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W (Troyal (:&'.f Ji B AKlMö POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlils pnwdtr nfver varíes. A marvel of po rlly.Ntu'iiKili ui.i H-holf8oinenes8 Moreeconomical Ihan tb onlliuiry klda, and can nol D"l ld In com etltlon wlth tlu; imiltlluiie ot low v si. Hbo t weigiit alora or pbosphate KSS rionnVu'N. UAKINO 13 ft! Af IS THE TIME II HU 11 SKIN HUWOR51.pi ÍT in nt ihií eiiji'nn wtien tht p ¦re open fn-Hv a'id ihf Purupira i u a uhnndant ihn ii-ti,-ir li, ir iluinoi?. Uu ¦ iii-.t'iitr (-.. tip i ii inhibí Tur Inrea, Balt Kbeam "r Bcz ma, - irl-l, 'IV't. r king-vorm. Baby Humor-, sci.fulu, Scm uluuii Sarr-.. b O'"--, aid IHi-c 'Ir. in ,,u ,,, nui n'iv i Irchin , Sculy, mi'l lmply lnrHiuet i l' e ki,i un I S, ¦.,,,, ,r.' niiv i , wed II uní i onrad bj tb. Cm uu Hm, UiE-. IT 15 A FACT. Huodreda or letfri i pon-'a1on (copea ol whirh nifiy btï hjid hv rrurn m II) nri' uai 'iitbori y Tor ihf H-ntr i.n tb 't M;i , -cip n ,i Bloii'l Homo's, wlirlhcr , ro . Inhirii d nr iNitilagioa-, iimy O V he perm i . tv ctv IÍE-4ILVB t. Iwnsw B o .d l'iiruhT, in rtriially, le one hnll tlie lina and ai unu bal' te capeóse ol au. oluer s uiu , CREATESTON EARTH. Cdtiodb Uk are the irreafn m dlclDai '1' raitii. ild ui .i.t ... u.i ui v M.v ni"t er h id II '"e t y.-ai. umi in 'act lit'fi frurn t. I beiieve CutiCl'r wnu d h ive iaved l er ilftt. M tinnt. nd baad wen . iiv.Tid for ye itp, hich ttothi if riiVfd or cnrM notll l "-('d iba Ctmóviu Kk oi.v nt loteri allji and Outiouba and v-'uticcua S ip, erternally. J. W. AnAtis, Newark, O. (URtT IIIiOOl HBDCGINB8. Tht Imll lm d but'n toid na to 'lic tiruat curi lTe powrs ol th" ctkuk Kkmkdiks. I bavp pjiid handrada of dollars for medlGiaaa to cure dlmK of ibe liloo'l a 1 sKin and ni'ver round anylbiuir ye; to qul the Cui ci'iía iívmkiuks. Cine. A. WiLLIaíh, l'mv idcuci-, K. I. Snld by II drowtala. Piice: Cuticur. 50 C s.; Rh'U.tkmt, 1: S..AP. öct". Preparad by üie POTTBR IHtUO NDCUK ICAL Oo.. Ro-tOll, Ml-H. Me mI r r"ll ivlci(-.r Nkín IMnraara." TI YTrT'V F'r Snciburn. Tan and ¦'" H X JL Dllysk ll.i.sei l-,Kt:i. Su,p. i'HOLKRA lD YKLLoW, Mr -rml, Mirt tnat'C iind cout .üi Uii or r.p .i.-m i; Jn li-eaeeo. aid inany ailm-ntí atteiiding Hf -baDye ol cliraate, food and wite". m iy mB i ntlMy pi ventea by wearli.g a f'fTiTgy 'i i: I'i.astkh ov.r rhe pn of 'he ítum ae, i b ireqneut cliaiiKi-s, wbeiM v r ex - po8-d tu tieat afTectluní. A cure by iheotpt on Is t-ff-cted bv I' wbeu til oiher plaetera rail lt Ís tne bi-nt platter kuown lo physlclann and driiir.'lsts. A I dru;iript, 25c; rtv ¦ fur tl.uo. ilítited Iret. Po tmi hhVu and Chemical Co , Boston. CATARRH Complote Tr'afmnt. wi(h Inhalcr, for Erery Form or Catarrh, $1. sahdfdrd'ÍYadical cure Hcad Colds, Watery Dlscharijp from tlic Noie nd Fyes. KlngiiiK Nolsei In the Hid. Nurvou Hedche and Fevcr irmtantly relleved. OboklnK mucuH alslog d, nr-mbranf elcansca nd beak-d. bn-aib Bwccti-urd, Rint-ll, taitc. and bearlng rc'Btorfd, and ravages clu-cked. Cougb, Bronchitis. DrupplnK Into the Throat. Palm In rhe Uneat, Dyspepsla, Wasilng of Strengtb and Flesh. LoMOf Sleep, etc., cureil. One buttle liadical Cure, on; box Catarrhal Solvent and one i)r Sanford's Inhal-r. inonc pacIciiKi', of all drugulsts. for 1. k for Sinford's Kadlcal Cure, a puri'dlstlllatlonof Wllch Uazi'l. m riñe, Ca. Flr. MarlK'ild. cluv.r lllosBoms. ele. PoTrKB IBUO a.nd Chemical Co-, Boston. l'ofer lruar hikI l'lipinlral o., Hostun. 1 I I ti I W"W L fe for Slnttererl (A1 L I IM QiS'crv,-, Pin n 'ni Vtnsc'ci" and r" ".r W."ik.M,,.i Or-ns. Eo'OLTAIC ,,„' luli ir l'.l.ilrr ffMk lIaMt r ].í!in i affectf f dB "'"' i't;rvoin gy-tm and _L .nTi (¦¦'H p tin. nci v neen y-inl lit'.luv. A perleri 1 EC-TRIC Hlk(1'r" " -Hva 'S ELECTRIC .„, ery rom innl ' ACTCRblili " Mtfl'l medl'no I U1 iual l'lanter ior & Cu. A1I drngí,'i!í. RINSEY &SHA OUT'S lliljllM AND Flour and Peed Store. W kep conctantly oo h'ind, BKEAD, CB.vrKERS, CAKKS, KTC, For and Betail 'r da, We sball nl-ci keepa rupply ol SW1FT & DEUBEL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! Drlhi Flour, Kyc FliMir, Uuckwlicat Hoiir, Corn nal, Fced, Elf., At Wholesale nnd Ketall. A eneral stock of GROCERIES and PROYISIuNS Constantly on hand, which 111 be sold on a reasoimhle termi as at any other bonaa d thc cit . Cach pald for BHTTER, BOG- and COÜNTUY PRODUCB gemrally (íooIk d-livered to any part of the cuy frltboOt exlra charle. RIXSEY & SEABOLT. ËVERY LIVE MERCHANT I ANK ARBOR. Should advertiste in THE COURIER.


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