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David Renning was in town over Sun. dsy. Jas. Appleyard, of Lansing, was in the city Mouday. Miss Belle Feutüii. of Mackinaw Is visiting in the city. Miss Lizzie Hadley returncd from Ohio Saturday eveninjr. Mr. and Mrs. Bllnn of Milan, are vislting friends in town. Capt. Chas. II. M inly was out yesterday tor the Ilist time. Q. M. Monroe expects to start June 10 "or Kansas and Nebraska again A reception will be given by Evarr Scott and wife Sitimlay eveuing. W. F. Pat.tUon, of the Ypsilauti Commercial was in the city Snturday. G. F. Schleicher and Chuuncey Milieu ïave gonc to Portage LaKe flshing. A largo und biilliaut receptlun at the residence of J. M. Wheeler, Saturday eveuing. Dr. A. G. Bruce, of Albion, has been visiting his frlend Dewitt C. Fall, during ;he week. Mrs. E. H. Hudson expects to takc au extended trip west tliis season - in July robably. Únele John Gediles has been a resident of Wasliteuaw county siuce 1825, a period of 60 yeurs. Sara Langsdorf lias gone to St. Louis, io, to gee one of his friends yoked in natriiiiony. Mis. Rev. J. B. Sunderland contem )lates remaining in Ann Arbor during he sumiller. Miss Ida May Cook of Middleville formerly ot this city will visie with friends lere until August. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barney, of Detroit, ïavecome to Ann Arbor to rem.iin durng the summer. J. A. Polliemus has been considerably ind'-rthe weatlier during the week past. Jut is better now. B. D. Monroe and fainily of Saline, pent Sunday with his brother, G. M Monroe in this city. C. Eusene Mutschell is under the veather again, h.iving had in operation erformed on his head. Rev. M. Ballentine, of the Oberlin Theological school, preached at the Coiif?reational church Sunday. A young lawyerof Ann Arbor, practicng in Detroit is to take a (Ufe) partner oon ; so says Dame Rninor. Mr. and Mis. iiob'c Tur ier of E ist Sag naw will visit tlieir.d aiwhter, Mrs.VV. VV. Whedon, the coming week. Miss Malie B. E-iek, t Detroit, is now vith her sister, Mis F. H Belser, wliere he will remullí tor the suranier. Mrs. Fred Gakle and mother Mis. ichontSi liave gone to Marshall, called In-re by the llness of a lative. Prof. W. S. Perry and wife are to give lie senior chiss of tiie httrh h n-cepion TiHiSilay eveuintf. June lGtli. C. M Jones has been eketed prelate ot lie new K T. CoHimiinilery at Charlotte. Veil, Chai lie will inake a jollv oue. H. J. Brown, John M. Wheeler and Chas. II RichuvMid and wife are in Deroit, atti ndlng tnediocesan convention. Mr. Z. BI Ar, formarly of B ith, Mi-., nt )resent of Florida has been spending a fwdays with his sou in the tnrdicul deartment. Mrs. Chas Feinrr, of Clinton, Iowa, is ieltlng her husband's pirentsMi', and Mrs Geo. Feiner, accouip mled by her wo cliildn-u. Mrs. J. K. Willi.ims and Mis Zimnierman, if Milan, spent H couple of dys with VIrs. W.'s motile r, Mis. J. Sprague, durig the week Mrs. Geo Woolfenden, ot Detroit, lns een in the ciiy during the week pust, alled lu-re by the illness of her inolhtr, Mrs. Conmtli. Mr. Dr. Root, from Washington Ter., rrived Saturday eveiilng to remain durng the suminer with her fatlier, Benj. irnwn, on biate st. Mr. Moe, of Washington st., has an adtionul boarder- a young fellow, with f)od lm gs and excellent voice, wlii-li ays : "Please pass the milk." MissHattieKerr.daughterof Wm.Kerr, lfLo]l,wbn has heen In India asa missionry tor the past ñve ycais, is on lier way lome, because of declininj; health. Fred.W. Busstook arirclearound Lima, "rei-dom and Scio a few days 8ince, and eports wli-at looking very öne, thoiigh ater llian usual, and spring crops geltlng a good start. Mrs. Wm II. Frease, on her way back o her home In Kinsas, froin a pleasure rip in the east, UI spend few days In Ann Aiborthis week, risltlng herbrother, r. J. Goodyear. Miss Anna B. Ladd is in the city for a hort stay. She expects to go to Cliarlevoix in a few d.iys toremiin dnring the ummer, with her aunt, Mrs. M utha E. Gulley, of Detroit. Sheriff Wallace moves hls household goods to nis old home in Saline thls week. )oar SorL says that there isn t a better ilted up place in that section than the exhenflf wilt now occupy. Miss Ella Cleveland, of Adrián, stop ping at E. B. L"wis', on División i., is lot h niece o; President Cleveland, but ler f.ither II seoond couin to the President. Kespectfully referred to our r. Ii. c. Will T. Wliedon, of Bostoii, Mas., is expected home Tuesday next, to attend conimenceinent week cxercises. Hu will e Hvom) mied by hl HUBt, Miiw Flora Wliedon, ot Utica, N. Y., whn will visit reUtivet hcre tur a Unie. Mr-, M. H. Brennan and chi'd have been rtoltlnu Mrs. B.'ö biother, Father Coyle. at Ut. Morris, Genesee Cl , for the pa-t ;wo weeks; wliicli accounts for tl. e lonesnine, honieick look Ihe Squire has been BarryiuK about with him laiely. Mis. J. M. Wneiler, Mrs. Dr. Palmer and Mrs. RitUbone went to Detroit yesterday as delegates from the iniRsion society of'St. Andiew'íi c iBrofc to the meeting of the woraen'i nuxlllary board of inii-sions, which held its sessiou last evenin? i that eity. Fr.d H. Goff, of the law firm of Carr & Goff, Cleveland, Ohio, has benn In the city lliis week stttling np the estáte of A McReynolds, who died in that plací ge. me time afo. He denles the rep.irt that Mr. M'Rijynolds committed suicide and says he died u natiirul death. Mr Goff is a gradúate, lit '81. Sunday News : " Miss Marv L. Wood of Ann Arbor, a pupil of Prof. C. B Cdf. pluyed a diffl:ult program at the Detroit C'Miseivatory on Wednus lay ev-nIDK. Miss Woud has been heard in Detroit betere, and on the present oochsIoi gave evidence of continued work in the best school of piano music. Emory Towunnd, who is permanently and profltably located in the profession o law at East Sazinaw, ppent a few day during the week past with his parent3 ii Superior, on his way to New York on pro fesaional business. Mr. Townend wa for several years with Messrs. S iwyer & Knowlton, and a right popular young gentleman. Prof. Albert J. Volland, who has beei teaching at Ypsilanti for the pust two years, has accepted a position as teache of Greek and Latin in the Grand Rapid schools at a salary of $1,200. Mr. Vollan is a son of J. Volland. of tliis city, is a Ann Aibor boy who is gradually risin on lus own merite, and we are glad to re cord bis good fortune.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News