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W p ROYAL'ïSCyiSt Jj B AKlN6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThlR powder never varíes. A marvel of purl!y ..-irrngtli and wholesomeness. Moreecon omloal than the ordlnary klmls, andcannoi !¦ v lil in competltlon with the multitade oí I"1 t'.-i. -lio t welghl. alum or pliosphale powders. sold only 'n cana Royal Bakino POWDBB Co., 10t Wall st.. N. Y. (pierna ÍUSFIUIRING lir.MOKS, ITCHISG TOBTUBK8, LOAT USÓME S OREfc. IIIAVK TRIED for eKven years to have roí wile cured ol a terrible skin distase. Tüe CuTIOOBA l(KHtI)Is (I'DTICCB I KSnLVENT, the De lil'wici Puriner. 1ncírnlly, and ConcDK , the Krent Skin Cuie, and Udticü a oap, an exquislte Skiu II autifl r, exttrnaily), have done in six we ks whttt I bave triod for eleven ycare to have done i on Hhall have the part culars as eoon u I caá glví ttu-in io rto, and as we are so well-known Ín ibis li i o1 the country, It wlll benefit yon, and the remedies wlll cure all who ase thero. Maysville, Ky. CUAS. H. WHITE. BLOTCIIKH (I 11)11 I ued yonr CunouBA Kkmedies for Blotchee and huí cTiipletrly cund, to my lnexprecribla loy Cu i. ma Boapl the best I have ever ued and to the profeetton tt is Invalnable for cli-ansing th íKín, thcreby removlng all " cork," greaee, palm and all the stuff u.d by them, leavinj; the i-kin pare and whlte and xoft. My reateat pleaaure ií 10 reCotilULCuduitf HUC.h A hfih TruiiKto-n, Otilo. III. MACIi. Üiumplon Oomlque ttollur tíkatir. BB FOK AMTHIVC. Havibs UHtid yuur Cüticira Iíemedies for 18 miiniiB tur IVttiT. arid ttually cured it, 1 am anxiuus to L-¦! It to sell ou couimiBsion. I can recommrud it beyond any reraediei I have ever used for T. ti. r, ljurn?, Cuts. etc., etr. ín lact, it Ib the 'bei medicine 1 h ive ever tried for Mvbtlb, Mw8. R S. HORTON. NEVER A (OIII'I.AINT. Slncc I have beun peiling your Cuticüra Reukih 1 hftve never h'-ard a single complalnt, but oí contrf-ry, every one who has ueed th'-m hatbeejD well pieused with them.and thty otiteell ail otherp. E B CUBBKhLY, Andrews, lnd. Drugglst. S( 11(11 1OIS SORES. I hail a coztín had nores on my body, and tried all remedies 1 could hear of, aad at last tried your C TICUKA RkmediLs, and tbey haveenred me. UeDrui), Tuayer Co , Pa. JNO. QASKILL. CuTictjnA Remedies aie íld everywhere. Price, ('utuura. 50c; He olvent, $1.00; Soap, 5 cent Prepared by i oí it.k Druo and Chsmical Co., Jotton, Mass. Kend Cor ¦'!¦¦ to cure k In Dlaemsea' m A T Sunbnrn. Pimples, BlacKheads and A All f Olly --kin. nse the Cutioura -¦na". CATARRH Th'it pnn, siveet, safe, and effective American ilistll ilion of Witch-Ilazel, American Pine, Canada Kir Mar"oU, and Clover-Blossom, called San tord'l Kartical Cure 'or Catarrh, wlih one box U tairhul Solveni one Sandford's Iraproved Inbaler all in one package. my mi be had of all drug glíts, foi AHK for SAMDFOI d'S UaDICAL CüBK. CumpIcW Locil and Constituttonxl Treatment tor ' viry lom ol Cntnrrh. from a Simple Colrt or Influenza to loss of nell, taste, and Hearing, Couüh, Bronchitis, ud Caurrhal Consumpilon, In t very packa'er {Iir:)nirn, Vocalist And public speakere without number owe thelr presADt nHctuines8 andsuci;e88 to SANronD'e Radical Cüke for Catarrh. Kev. Dr. Wigi{in sus: "One of the best reme die lor Catnarh- nay, the best remedy we have lonnd iu a liletime of sufferlug- is Santobd f Radical Cukü. Ii clears the head and throat ro thorouitily ihat, taki g eich morning on risinj;. iré (i, di-iatfr-eable mvkln ihiniiL' ihe en tire day, but u unprecedonted clearness of volee and resi.lratory organs." Sold hy all druggleu. Mee, tl:(. Potter Irue and Chemical o., Boston. Qi-LIOy matism, iMnralgia, Weak ,,.iT„. ¦Hiricr-nm and Kon: I.nne-, ('ouirhf VOLTAlCgtLLC7R10aMl c,W(i Weak Back. JS A-tTtA Weak Stomackand Bowelu ¦fcASTlVl'' Dyspepnia, Femalf Weak neus. Shuotini.' piii.s throoeh the loins and back, iry these piasters. Placed over the pit ol the Slum ico they pruveut aud cure Au;ue I'ains. BillounCoUc, I.iver com;ilaint-, and protect the ysvin ttoth ¦ thousand Hls. 25c. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S iiïiiiiii AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantiy on hnnd. ItltEAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholenale and Retall Trnde. We shall alo keep a snpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! I) Uil Flour, Kyc Flour, Buck v heat Flour, Corn Mcal, Peed, Etc., At Wholesale and Retall. A general stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIÜNS Conslantly on hand, whlch wlll bo sold on as i tnonihifl ternis sh at any other house In the cit . Cafh pa'd for BUTTKR, EGQH and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally (Joods dellvered to any part of the cuy wtthont extra charge. RINSET & SEABOLT. ËVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN v V AKBOR. Should advertise in THE COURIER.


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