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Richard M. Scott, paying teller of the Bank of the Manhattan Company, New York, on the 21 proved to be a defaultor to the extent of $160,000. Much excitement was creatcd on the 2d at Peuu's Grove, N. J., over tbe discovery by a flsherman of a box Imbeddat) Ín the mud of the Delaware River, wliich was found to i'Kulíiin the bodies of four mnle iufants. Samuel Bowhan, of Circlevillo, O., lüs family and visitors were poisoned on the 2d by unknown persons. Mrs. Bowman, aged sixty, was dead and her husband ni dying. The others would recovar. The Hotel Interlaken, at Saratoga Lak, N. Y., built by the late Frank Leslie, was burned early the other morning. The guests cscaped in their night-elothes, saving no property. ThE announcement was made on the id by the Ohio Live Stock Commission that pleuro-pneumonia had been stamped out of the State. R. M. Reynolds, ex-First Au ütor of the United Stats Treasury, jumped into the air shaft of the Southern Hotol at Kt. Louis on the 2d, end falling to the floor of the rotunda was killed instantly. He was temporarily insane. The Supreme Lodge of the Anciont Order of United VVorkmen met in Des Moines, la., on the 2d, twenty-twu State being represented, and all the offloen being present. Thk troops following tho renegado Indians in New Mexico were reporter) on the 2d to have capturad the mam port ion oí 1 be band, and to be on tln-ir way feo Apacho with tbe prisoners. John Gard.ner, a Depnty-Sberlff, and John Cox, brother of thn Sheriff of üubois County, Ind., were fntally simt. tlie othei eveniugnear Jasper by thivc i i nauml Reeves (a fatlier and two sous), whom they were attemptiug to au The cathedral ai cted at Garden City, L. I., by Mrs. A. T. Stewart, was consecrated on the 2d by Episcn]alian dignitarios. Askikk in whirh were six lisbonnen wa swampod in tbe swells of the MononLbel River near Pittsburgh, Pa., a few days ago, and S. Kunkle and J. Sinclair were drowned. The others swam ashore. The cilizeus of New Orleaus decided on the 2d to re-open the Kxposition next f all, whether the Government exhibit reniained or not. A negro named Townseud Cook, who had assaulted a white lady, was taken from jail on the 2d at Westminstei-, Md., and banged to a tree two miles away, after making a full confession of his crime. A n mms wind, rain and hail-storm iwept over the Northwest on tbe 2d, doing great damage to property. Seveial persons wero killed by llghtnlng in Chicago and elsewhere. Hessian flies have appeared in Maryland in great numbcrs. VVbeat stalks which had been attacked were on the 3d exhibited on the Coru Exebange at Bultimore. It was announced on the Sd that all window-glass factories west of the Alleghanies would be closed down witbio two weeks, and when Work was resumed in the fall wages would be reduced twenty-flve per cent. The Treasury Department ai. Washington on the 3d purcbased 170,060 ounces of silver to be dulivered at the Pliiladelphia and New Orlcans Mints for lonme uto Standard dollars. Horse thieves were on the 3d supposed to have murdered Louis Rivers and E. A. Allen, wealthy stockmen and old residents in the Baker City (Oregon) section. The managers of the New Orleans Exposition reported on the 3d to the Secretary of tbe Treasury that they had an appropriation of $335,000 with which losettle claims of $307,318. John Mayobs, an aged man in jail at Cantón, O., on charge of arson, expired from heart-disease a few dayg ago on -- J.-.. -¦-. ii. i 4...„ f , i,;, brother. THEcoinage of thevarious United States mints during May was $14,055,437, of which $2,401, 8Ü7 was in Standard dollars. The iron strike had closed one hundred milis and thrown out of employmeut flftyeight tliousand men on the 8d. Tbirty-four nail factories were also idle, and two were running. Dr. N. Youno, a leading citizen of Vineennes, Ind., was accideutally shot dead the other day by Garret Robcrtson, while hunting. The great Beaver Park reservoir near Longmont, Col., burst the other afternoon, a wall of water oue hundred and twenty feet high sweeping over the adjacent section, wiping out all obstructtons and washing away Ulied and tueadow lands, resulting in heavy losses. Six persons were seriously burned (two fatally) by the explosión of a kerosene oil lamp in New York a few evenings ago. R. S. Scott, paying teller of the Manhattan Bank, of New York, who fled with Jl0,000 in manta. hnfct ¦ ticket for Moutreal, and was known on the öd to have crossed the border. In the Pólice Court at Cincinnati on the 3d the discharge of Dr. Loy, on the grouud of self-defense, in killing his brother-iulaw, Harry Charaplin, was greeted with applause by the audience. Durinq a fight between policeman and burglars at Sedalia, Mo., early the other morning, one of the thieves was shot through the heart and an officer was seriously wounded. While standing in the door of thefr regdence n the at Mendota, Mo., a father and son named McKinley were killed by lightning. Advices received at the War Department at Washington on the 4th from General Schofleld showed that the troops were powerless to protect the widely-scattered settlers of Arizona and New Mexico against maraudiug Indiana. During the past few days men, women and children had been butchered by the Apaches, and the Guneral stated that to afford proper protection would require a forcé many times larirer than the armv. David J. Fairly was tafeen from the jail at Leakesville, Miss , on the 4th hy a mob and hanged for the murder of M. L. McKay. The American Congregational Union heid its thirty-socond anniversary at Saratoga, N. Y., on the 4th, Rev. Dr. Edwin Webb, of Boston, presiding. Gas exploded in a mine near West Nanticoke, Pa., on the 4th, killin _; turee mea aml siriously injuring two oihers. A fire destroyed the s'iiníle factory of the North Bulfnlo planing-mill, at Buffalo, N. Y., the other morning, causing a loss of $100,000. The Youngslown (O.) section was swopt by a hail and rain-storm on the evening of the 4th, seriously damaging vegetation. A rapid rise of tue streams causad floods, which swept away fencesaud light atructures. A rünawat team at Erie, Pa., fiijured five persons so everely on the 4th that only one of tliein was expected to survive. Joseph MoCann, a compositor on the Herteld, and Ira Somers, a compositor on the Wurld, set type in New York on the 4th for a purse of HM. McCann was th Tictor, setting 8,860 "ems" in three hours to Bomers' C,O22. Ia the flrst hour the ' rtihl man got up 2,123 "ems," beating Arensberg's record of 2,008. The Secretary of the Kansas State Board of Aericulture statea that of the 1,613,298 acres of winter wheat sown, forty percent, has been plowed up, nnd the ground seeded to other erop, and that the product in the State will not exceed 12,000,000 bushels. Sanford Sisco was hanged on the fth at Hackensack, N. J., for the murder of Abram Gurner; Joe Clark (colored) was executed at Bolívar Turner, Tenn., for killing Peter Wooten, and Fostar Chase and Robert Williams, both colored, were hanged at New Orleans for killing Mario Louise Provojt. At Gudsell's Station, near Evansville, Ind., on the öth John Butcher stabbed Jamei H. Minnls to death, and after emptxinii all the chambsrs. save one. of two revolvers ac pursiiers, blew out nis In-aius with the remnining UlUot. Thb Indinns on the .'rtli raidpd Dinenn Station, on tlio Boathern Paclflo Road, Ulied B mui BUNd Woods, and Itole twenty hor.sos. Advices trom (enaiul Crook state i ii:ti the Indiana ware itUl moviug South, and that the numberof settlors knowutohave been killed was sr uteeu. Am order trom the Pólice closed all Üi6 gaiubliu houses in Chicago on the Oth. COMPIAINT was made on the Gthbythe New York Statu Board of Healtb that a car-loail of bogs thipped to Fredoata trom Chicago, and sold ia email lots, wers fflictod with cholera, and many of thcm died. Benjamin Hei.pkin, a saloon-keeper at No. ÜUÜ Fourtli avenue, New York, shot bis wife fatally and then killed himself a few days ago. The Grotegoit family- father, mother and four l;m IiIits - living near Kdwardsport, lud., v .Te fouiiil iinud ired uu the moriiing oí the Tth. It was supposud that Grotegout, while insane, killed the women and then coiuiuittt'd suicide. By an iugeuious sysfcem of maniptilation of money orders the absconding postmaster at Lewteton, Ore., Isaac Hibbs, has swiudli'd tli'' National Treasury out of betweeu $-0,(W() and $00,000. It was stated on the !)th that the robberies would necessitate a changa in the nwney-order systera. At the National Conference of Charities and CorreCtioni in Washington on the fth a delégate trom Dt'lawaro reported the whipping-post s ill in general favor for the punlshmeut ol petty ofTenses, and tlmt few culpi its wore flogged more than once. J. H. Aufdemortk, redomption clerk in the sub-Treasury at New Orleans, who was eharged with a deiicit of $36,848, disappeared on the Mli. An unusually heavy wind-storm prevailed on lln' ¦"! li aio ig the Atlantic const froin Ni'iv Yoi-k tn PeterstTO g. Va. Many housos rere unroofed and ievral faialitifs wen' reported Advices of tho 5th to firrtfi.itrret's showod an Iacroai6 l di'prcssion in general tradi throughoui tb e eountry. In the Unili'd Slat .'s and Canada ther were 1K7 Iiumucss tailurM dnriiig the seveu days onded on the "th, against IS1 the previous seven days. Tlie ilistrihution was asfollows: MiddltStetea, 88; New England States, S8; Western, 47; Southern, ;!i; PacilU' States and Territories, IS; Canada, '1. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. About 12") oí IH editora of Iowa, accompanied by sonie (ifty ladies, were in Chicago on the 2d, en route to Washington and points in Virginia. Their xcui sion would last about ten daj s. The Internationa! TypographicalUnioQi in session in New York on the 2d, re-electt',1 M. II. Witter, of Louisville, Prusident. Thk Repablicao Stat Central Conmiitteeof Iown has deri.lcd to hold the uext 8tatfl Convention August "Jii and "JT al Des Moines. Mi.s. Mark Hopkins, wifo of the niilliouaire of St. Clair, Miih., obtained a divorce f rom her husbaud the other day on account of cruel treitiuent. Jamiís Fooo, a pensioner of the war of 1813, died at Indopend nep, Mo., on the 3d, at the age of ninety-two years. The Iilinois Legislature decided ou the 3d to adjourn tim dit June 2fi. Goveknor CuititiKH, of New Hampshire, was inauguratod at Concord on the 8d. Ex-Preside.ntjVrtiuu denied on the 3d th reporta that his health was bad. Ha suid he was in fuirly good liealth, although uot absolutcly well. Tino licsident on the 4th appointed General V. S. Koseo'rani" Register of the Treasury, to succeed B. K. liruce, colored, and Herbért F. Beecher, a sou of the Brooklyn divine, Collector of Customs for the district of Puet Sound. BoTH housfs of the Illinois Legislatura on th4th passed a bilí to place colored people on the same footing as whites. Fkkdinano Ward, when arratgned in New York 011 the 4th for stealing i-l,5iK),nOO tional Bank, pleaded not guilty, and his case was postpoued to June lö. The Pennsylvania Republican Si te Convention wili be held at Hairisburg July 8. Abe Buzzard, the notoriou Peunsylvania outlaw, walked into the Lancaster County Prison the other night and surrendpred himself to the authorities. An effort would be made to have his seutence of thirteon years camsiated to iive years. John I. ÜaVenport, Sapervisar of Elections in New York, who was reported to haveheen miSBing for the past two months, made liis appearanee at the Union League Club on the 4th and stated that ho had not been absent fiom the city. Dr. Douqlas stated on the th that General Grant ws feelinj unusually oomfortiable, and that if the present favorable con ditions were maintained the General would goto Mouut Mcöregor, near Saratoga Springs, June 2.1. The Ohio Greonbackers met in Btate Convention at Columbus on the üth and nominated a full Ptate ticket, witb J. W. Northrop for Governor. Kesolutiona were adopted demanding the expansión of the currency; that banks of issue beabolisht'd; that legal-tender notes be substituted for bank bilis; asking the restoration of public land held by f oreigners ; favoring ihe submission of a prohibitory ameudment to the people, and declaring against fusión with any other party organiza tion.


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