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Miss Miiinie Russ of Soutli Beud is at Dr. Hose's. Miss Ella Travis of Kalamazoo is visitingin town. W. H. French has returned from his eastern trip. Miss Belle Ponda of Detroit is visitinjt Mrs. J. N. Bui ley. Mm J. E. Field, of Alpena, left for her Imme last Saturday. Hon. Jay A. Hubbell is a guest at the Cook house this week. Dr. Ed wards, of the Kalamazoo asyluni, h in the city this week. Mi-s Hattie Alles has returned home for the summer vacation. Miss Clara McGruder, of Port Clinton, Ohlo, is visiting at Dr. Darling'd. Will T. Whedon is home from Boston. Mr. Nelson Turner accompanies hirn. Edward F. Loud, of Oscoda, is attendiiig commencement exereises this week. Miss Mollie Huil, is at home from the Cinciiinati Art School, for the eunimer. Mrs. R. B Pope went to Ohio Monday teenjoy a weck'ssojourn witli relatives. Mrs. Geo. H. Gray, of Alpen, has been visiting friet. ds in the city the past week. Query- How's the walkinjr 'twixt here and Plymouth. Solution- apply to C. A.H. W. W. Watts and hls mother, Mis. B. F. Watts, are visiting relatives in Charlotte. Dr. Flynn, medie. '81, is in the city visting his parents. He is located at West B ranch. Airs. Col. Scott and dauahter, of Washington. D. C, is visiting her sister, Mrs. , Gmi. Hnnt. , Mrs. Allison and dauirhter, of Pontiac, are the guests of Mrs. Z. Burd, on State I st., th is week. l Mi-8 J. Ashley Keith, and son Haroll. of Caro, vUiteil relatives n the city tlie last of the week. Mrs. Geo. P. Stauch and family left for Taylor, Wayne Co., Tuesdny a. m., tor a two week's stay. Isaac Crawford returned from Colorado Saturday night. E. G. Stiles expecU lo return this week. Miss Amelia De Foregt, formeily of this city, now of Climax, is aguest at Martin Clark's this week. Miss Geile of New York Is enjoyinsr Commencement week with the faiuily of Prof. Geo. Morris. Harry Devlin, of J;ickson, is visiting lita uunt, Mrs. Wm. A. Hatch, Jr., during t lie present eek. JiiuVeMeClellanandfainily of Auhurn, Ind., is spending the week with JudgBest on Mailison st. Hon. W. D. Harriman left Ann Arbor Monday on his annual visit to see his aged pirents in Vermout. Drs. Breakey and Kapp contémplate aftending the 7th laryngological congresat Detroit, June 24-27. Misses ElU and Millie Rlchmond, of Detroit, ure guestsat the resideuce of Fred áchmid, E-q., this week. MlM May Huilt and Miss Eva Case. of M inchester, are the giiests of M r. and Mrs. E. B. Norris this week. Irvin K. Pond, of Chicago, spends today and to morrow with his parents and other friends in the city. Miss Mary II. White, formerly of this city, but now of Jrbana, Ohio, has been visiting friends in the city. Miss Della McClellan of Auburn, Ind.. har icfurned tor corameMcement week and is with Mis. Goodyear. Frank SI. Caldwt-11, Dist. Pass. Agt., of the Pemisylvania R. R, of Fort Wayne, Iurt., is in the city this week. F. H, Weir is quite ill with malarial fever, and unable to be at his post as leader of the Chequainejíons. W. B. Cady of Sault Ste. Marie is in towu atteiiding Commencement. He is the city attorney at the " Soo." Miss Huggins has returned from Baltimore where she wintered, and is passing commencement week in town. Mrs. Dr W. F. Breakey and niece, Miss Owen, had to defer starting upon thcir eastern trip until Tuesday. Mrs. H A. Lord, of Tenn ,a formerpreceplress of the high school, is the guest of Mrs. T. J. Keech for few days. Secretary of State H irry A. Conant and wire. ot Monnie, remain dunug (Jommencement week af tlie C'ook house. Mrs. Martha A Hall, daughter of the late S. D. McDowell, h;is been a resident of Washtenaw Co. si nee June 1824. Pleasantafternoon receptions weie held last week at the homes of Mr. Harrison Soule, Dr. Vaughan, and Mr. Con don. C. E. Placetvay, of the Brighton Argus, lias been In the city during the week in ittend.iace upon coiniiiencement cxercUes. Julius V. Seyler, of the Detroit conseryatory of music, lias returned to Aun Arbor to spend the vacation time wiih tiis pa rei lts. Miss Nettie Ames has arrived home from Minneapolis, Mina., and will spend the slimmer here. In the fall she returns tu her school. Walter Burnett went to Ev mston, III., last Wednesday, to witness the gradúation of ti is sister at the ladies' seininary of that city. Mrs A. V. Regal, of North Beuton, O., is visiting lierdaughter Miss J. L Caruthers, and her sisters, Mr. Prof. U. B. Cady and Mrs. M. V. Torraos. Mr and Mrs. Jus. M. Stafford leaveFri day for Akron, Ohio. J. M. will return Monday, but Mrs. Stafford will remain several weeks, wlth relatives. John Dieterle is home for the cuminer Tiication.from the seminary of the Evangelical synod, near St. L'mis, M"., where iie i prepaliog for the minUtry. E. E. Puinp, ed tor of the Xenia, O , Torchliifht, is in town on Important buxiness. Rumor has h that he comes to bear uw:iy one of Ann Arnor's fair damsels. Mrs. Jas. Rickettsne M hu Julia Millen, and d lUjrhtor, of Lindenville, Ohio, rrived In the city Sunday nitrht to remain duTing tbe cuinmer with her parents, Mr and Mrs D 8. Milieu. Prof. C. E. Gret-ne left for Deer Park, Md„ a suburb of Baltimore, Monday, to attend tlie national convention of civil engincers, in 8C88Í0H trom the 24tb to the 27Üi i nst. Win. G. Doty has gone to Charlotte today.iu his oflieial capacity as Grand Standard Bearer, to as?ist in the dedicatlon and consecration of the asylum of the new commandery, Knights Templar, in that city. Mrs. Prof. E. Olney expects to leave Ann Arbor this week fora few week's stay at Charlevoix. Prof. Olney will re main at the Battle Creek Sanitarium for the present, where hc is evidently Improving. Henry Todd, of Hamburg, was In the city Monday, and acaller at theCoCRiKR office Mr. Todd has been a reader of this paper nearly a quartor of a century, and proposes to keep on in the good path lie liaa so long trod.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News