie to mourn liis deatli. "Prof. Waisoii, wlio is employed by lie Univtrsity ot Michigan lo fiud planeta or (bat state, lias had ii is salary cut linvii, there benig so little deinanü at jresent for pltuu-ts." Tlie above from ast week's Slioe and Leather Keporter, llustrates the persis-tency of au item vhicli once started may g-o the rounds or yenrs after it censes to be a fact. We lope tlie S. and L. Reporter is bettrr inornied on sboes and leather tlian lt appears to be on the offleers of the U. of M. An item is Rolng the rounds of the ress to the effect that Chicago has a genine aiitograph of Wm. Shakespeare. 'hat'l notliingto bragabout particularly. Michigan has sevcral of Wra. Bhakee.ire'8 autograplis, uud they are Try ear onei, too.