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Frank H. Evats formerly of Dexter, is iiow a u)cichaiit In Pullman, III. Mis Coi a Hauson, f Milan, ppend-the slimmer villi her uñate in Detioit. The DrXter jnvenllo h u.t] is m:ikinr progrMi says the Leider. Tlic tlnie set fortín: YVashtenaW courilv li.ii is S.-,t. 29th, 30th ind Oct. lst nnd 2.1 Augustus S Gard ner, nl' Ypsilanti, die in lh 2lat a;t;l 07 year, of cousuiupr ion, Aiiiona; the other nttraction for tlie F"iirth at Dexter, will be tt glass hall slioot. Tlie Saline Observer coinés to us agnhi hearinjr Hie name of C F. Oyeracker is pubiisher. The Union churcli festival at the rink, Milan, Wednesday eveuiiig last - big linie mrri $42. 7U made. Mis L'irettu Cook, aged 35years,daughI ue.-.lay of lust weck. C. II Miiinis, frum Ann Arbor, ha npened a lioe shop in Gay' new store on Matn si reet. - Milan Leader. The district knowii as the Fotiey district in N'irtlificltl will have 8 new school building erected this uminer. Dr. üenfiiss has taken tip his rpsi dence in D.xtiT once muit, and resides al tlie corner of Ann Albor and Baker sts. Rev. Mr Bailey has accepteii a cali to the Couuregational chuichin Dexter, and will commence his labors next Sun.lay. Mes-rs. Uiifrgs & Gregory of Dexter have formed a paitneiship for buying wool, umi are ready to py for all they can purcliase. Rev M. C. Stanlpy has returned from nortliern trip, and it is rumoree! thai he is likely to remove in that direction. - Dext.T Leader. Chus E. St. John, of Hillsdaie, bas been appointeil asst. prof. of cbemitry in the Nim mal school at Ypsilaiiti, of whicb be ia a raduH'e, in '76. the appointnient of Edward Duffy as postinaster at Ann Arlior, every can didate in the oounty fora P. M.'s position has been pricking up bis cara in great i-liMpe. Josopb Ganntlett, villageof Milan mar slml .otlers f 20 reward for intoi mation tbat will It'iiil to the cnpture of burglurs nbo liurtrlarizetl Davis & Cliris' store Saturday night, June 20th. The orator of th day at Dexter, Saturday, the 4lh, is Hou. "Cbarle K. Whitman, of Ypsilauti, hBO we'll bet n big appie (p iy .ble next fall) that the people ol Dexier will listen to agood oration. The graduates from the Ypsilanti high school, this year are: Mary C-idy, Ciara Parson. Jcnsie Thompson, Genevieve Kinnif, Ni-lhe Morman, Kilith VViiitney.S.irab Whitnev, B. lle l'ierson, Will Smitü and Don rii'illips. Ye editor and familv indulged In green peas tor dinner on Monday last, the trun if our own gaiden. That beats out M'ioieville coricSM)ii(li'nt as lar hr peas aie co, cermd - Milan Leader. Yes, even )Ur liiend Claik. Samuel G. Ivés and Geo P. Glazier, of Cbelsti,unite iu a lelter to the Stock biidüC Hun, denving that they, oreitber of thciu. i.iVe ever made or lost one cent in wheat leal, or tliot they ever countenanced n any way "any olher tonn of f hui bl i r; " Frank Trussell, Era., of Milan, became [Down to the people of VVashlenaW conniy by being a candidate upon the repuiilicin ticket for circuit couit cominisiiniier larb fall. He was not tltcted, and iow be has gone off and souht solace in imtrimony. llere's hopinjí lie will be llore 8UCCcsstul in tilia enterprise. Tne tollowinjr are the offleers of the Normal alumni tor the coming year : President- 8up'l C. T. Grawn, "80, Traverse City, Vlce Pre't-Prof. John Ooodison, '60. Ypiil ui. tl Hecretary-Miss Anna A. Patou, '81, YpsilanLl. Kxecutlve ommltte- C. F. R. Bellowi '55; Lois . McMnnon '76; C, T Urawu. 't. I.lterary Appolntmenti for 18H8.- Orntor, Hun. Mllo I). CMinpbill, '15 Qnincy: Alter nale, t'rof .). F. PI winnn, "7, White Pigeon ; l'o'-i , Fraucea A. Mt. Jobo, 7t), Kendlng. Om f. end, Geo. Miles, went to Vanderbüt a year or more ago, bouyht the presa ind material of a defunct newppaper, siarled the Hcview and was doing a veiy business wlicn up jampa the forme i pi'.piictor and doses up the liistitution on . mortffae of whicb Gaorgc knew notbing, and being unable to flijlit htm witb a lawsuit he bas boxed np his personal effects hikI returned to Manchester. - Manchester E nterprise. From the Ypsilantlan : "Ann Arbor Commandery, Nu, 13, Knights Templar, & Irbrated tbeir annual observanco of St. Jobn's Day at öt. Luke's oliurcb last evenlog. 'J'hirty six Knijrbts trom Ann ArIjor and six from Cbelsea were present, l'hevisitois partook of a oplendid Bupper it the Follett House, and nccompanied by :be YpniUntl Ki.ights marched froru the hotel tothe cliurch. They were all fine looking men, and with their beautiful regalia presented a magnifleent appearanoe in the street. The service at the cliurch was acoording to the ritual compíTed by the Commuulfry for St. John's Day. l'lie vlíittnff KniirbU returned home on :lie ten o'clock train, marchlng directly from the church to the depot.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News