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The futuous battle of Bunker Hill was fought 109 years ago to-day. The condition of Maia Street, where the gas company has laid lts pipes is villainOUS. Wm. Frank was the recipiënt of a gold watch from his wife Tuesday, it being: his birthday. The upholstered furniture for the new BfMonto temple, will, be furnished by Koch & Ilaller. Hon. W. D. Harrirnan delivers the address at the High school alumni meeting, Friday evening. Mack & Schinid are building a new store house for wool jast south of thelr old one, on the T. & A. A. tracks. A large number of Ann Arboriteshave gone to Toledo to-day, to tHke in (or be takeu in) the Q. A. R. celebratlon. Company A will not purchase the riuk - the committe having come to the conclusión üiat it will not be expedient. .loseph Secora caught an eel in the race above Swift's mili Monday night, whioh was 3JL feet long and weighed 4 lbs.] Fifty-nine years ago ncxtOctoberLoren Mills opened a tailor shop in Ann Arbor, the only one west of Detroit at that time. Twenty-two young men, moatly belongiug to the Union Hook and Ladder Co., went to Whitmore Lake last Saturilav. and enjoyed a dance at the Lake house in the evening. Dr. Pitkin preaches his last sermón at St. Andrew's church Sunday. The new rector will preach his first sermón July 12. The eveuing service hour has been chaugod from 1% to 5 o'clock p. m. Three persons, all the worse for liquor, were hauled up yesterday for stoning the cab of an outgoing freight train on the T. & A. A. K. R., and one named Kuesterer was held to answer the charge. Itwill take 150 car loads of pipe for the water works and 2 and 3 loads ier day are being received. Antón Eisele lias the ontract for hauling and delivering the pipe along the stieetó, and has commenced work. Wool comes in slowly. Mack & Schmid have bought G,000 pounda so far, and prioes rule at about 22@23c. The quality in 1 Lij-, vii-inity is about the same as fonnerly. Heavy clips are belng held back for 25c. per lb. That special meeting of the board of supervisor?, which was announced last week for June 1C, was revoked, after the item had been given the reporters by the deputy county clerk, and too late to correct in our issue. The foundation walls for the Ladies' Library Association building are up, and the work is to be pushed forward as fast as possible. In the meantime the treasury will be glad to receive the donations of the liberally inclined. The Ann Arbor Commandery Knights Templar visit Ypsilanti, Wednesday of nexl week, and hold their regular service for St. John's Day, in St. Luke's church, of which Rev. T. V. McLane, prelate of the commandeiy is rector. Tue A. A. Water Conipany having bought 13 acres of the Cornwell Bros. on which the springs are located to the west of the city, have had the springs cleaned out and deepened, and think the supply will be abundan t for the city. Dr. Prescott has analyzed the water and pronounces it excellent. A man in Newport, R. I., gucceeded in blowing himself up the other day by setting on the top of a keg of powder and touching it off. liere's a pointer for our second-hand contemp. It has been trying un8uccessfully for several issues to salisfactorily blow itself up with gas. You might try powder, Bro. Supervisor Bennett, of thejail committee, informa us that thejail site has been located on the lot corner of W. Ann Suuth Second Street, in the rear of the opera house. This location is cousidered excellent, and is the one suggested by the Courier when a change of location was h'rst talked about. It is to be hoped that the building will now ba pushed. Henry Johnson, the young man who shot at Telegraph Operator Bostwick, at Dexter some three weeks ugo, was senteuced by Judge Joslyn Mouday, to two yens in state prison, and to pay costs of the proceedings, about t20, of which Justice Crane receives $3.50, Officer Stebbins, $4.35; Sheriff Walst), $12.15 for board, etc. The sheriff took the prisoner to prison yesterday. Johnson had $91 left, .which bas been deposited in the Sarlngi bank until be returns. Cfiurt was in session Mouday until 8 p. in., when the judge took tbe train for Monroe to finish work began there a few weeks ago. The following caaes were disposed of: Henry Johnson, whopleaded guilty to issault with intent to kill and murder, got two years at Jackson and $20 costs. Isibella Batway Ti. Lewis Uatway ; divorce. Decree granted the vomplainant. In the matter of the appli ilion of the superintendent of the poor, for an order allowing guardlans to pay Mrs. E. P. Howe $6 per week for caring for Chas. North, an Incompetent perion, ullowance was grauted.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News