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Pomological Society Doings

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Themondily meeting of the Washtcnaw Pomoloj?icnl Society was held Suturdny, President Scott, presidinr. The question of rules for berry pfcskerswus taken up. The chairman ot that committeo not having arrired, Mr. Mills stat ¦¦ t that girls and younj; ladies are bctter pieken thaa boys. At 1}L cents per quart for xlruwbci lies, as jotlR as tliey yield well, pieker OUD earn $1.50 per day. Had Mme vromen who earned $2 per day plcklng raspberries ut 2 cents per quart. Mr. Hen j Day, clntii man of the oommlttee on rules and regnlatioiis for pieker, read flfteen rules which wem trcncrally dlaciuaed and tome ilijibt altendooi m ide, The followinj; rule was aildeil: Ptcken wlio chance trom one place to another tball not be emploved by any inember of tliis society witliont a . certifícate f rom their forrner employer. lt was íeiierally conceded tbat Mr. Day. lin vtnir IimI more -xperience tlmn any otlier uiemhor of this socii'ty, bad oomDosed a series of rules that would henelii boih the fruit growers and the IndustriOUt honest pieker. Tlie committee was requested to have ,600 of these ralea prlnted, so they can be placed in the haimsof every pieker. Mr. Ganzhorn presented pome sample cardson rules of the Wasbtenaw County Potnological Society to consi;iier8 and (hippen of fruit. By motion of O. A. R. Ciozier a fourth rule was added : Consl;nees are requested to report any infraction of rule first to the secreiary of the society. Mr. Baldwin expretted Kreat hope for the peach trees on heavy Bol! wlth as fHTOrable weather as we had so far. TIn; chairimm had veiy little hope for peach trees and had cul down many of them, as well as Duchesse and Bartlett pear tiees. Mr. E H. Scott read the topics of the summer meeting of the Michigan Ilorticulture Society to be held in Frankfort, Bensie Co., June 24. The followlng delegates were appointed: J. AuMin Scolt. J. D. Baldwin, M. H. Goodrich, E H.öcott, E. Baur, J. Allmand. J. Whitlaik, and O. K. L. Crozier. Those that can not íío shuiikl appoint a substitule. A vote of thanks was given to Mr. Tom8, the florist, whoie exhibit of cut flowers adoi ned the table of the society. The meeting adjourned to three weeks f rom this session or the 27th of June, for B fíeueral jubilee nnd exhibit of strawberries. E. Baub, Cor. Sec"y. Among the fast borses entered ai the ¦prlng fair ut Lansinjr, is " Spot Beauty," by Geo. A. Gilbert, of this city. The Washtenaw Mutual have L24 to pay for a heifer belonring to Win. Duneaa, of Superior, killed by llgbtnlng on June 2d. "Si. Jame Is (leafl ! '' Oh, dear, Mr. Courier, wlien is the funeral ? - Dexter Leader. It s uot definitely gettled yet, but sometime in July. Reporta indícate that tlie only small fruit to be liad hereabouts tliisycarin any gri-at quaiitity, will be tlie stiawberry, so fill your fi uit c.ius early. Dming tlie storm of Monday night, wliicli was extreui'-ly severe to tlie nort li of tlie city, the liouse of E. W. Featheily, in NorlhMeld townthlp, west of Whitinore Lake, was struck by ltghtnliig. daranjrad ettlmated $50. Inrared in llie Wttfbtenaw Mutual f'ur $1)00. Tlie beavy ruins of last Thurdy and tlie evenlng pievious, waslied out the embankments ncar tlie cup-and-Miioer hill rilling, on E Catharine st , so til at no tesina could pass on the same until tlie w... MW n. OmuooU 1V b..J gradlsg. About tliree o'clock a. m., Monday, soine individual unknown, raised tlie window of the bedroom at VVilliam Butler's boaaa on E. Ann street., took out Butler's panto, rifle.d tlie pneketsof gome four d.'IUrs, and very politely threw tliem back into the room again. Mr. Butler would like to make the acquaintance of that fel lo w. The ehange of time on the Toledo and Ann Arbor H R has not taken efr'ect yet, the delay being caused by the fallan Of the D. L. & N. R. B. to inake changes when expected. Station Agent Phillips informs us that the only change, probably, will be in the evcninfr truiu fmm tbe soutli, which will reach here at 6:50 instead of 4.42 as at present. Wonder what 8 the matter with the Agí ïoultorti) ImnnuM oomirtiiy of Wateitown, N. Y.? Lawyer Kiune bas three claims agniust it for collection, one for a loss in Livingston county and two in this county. And tbe commissioner of insurance at Lansing has not given theconipany a certillcate of authority to do business in tuis county for this year. The proprietor of a household article recently informed the publishers of a well-known montlily magazine (the Century) of large circulation that tbe insertion of a small advertisement twice in the pages of thcir magazine had brought iii'-re thau eight thousand inquines. And yet some people are still woiderlog it Dewspapu and magazine advenUina pays. When tbe iddition to the Hanfrsterfer block is completed, which will be in a coupleof weeks, 500 people can setdown to the tables in the banquetinjr room. It is thought that arranyementa can be made so that all of the dek'gates to the Science Assoclation oonventloa can be funiislied with meals by Mr. Hanií-terfer. This would cali for f rom Ï.ÖOO to 2,400 meals per day. Dr. F. K. O wen was up from Ypsilanti yesteiday, and while chattinjf in the cou ii ty clerk"s office told je local ibout an account bouk that was originally Ilie property of the {freat-great-gnind-fatlier of bil wife, md canie into her possession upon the reeent death of her father, tinlate Dr. Nathan WVbb, of Pitttield. Wbile examlnin)t the book recently the Dr. p.iid he poked out of the binding in the back of the a bookquill pen that bad evidently done service a hundredyeais or so ago, bilt it still retained tschiiographIcal poweix Money, nor the pioneer toclety.oan nol tpmpt him to part with these tatuily relies and tieasures. The grand celebration which the G. A. R. Post of Toledo is to give on June I7th- the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Ilill - wil I be one of the finest ever held in that city, or la that eectlon, The Toledo & Ann Albor Railroad has decided to sell tickets for one fare for the round trip, and tbose attendiug fiom this sectinn can return at 0:50 p. rn , on a special train leaving Toledo a 11 o'clock p. in., or tickets will be rood to return the next niorning. Copies of the G A. R. Herald, CODtalilioft a ilecri;tion of tbis (ffeat event, can be obtained by applvine to E. A. Phillips, at the T. & A. A depot.


Ann Arbor Courier
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