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Twin Foes to Lffel Are Indigestión and Constlpatlon.' Thelr primary lymptoms are among th most distresing oí minor human alimenta, nd host of dlseases, speedlly reiultant from them, mutually aggravate eaoh otber and uull at once the wholo machinery of Ufo. Nausea, Foul Breath, Sour Btomach, Dizziness, Headache, Billou Kever, Jaundlce, Dyspepaia, Kldney Diseases, Piles, Rheumatiam, Neuralgia, Dropsy, and various Skin Disorders, are among the syroprom and maladles causad by dcrangement of tlie itomch and bowcls. A Thorough Purgativa SB medicine 1 the flrst neeessity for cure. Toen the cathartlc effect must be malntalned, In a mild degree, iust sufflcient to prevent ft recurrence of costlvenesi, and at the same timo the llrer, kidneya and Btomach must be stlmulatcd and strengthened. Ayer's Pilis Accornpllsh thls restoratlve work better than any other medicino. They are earching and thorough, yet mild, In thelr purgativo actlon. They do not gripe the patiënt, and do not induce a costtve reactlon, as Is the effect of othcr cathartlc. Wlthal, they posscss special propertles, dluretio, hepatfc and tonic, of the hlghest medicinal valué and Absolutely Cure i All distases procredlne from disorder of the digestlve and asslmilatory organs. The prompt use of Aykr's Puu to correct the first indications of costlveness, averts the erious lllnesses whlch Influce. All lrregularltles in the actlon of the bowels - looseness as well as constlpatlon- are beneflclally controlled by Ayjr's Pills, and for the stlmulatlon of digestlve organs weakened by longcontlnued dyspepsla, one or two of Ayer's PrLLSdaily, after dlnner, will da more good than anythlng else. . Leading Physicians Concede That Atkr's Pills are the best of II cathartlc medicines, and many practitloners, of the highest standing, customarllv prescribe them. ! AYER'S PILLS, rREPARED BT Br. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, 4f#." V [Analytlcal Chemlsts.] For sale by all Druggiits. I .af fBfe Hostetter's 8tnmf' Jkl LI lKC'""1 Prtvent nis la. V pstion, a toDdeucjr m'ÜK wklul IBS rliemnatiam, and ík -fLjKy :; ït. tronble srisln from S 5SK valcsce.ntnd ladles tk. ernyiCH áf iiseíui medicine ' to aiTO"'AcilC tke with one on r IVVPIf 3 Ioiik JDurncys, nt I [t counteract t the et m ¦ ¦ ¦¦ fect ol mental ex erlion. by all Drnggigts and Dealers een An Ordinance Relatlre to Stallioiis Passed June lOtli, rSS5. Be U Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Ann Arbor : Bkction I- That lt shall not be lawful lo any person to dlgplay or publicly exhibí wlthln the limit of the City of Ann Arbor "y stalllon or Jackass. or keep or use for the of generailon any stalllon orlack ttSH In sald city, except In an enclosed cov ered building, and no person shall keepor use any talllon or Jackass in such a manner as to cause a nulsance. Sectiov II- Any vlolatlon of the provl slons of thls ordlnance shall be punUued by a flne of not less than flve dollars nor to exceed seventy-flve dollars and costs tobe recovered before any Justlce of the peaee of the City of Ana Arbor, and in the lmpositlon of any such flne and costs, the sald J stlce of the peaoe, may make a further senteiice, that In defaull In the payment ihereof wlthln the time flxed In sueh entence, the offeudiT becoiumltted lo the Detroit house of coriectlon or the Washtenaw Couuty lall dr f perlo1 of time not exceedlng nlnely Rkction III.- An ordlnance entltled. ' An Ordlnai.ceRelatlvetoStalllons," passed Ja nuary 15th. 1872, Is hereby repealedT REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attention glven to Collection of Sests and Manangement of Real Estáte Interests For Nou-Iiesldents. Entlre Sutlsfactlon lo Ownera (Juaranteed. A. DEFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE I I amagentforallneofOldandStaunch American aal fcreign Pire Insurance Comp's Lowest Raten, Honorable Adjustmeiils, and Loases Tromptly Pald. -A.. DEFOEE3T. FÁTXÑTS 1JNN 4 CO.. of thn SriiNTino Amkricaw. connuotonct a Wollcltnrs for Patonts, (uvoats Trad rks. Copyright, for tbe Unltoil Sutes, Cunad, "Kland. Franco. Üermany. etc. Hand Boolt a bout aients srnt free. Thlrty-iwon years' exiwrlenco. Pat.ntobtalned throuehMDNN ACÓ. ar.notlccd nthoSciRNTiflc AMKnirAV. the larKest, Iwst, and iwt widulv circulatpd sclentlflc paper. t320areur. Veekly Bplendld eníniTlnB and interestlnu lnormatlon. bpeolmpn copy of thn Hcipiuiflc A mrrIcnn 1.,-nt fnM. Addross MUNN A CO., 8( iFNTma Amihicax Office. aiBroadway, Naw íork


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