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r WILI PAY TOÜ TO GO TO DETROIT " AND HAVE YoUR EXAMINAD AND PITTED WITH 8PECTACLE3 OR EYE GLA8SE3 AT ROEHM & WRIGHT'S, IMPORTEKS. JEWELEU3 AND u TICIAN8. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FOR ¦ TE8TINO EYE8. AND 8ELDOMÍ FA1L TO GIVE HL Robust Health i Ii not alwijn enjoved by those who eem to poesess it. Tbc taint of corrupted blood may be ecretly underminiuic the eonstitution. In time, the poison will certainly show its eflects, and with uil tlie more Tlrufence tbo longer it bas been allowed topenneatetbcsystem. Each utopie, Rty. boil. ikin disorder aml sense of unnatural lualtude, or languor, 1s one of Nature's waxning of the consequenees of negleut. t. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Ia thé only remedr that can be relied npon, In all cae", to rriidicute the taiutof licrcd iUry and tlie apeciul corruptiooa of the blood. It Is tue ouly alterativa that ia auföciently poworful to thoroughly eleansa the synt'em of Serofulous mul Mercurial impui'ities aud tlie pollutiuu of Contaglous Diaeases. It also noutralize the poisons left by Dlphtheria and Scarlet Kever, and cnublex rupid reeuperation from tlie enfeeblemeut and debility eaused by these diseusis. Myriads of Cures Acblered by Ayeu's In the past forty yean, arc atteated.aiultlier is no blood üiseaxp, at uil possible of cure, that will not yleld to it. Whutever tlia allmenu of this class.and wuerever found, from the scurvy of the Arctic cü-cte to the "veldt-ore8" óf Soulh África, thia remedy has aflbrded uealth to the sufferers by whora It was employed. Dr"igrLsts everywherecan cite numerous eae.s, withln their personal knowledire, of reinarkable curea wruu);'it by it, where all other treatment had been 'uiiuviüKuij. Ppl will do vrell to Trust Nothing Else than AtüR'8 Numeron cnide mixtures ore oflercd to the publio as "blood purifiers," whiih ouly allure the patiënt wlth the pretense of many cheap doses, and with which it is folly to experiment while dicae Ih Rteadily becoming more deep-seated and difficult of cure. Some of these mixtures do mucn. lastine harm. Bear in mlnd that the only medicine that can radlcally purify tt Vitiated blood is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Ltrnell, MM. Sold by all Druggists: Prlce SU bottle ior 5. LITMBER! LUMBER! LTTMBEE! If you contémplate building, cali at FEROON Li uu lui! Corner Fourl h and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber aml Kimrantee AERY LOW PRICES 49-Give u a c:ill and we will make t lo yrn" interest, as our large and wil] iradrd st rk lully iustains our aMertlon Telephone CimneUions with Office. T. J. KaHCH Supt JAMES TOLBERT, Pror W. TREMAIN, O EN ERA L laMMHMMS i I ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ OKITICl!: : 0?er Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, UOR. HÜKON AND FOÜRTli; STS., North British Insurance Co., Of Lnadori and Eilinbur[Capital, $13,000,000, üold. Detroit Flre anl Marino Insnriince Co., Cash Aeaet $000,(100. Springfleld Ins. Co. of ]ttnarhnsetfft Cash Aweu 11,800.000. Honard Ihs. Company of New York, CnkAmii $1,000,000. Agrlcultural Ins Co., Watpr(own,íí.T., Cah Aeti $1,400,000. Uvtn Llherntly A1Ju'prt n3 1'mmptl.v PM. Mmore nir) thn anil.ini.' pie hv MJ ..Lr hu a -eiirjr ',.r the h,-i wl 1. ir ho k ,1O Krguiwr -iircacrt ïi'i' d'v. N ¦ r i'. Term tree. UxLLXit Uoua Co., Portlani, Maliie.


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