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TH LINBLE0TBOBV THí U. S.OOVT TO OARRY THg _rI_Ml___ II Is the only line with lts own track Irom CHICACO TO DENVER, Elther by way of Omaha. Pacific June., St. Joscph, Atchison or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots with through tralns ffom NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Easlern polnts. It It the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND 4. CITY OF MEXICO It traversr-s all of the slx great States of ILLINOIS. IOWA MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO with branch Unes to all their Important cities and ""rom CHICAGO. PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, it runs evcry day in the year from one to three elegantly equlpped through trains over lts own tracks belween Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joscph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Rapids, Chicago and Sloux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwest, ltsequipment Is complete and f r st class In every particular, and at all important points Interlocklng Switches and Signáis are used, thus insuring comfort and safety. For Tickets, Rates. General Information, etc, regarding the Burllnqtnn Route, cali on any Ticket Agent In the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1T V.P. 4. Gen. Moh., Chicago. HENRV B. STONE, Asst. Gen. Mor., Cmicaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, GiH. Pas. Aot., Chicaoo. Chancery Notice. ryhe Circuit Court for the County of Wash I lena', in Chnnoery. benul J Kockwell aid David Rockwell, ('MiiiplHiiiJtntH, vs. Klimbt-tli Twltchell, Dan iel Twitclu-I, Anu Case. Kninkllo B Cuín tnings, Joanna Cuinmmgs umi the unknuwii helr of Jonas TwilclieiF, deoeased, Delen. IAta aession of sald court, held at the ril y of Aun Arbor, Michig.n. OD the 7ili day ol May A. D. 18k5. Present Hon. (Jlmuncy JosIlii, Circuit Judge Sult pending In UieClr cult court for the County ol VVashtenaw In Ann Albor, Michigan, ou the 7th day of Muy A. D. I8W. Itsallsfactorlly appearing to this conrt by the afflduvit ot said coniplaliianl. il led In Ibis court at the Mme of linnu the blll ol coraplalnt In sald cause, that raid .lonas Twltchell, deceased.dled leavlng helrs, WbdM niiiui-s Hinl places of resldence are nnknown to Raid afflunts in said uffluavll, and It lurllier apiearint; to the satisfacliou of llus conrt tnat suih unknown helrs are nececaary parties to thlM snit, therefore It is ordercil ibnt sald unknown hei of sald Jonaa Twitchell, deceastd, cause thelr appearance to lie entered in sald suit on or before Kriday, thelnih ihiy ot November A. D. 188n, andlu ra.' of Ihelr appearance they cause thelr answers to ihecomplaln nt's blll of coinplalnt 1 1 , tlled, and a copv thereof U be served on complHinanl's sollcitor, withln twenty daya lifter service ou ihem of a oopy of sald blll, and notice of tnls order; and i hat In defauli thereof. ald blll be taken as confessed by the Raid unkmwn helrs. And it Is run her ordered. tbat wilhin twenty days aft ir the date h,Tf()l, I sahl coniplainant cause a notict: ni' (hls order tobe publlshed In lhe Ann Arbor Coubiek. a newHpaper prlmed publishi'il and clrculating In sald county, and ilmt such publication be contlnued inereln' at least once In each week, for six weeks In succesïi'ated Ann Arbor, Mlch., May 7. A. D.. 1885. (_'. JOS. YN, sawyek & Knowi-ton. Circuit Judge. Sollcitors tor l.omplalnants. Estáte of John (. Da vis. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ol Washtenaw. At a session of the ProbateCourt for theCounty O' Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office. In thicity of Ann Arbor. on Monday. the iöth day of May in me year, onr thousand eight hunured and elghtyfive. Present, WUliam D Ilarriman, .'udfl;e of Probate. In the matter of the eetate of John G. D-ivif, di 'i-;i-ed. On readinj? and üling the petitlOD, duly venfled, ol Emma A Davis praying that adniiiii(trati'n of saiu estatu may be granted to hureelt or enme other suitable percon. Thereupon it ib ordered, thti! Monday, the 22(1 day ol June next, at ten o'clock la the ion - noon, be asi-lgned for thu hearing of sald petition ana iii-i cittr iwtn m iv oi mii ëw ceased, and all other perponn interested in ald estáte, are required to apptur at a ses ion of said court, then to be holden ut tb I'robate Office, in the city ol Aun Arbor, and show cause, lf auy tht re be, whj the prayer of lhe putitioner should not bi1 Krant ed. And it ie furtner ordered, ibat said petitionei trive notlcu to thepereons interested in said estáte. of the peudeucy of said petitiou, and the heuriiu thereof. by causitiK a copy of thic order to be pub lixhi'd in The Ann Arbor Vouritr, a newepaper printed and circnlated in said county. three encc-essivc weeks previou to aald day o hearing. (A trm copy.) WILUAM D. HARKIMAN, Jude of Probate. Wil. G. DOTY. Prohnt ReJKter 12)2-1245 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. ss. In the matter of the estáte of Minnle C. Henley, Minor, Notice 1 hereby gi ven. that in pursuance of an order granted to the undiTMKiird guardián, of tlie Estáte of sald minor, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the 28ih day of May, A. D 18X5, there wlll be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the tast front door of the Court House In lhe city ol Ann Arbor, In the County of Washlenaw In said State, ou Saturday, the eighteeuth day of July, A. D. 1885, at 10 o"clock In the forenoon ot that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or oiherwlse exlsling at the time of the sale), all the rlght. tltle and interest of sald minor, the followlng de-crlbed Heal Estáte, towlt: Lo number fonr on Bfock number two, according to the recordel plat ot lhe Village of Delhi. Washtenaw County, In Michigan. JOUNSON W. KNIGHT, Guardian. TJated May 58th, 1883Notice to Credifor. STATE OF MlCHIQAN.Connty of Notice is liereliy givn, ihut by an order of the Pruhate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-second day of June, A. i. 1885, six monthe Trom that date were allowed forcreiliiors to preaent thelr claims aKaiust the eetate of John G. Ddvls, late of said county, deceaj-ed, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present thelr claims to eaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor,for examinatiun anJ allowauce. on or betore the '2'2d day of December next, and that aacb claims will be hcard oelore aaid court, oa Tuesday, the 'L2A day of beptemberand on Tuesday, the 22d dai ol Decemhtr, ni-.xi, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of each ot uaid Da'ted, Ann Arbor, Jane 2ïd, A. D. 1885. WILLIAM U. HAKKIMAN, 12J3-12S5 Judx'e ol Probate. An Ordinance Relative to Stallions- l'ns.d June lOth, 18S5. Be it Ordained by lhe Mayor, Recorder and AUermen o 'he Vity of Ann Arbor : Bkction 1- That It uhall not be lawful tor any persou to display or publlcly exhlblt wilhfu the 11 i ils of the City of Ann Arbor, ai y stalllon orjackass. or keep or use for the purp8e of generalion any staili n orjackass lu sald city, except in au euclosed cov tred building, and no person shall keepor aáa any slallion orjackass in such a marnier as to cause a nuisance. íSkctio' II- Auy vlolatlon of the provl¦loH8 ol' this ordluance shall be puulshed by B Muí' oí not ltss ihau tlve dollar, nor lo rxr. ,-d seventy-tlve dollars and costs. to be reeoYrd befóre any Jusllce ot the pcace of the City ot' Anu Artor, aini In the imposición of any such Que aud coala, the sald j atice of the pace, may make a lurtherseuleuce, that ni defauli in lhe payinent ibereof within Lbutlma nxed In such sentence, the offt'nd r l)é coiiimitted lo the Detroit house ol corjectlon or tne Wasliteuaw Coui ly Jail lor :i pcrl(Ht iif unie nol exceedmg híiifty d ys. Sectios III.- An ordlnauce entltled. "An Ordlna' ce Kelalive lo stalllons," piand January 15th. 1S72, Ís hereby repealed. JOHN KAPP, GEO. II. POND, Mayor. Rl ...nler. ÁYER'S"X Agne Onre contalns an antidoto for all malarlal diaordera whioli, eo far us known, is used in no other remedy. It cciitriins no juinine, nor any mineral nor deieteitoua eubstance wbatyer, and consequemly produce no injurioua effect npon tho coi.stüution, but Icaves tbo ysteni u healtLy os it vías before Uie atlack. WE WAEEANT ATEK'3 AGÜE OTXEE to cor every caso of Fever and Agne, Intermlttent or Chill Fever, Remltten Kcyer, Dnmb Agüe, Bilious Kover, and Livor Complalnt caased by malnrix Iu cnse of failure, after due trial, dealers are aulhorized, byour circular dated July Kt, 1882, tu i'tfuud thn money. Dr.J.C.Ayer ACo., Lowell, Mast. BoU by 11 Druggiitt. B.UPT una ! Jt. EGAN'8 IMPERIAL THUSS. gW PB iiíw TniM li. ;.ra #¦ an.l mirWBm tbi rmuiu ; yiridí u vtry motlon, iwUiunnc - j- "- üir htnili aiwava Worn daf tatú nikl with cro¦b fort. H#-tonTr)l. EikIom 8ttu for Cirrulr. i Vtêd a boih Uolvrlty Hipiul. LQAt'S IMPERIAL TltVSS CO., Bou 2288. Ann Arbor, Mich. Office, Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor.


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