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Foronnctitiitiniml nr serofulnu eatarrli nnd tor eniiüinnptinn nduoed hy tlie fcrofulonc tainr. Avpi's S irsaparllla s the trup romedy. It lina CifWd nitmhprless cases. It will 8tip (he imiispons niim i Iml dioclwnecs, nnd remove tlie sickenliig odor of tlie brpatli, wlilcli me ndications of scrofulnus nrijrin. Hu to Kcacli the Resorts of Colorado. Colorido tris b'conio famnu for its inaivelous gold and silver pioiliiclion, for its pictnresque sceiiery, and Its delijfhlful el ín ite. lis muiíng tnwns and rartips, 18 massive niountains, witli tln-ir beaiitiliil (j ree 1 1 -ve id i] red vallcys, lofty muí c ipirii t';iks :i ni i awe-ln1rinjr canon, tojrelber wiih its hot ;i ík I ri'ld mineral springs nnd billis, ai id ts lie illlifu clinntle, ale attmcliinr, in grenter uiiilierri eneli y ar, tounsts, Invalldx, plensure lid bu-iness seekers fmiu all palts ot lile ni 1(1. At I'mcL i'f tlie pmmineni Chorado reMiris ari' Ku:(QK lintel-, su coiiiplclely .ipp lne,l ih.tevery npiniciible eon.fnt and luxury are nealowed Opon iln-n p.itioim. 'l'lie j'iinicy, from Cliicyo, Peorln nr SI. Loins tn Denver (ihe Kitat diMrihutinr I lm' Colorad"), if in.nle over r lie Uuiliiljítim ryUle, ( tí. & Q K. K ), will br Hl i'lrinnt anil jffKtllyiliji a8 it i.s pusMlilc Iih a riilma'l irip til lie. Il 8 llie imly line witli ilanwti tniek bclween tht_n-nl L anil llie K .c-kv .M.nnilain-, and llie oí, ly line riiiihiiiir Veiy day n I he ye. ir tlit'niiiili tiainh I" twi-eii Cldcafi, l'tcir'.a ni 8t. Lmiis and Denvi-r. It ilo mus t-i rou It il.iily triilns lietweeh Kmisas City mul Dinver. Tliese, llirmiah iranís are ili-gaiiily eniipicd witli all the nniilrin mproveníeuls, imd ruleyou over a i rae k llial i as miioiiIIi .ind site as a pillee! ni'iiHii-il, steel rails, lron hridges, liilerlocKing witclies and other devicen, eoiislructed i ti tlie raust Hkillful and ciiMiiilic iiianiiiT, can inake it. At all coupon ticket olllees in li.e Unlleü States and Ganad i will be tiilU) On sa e, iluriiijí llie UtlirUt -t-Hími, Mimd-trip tickets, vía lilis popular roule, Ht lnw mt'S to Denver, Colorado S riii)j8 and Puelilo, (Jooraiio. Wlien re.uly to starl, cali on yÜr In me licket agent ora.ldiess l'crveval Lni II. Ge 1641 l'assenaer Ayenl UiirlJUKtou U.uie, Clneao. 111. , _jk Tojsno "I üi tWTX -anüPJ BITTEB Remedy Prompt in Action, KÈVÉRKHówji i.m(í ix IñWnWKa HDiKs i SI' MlXY. SaV iiin mu t ín muí Jjj Mt qralicla. "I suff red seveiely from Y heuinatiHin In iny IIiiUih añil, ni niy klilliu H wr re nnt [h riurinin ilielr proper faoHoon 1 re Korn-il to tluNT'8[líidiiey nd LlverJ ICkiii.hi mul was pompl'telv cured." Mr. L. U Tan ntr. Pr, R I. "Prosperlty aaln8 (rienda, adverulty tries tliem." tuut in-i Lady. Mr. Thomas AiKIns.i , of t'nivldonce, R. 1. Mi.vh :- "I %ai cunSnetl i i mi A fríen. urgod ma totry Hunt's iKidney nnd hivcr lus. wüen I wus able to renuiue my liouse licld lies." "Be devoted to une thlngnt a tinao." The Weaker H x. My kldnejs ftllited and wenk Hunt'k iKlilnpy añil Llver Rkmkdy ave me tliedesired benefit. I rr.n-KI. i ll Kiirecnre ' -Mis. Klurence h Wood, ridgeporl, (Joun " True lrlcndshlp In eager to glve." 'li It'n k ¦ ls ileort DlMnee. "I have been veitly nlHicUd wllli liear lor a niimlier oí yt-rt my trnnblp wh euiiNcd by InacMon of my kldney che. tiuiI.v reeotomeli'l HDNT's[Kiilni-y SQ 1.1 ver Kl.MKliy lo II wllo IIIHV be .. 111 li-i t-. I H I llave lieei "- .Mra. A. O. Ituckwell, Peur street, Provldeuo, K. I. " Without health all men are poor." Iflinll 136 I.Iih. Wntor. "I "nu inpped elK. t Mines I imU une hnn dred a il a ly-six poumlsof waler laken mi of fue. Was trete) by Heventeen dltteren doctor, and Hunt's[KÍ uiey and Llverl Kkm kiiy int:."- irn David Norlli Uuune Wayne Counly, Mlch., Mhv Sil. 18i. íl -i al Di iijuists. ¦ Take no other. et Hend lor lliiisimifd Pliamphlet ot nuild TeHillllolli ImiI Absolule. uien HUNT's REMEDY I'O., Providence, R. I. C. .. 1(1 . II K, U, ner. I A-.-iH -¦ Y..rlt. Pi-ti r He i deisou says he lia solil $600 uroi th iif eai ly c.;bhai's (rom a sini;lecro ononeacie; Ihat he tollowed itwhhlitluce whicli hroiiRht f 140; , $700 trun om-nee. And yel sonie peoiie koimWi hy Mi. H es sticks tu Ibf ftrm íiiHtfiMJ ol dritting hack iiilo polilic.-.- Plnladel phia Cali. BBWAttB op Fkauus - Resiirf you jrei thetreí uine I)r. 'riiomas' Ecletrir Otl It Colds, ('rotip, Astlini.,, Deafuess aiui Rlietun.itlsin. Pili-son Wlinti}ídinile Baxter distiníiiilieil liitn-t If once nioie at funeral ot an :iged roloied man: " Our decea-ed brodder was mirried loah time, duilny iiis lite," said Whaiijidoiidle, "bnt niily une olí de widovvH am ?() fiiittinate as to he ahle to mvive him nng eiiougli to he present on dis htali soleiiioiou uc isiiun Thetp Is a story ciinent of a conteniporary noveli-t lm was so III hit wite was ohliged to eiifíiiije a uiht nme. At ) a ni , Iiis wife went into hi heil-room atnl touiid the uurte c-iullng. ' VVIm aave a book ?" ühe u-ked in h whisptr. "I my (U-ar. ''Whal luxik f" My last woik.'1 "Goud jrracioiis !" saiil the wife, witli alarm, "donH yon know I ll lien ssaiy lor lier to keep awake!" Ncer Gye l'p. It'j'ou are Miflcrinf; witli lnw nnd depressi-il i-iirits, losg of appetltf, general dehility, disordered blond, weak eon-titu tio-., hendadle, o' aliy disrase ola Mlllotl nature, by all ni'-ans a lioie of Ekei'ic li tter-. Yon wiil he surpiised to llie r, ipii I iiiprovetnentlllii' Will follow; yon will be inspired iih new lili ; aclivity nnd streiiüth uill lettiin : pain and iniseiy willcease, and henreloitli V"tl will ii'joice in lile praise of Electric Bitlers. S..1.I al litty cents a boltle by Ebtrbacli it Son, A charmiriK young-irirl neenmpanied by he r oct ortiar i i n jrieaf-ü rand mol her, wlio is all the name implies, enters a dry gnnjs store. ' Itmv mucb 9 lili ribbon f " sbp asks of the poule youna cleik, vvhn has bouiid ed aailely over several stool to wall upon her. "A kifs a yard!" replies the youug mashef, irallantly. "Qlvp nieten yards, then. Qnim'm-i'l] piy you- she iilways setlles the bilis when we }i0 ol" shopping." Biirklen's Árnica Sa've. The Best Salve in the world for Ciits, Bruise Hores, Ulcers, Snit Klietim, Kever 8ores,Tetter, Chupped Hamls, (jhilblalnt, Cortig, ai'fi il' Ski" Einptioni, and positively cureR Piles, or n pav required It Is jfUHranteed ti jiive perfect natisfaciioi,, or monrv refnnded. Priee '2." cents per box. For Sale by Eberb-cli Ot Son. VTbm Baby mi lot, n% &m br C JJ3TOÏXA. When she wu Child, the orMd for C AST0R1A 'vThen she beoune MlM, th elung to OASTOSIA TThBilxhdCtüd kgr(b(iCAST'A '


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