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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. BIMIBI SUBSTANTIAL FACTS: We are letting down prices this week very willingly. Our entire Stock of Summer Silks recently sold at 50, 60, and 75 cents, now 40 centsAll of our $1 00 Summer Silks, now 75 cents; this is a great bargain Our entire stock of Novelties in Dress Goods consisting of Flaids and Stripes, with plain goods to match, now $1 a yard, former prices $1 25, $1.50 and $1.75 a yard. These goods are worthy of an exaraination- Will you look ? Our entire stock of colored Silks, excellent quality, wear guaranteed, now $1, former prices $1 25 and $1.40 a yardWhat would you think of our price on American Sateens, the best quality, fast colors at 15 cents a yard? You can buy our entire stock at this price per Former price 25cThis week we place on sale 2,000 yards of fine imported plain and figured Scilliennes Armures at 28 cents a yard. The importation price of these goods 30 days ago was for plain, 27 l-2c, figured, 32 1-2. Colors guaranteed f ast. Cashmere Shawls, $2, not so coarse as you think. Chudda Shawls $4 to $8. 50 doz. large white Aprons this week at 25 Why do we sell them so cheaply? To jsell them quickly. Why do we want to sell them quickly ? Various reasons. All of the bargains offered this week, we are prepared to give you. We want it distinctly understood from one end of Washtenaw county to the other, that here is the place to get goods as'advertised- The goods we sell are reliable. Bring back whatever you get that is not as represent ed. If we practice what we preach and manage our himinoBa na-nnhl v wfi know the world is ours. BACH & ABEL. The bids for digging trenches and layng 14 miles of pipe for the Ann Arboi Water Co. were opened Wednesday last, and the contract awarded to Hutzel & Co., of this city, at $15,659, their bid being the lowest of seven. Mr. ö. A. Moran is spendine; a few days in Detroit this week establishing a Repor. tei's Bureau in connection with hia School of Shorthand here, By this means Mr. Moran expects to be able to supply his stiulents with good situations as soon as they are competent to fill them. This is what the Chelsea Herald says: 'If the Register bas any desire to corectly report news H should exert itself to get the facts and not depend on rumora, or even the reporta of the unreliable and etrogressive Detroit morning papers. The best oil for farmers to use on thelr Jowers and Reapers is Eldorado Engine Oil. Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Dean & Co. Bny the best, and that is the Alaska ïefrigerator. Requiresone-third lees Ice han any other, has perfect ventilation, a Iry provisión chamber, and for leas inoney than any in the market. Dean & Co. joaunsncsment Concert ! WILI, BE GIVK.N IN UNIVERSITY HALL ON MONDAY EVE., JUNE 22, BT THB AMPHION CLUB, Who wltl present for tbe flrst time Hun CbrUtlaa Anderson's Falry tala THE ENCHANTED SWANS. Jiy Relnecke. Miss Ida Belle Wlnchell, Miss May Whodon, Soprano; Mr. Homer Warren, Barltne; Miss Mury I. Wood, Pianist ; Miss Nettie Jacobson. Harplst. Accompanied by two French Hum, a Harp, 'Cello and Piano. SÏÏCOITE PAET, WIU conslst of Belectlons by the UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB SOLOS, DUETS AND A DOUBLÉ QU ARTE TT. Original Composltlons by Mr. Orin Cady, Mr. Krank York, M. A., and Mr. Robs Q. Cole 'SS, wlll be produced for the flrst time in public. ADMISSIO1, ¦ 50CENT8. KMserve seats can be sccured on Tliursday momlng of Oeo. Oslus A Co., Main Kt., and Ueo. Moore, State 8t. Concert beglns at 8 o'clock. THOSE WISHING GOOD FÜRNITURE CHEÜF. CAN OET BED ROOM SETS, CARPETS, BEDDING, CROCKERY, . 8TOVES, ETC, At rare Bárralos. The fnrnlture of the ST. JAMES, bat recently nevr, Is bciiiif disposed of at prlrate sale. Ap pij at TUE COUBIER Offlee nhere the Goods are ibown.


Ann Arbor Courier
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