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LAST CHANCE To obtain Government Lands free - that are snitabU i tergenen! faxroing and stock raisin? purpoies- before change of Uws as per bilis now pending in Congrtw. non IN THE DEVILS LAKE, II TURTLE MOUNTAIN, Ji.V3 And Nlouse Rlver Country. north ¦pnroViv.? DAKOTA HÜKCO &&L '¦ Om 2.000,000 Acn ol R. R. Lands in Minne snta at the low price of 3.00 per are and upwarda Sectional Mapand ftillparti-'ulars niailed pM ¦ freetoanyaddressbyC. H. WARREN. LULL Gen't Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. and f I1T j Manitoba K. R.. Sr. Pai.l, Minn. I llkk Ohtnined in the Unitsd States and ForeignCouni tries. GIÍII.H I O'MIIKU-, 7O Grit) wol' - Detroit, .Tlich. f 3 'f VkM " iMpjibmI ¦''! ;..u rime iÉËÉ$SGJTOE fi flffl fiffl "H R-iiii' Tare Boa..) Fu-mh KjQ W"l ¦ W pui'l Ff :'r ' i.T3' Sizc LsStUUUJl addrw. JOHEl, OF BltJOÜAlivO StcS39NH1j BliltHIAMTOlf.Jf. Y TTT-ix rr"r w.irkiiiï peoplc. S. nd 10 cent I Ij I lliiii Ui, "i d f wtll 10 ni yon frfl n H H I f mjiil, vlohle imple boi 01 g.xdp I ihu will nt od iu ilie wmjt ot mak I11K more muney In a lew dny ttmi ! jou ever ihoua'it punrible xr any biiiliici'. Capi tal ut Ytm i'u-i live ai hume -iud worfe 1 iniare lime nnly, or II the Urne. of botr n re?, f II nj;e, kjrrti'dlv Mit'cec(iul. 50 cem t &toBll} i-iiriicci 1 eVfDlnif. Tnnt all who wn 1 K.rk ui'. Int tlM lolne, w make thUanpaial . lid offer: To h! wh aro noi wi-li ili-fivd f l' Mi 11 f 1 i" p.i for ih tmtilile if writlnK h. Ful puriicn'Mrs, dlrection, otc, Htni fret-. Immune p y ;iholu'cl.v "O'v uit all h ¦ mart at unce, -un" demy. tíádtf HTINMMI ál Oo., P Hland, Mnliu7 !) SMzd Rose Leaf, Fine Cuf, jj Navy Clippins 48= V I J I : -end ni.5i-ei.ihu. A I b, mail ,ou wili tret r . ulJ UiUUU l'"c'""'e of froofl ui larf I Talu . tlmt III ftnrt jou li w.irkiia' w ill at ce bilnii vou in mony last.' thii ythin; else in Am. rica All aHonl lh' $2nO,(KK) 11 i r.-pt-iitH wlih eflch bx. AKt'iit want x'iyvibure. ot .'iiher .x of n feg. r all lh' Inie, ur -paie time only, to wrk lor up at tlifi Ortiihumt'. Fortunen tof II workeri al'colniel i-u led. Doi.'tdelay. 11. Uallkii t C"., Pon a nd, Mitltie, RUPTURH! jk EUAK'8 IMPERIAL TRÜSS. (5 B Thi' "'w Tru" '" ¦;¦'' -r't i 'adv TT innniMlU; tIJi rv..r iDütiuti. rin(nmc hernis tltvftvi W om iay tod niylt wltb comB fort. SB ¦ TrUl. EiiuIum Hiauid ïitt Cln-uW H l'nd In Doth t' HntPMali. f OAMS lHfLRIAL rWSS CO, o 21SS, lm Arter, Kta. Office, Hiimiltoii Block. Ann Arbor. DrCLARKE KOm ( Eitabluhed 1881 I Merrill Pntfl Bwtwl 1 DETBQIT, JHCH, 1 Block. Br=r-gj Thc regular oldtiubUiited ¦KV WvVjíp"yaii:in lnJ 8ur(ren SS IJMIcLABKE, at the ofd „umbel HÍ ET" HF nlcntinuci to trtat wlth hii tuual ¦fit JBK il'"1 ikin " prirat, ¦TfAletironio, nervont and tMoltl HsÉHI DE CLAEKEinhc - mHTISM ''"" Advertliiog Physician, as files of Papers sbow and alt old Resident know Age and experienoe Important. " Nervoui Diieatea (with or withoot drtami,) or debility and o of nerve power treaied acltntifically by new methoda with neyer failmg lucceis. V-It maket no diffcrence whtt y Ou iiave Ukca or Who ha lailed lo care you. r Young men and middlu-aged men nd all who uffer ihould consult the oelebrattd Dr. Clarke at once. 49 The terrible polioni of all bad blopd and akln diiaiee of mn kind jame and nature compleleljr eradicated. Remember, that ons horrible dieeaie, tf neglcted or mproperly traated, onriet tha present and comine jeneratlons. ¦ üiieaicd dUohaTMi ïr.d promptly without hindrancc to buiinesa. TBoth sexn conault oonfldentially. IC In trouble, cali or wnte. Delaysaredangeroo. "Procraitination it the thief of time ..' A wrltten wa?rïit? oí cure given in evry oase undertaken. -Send two sump. for oelebraUd WOlkl en 'bromo, Nerveus and Delicate Dlseaas Vou hare an exhauitive iymptoaatologT by which 0 tudy jrour own Caiei. Consultaüon, persenJjly or by letter, fr. Conwlt tht old Doetor rhomauds eured. Offlcei and parlen privatt. You sae no one but the Doctor. Befora confidinr your case consult Dr. CLABKB. A íriendly letter aa Lmiy iav futu" ufTering and shaoie, and add golden yearitollfe. McH eines tent ererywhere ecure from expoinr. Hour, I to ; Siinday. 1 to rt. Addri letten: f. SK CLARKE M. D.t .rriU Bloek. Cor. Woodvtrd M ionon Avm, Sïlion, ICH.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News