Real Estate Transfers

MIchael Dealy to Willas Watkins, Manouester S 1,000 ios. Schnable, by adrn'r, to Peter Snauble, Brldgewaler 1,682.50 Stephen H. Dodge to Jennle U McDowell. Ypsllanll 1,700 Cassy Ann Rooko to Eugene M. Kooke, Ypsllantl 1,000 Hay A Todd to Hay A Tod 1 Mafg Co., YpHlIantl 5,000 ïd. Croakln to Jolia Dulan, Dexter 975 Samuel Hutchlnsou to .lolin s. M.-nm, etal., Ann Arbor 2,600 Ann M Johnson to Buel Johnson, et al, Brldgewaler. 2,500 MaryAnn Bllble to Nellle Hemlngway , Ann Arbor 3,300 Henry Krauae to Slmon F. Hlrth, Ann Arbor 4,000 O. L. Matthews to Wra. and 8nmuel Wauty, Augusta 600 Alpheus Felch to Elvira M Nlchols, etal, Ann Arbor 1,2 Ira Basselt to Laura B. Qodfrey l'ii isHeld 8,000 John McDonald to Samuel W. Smlth, Sylvan 6,000 Maria Loomla to Kllstia Loomls, Buperlor aud Vpsllanll 1,000 8uan Rice to Luoy Rice, Ypsllantl 71(0 Loulsa M. Hurd to H. T. Morton, Ann Arbor 100 Adolpti B. Covert to Nancy Baldwln, Ann Arbor 400 Geo. Alban to Alban Cemetery Assoclatlon, Ypsllantl 825 Perry C. Depew to E. 8. Prudiien, et al., Sylvan 4,000 lmrr S. Prudden et al. to Thomas Wllklnson. öylvan 1,60 M. E. Pepper t Samuel Chapín, York, 750 LUlle J. nicks to C. V. Hlcks, Lodl ... 2,000 A. Fletoher lo Charles Hm! I h Augusta, 1,700 C H. Mlnnls to J. H. Warner, Ann Arbor 1,200 Gen. John G. Parkliurst, of Coldwater, has not traveled around this stnte very ruuch, it s to be judged by the following, purporting to come from bis lipa: There Is tnuch talk about the discord between two democratie factlons over appointluenlB. Ho lar as the Male Ís concerneu. n lt not feit at all There I perfect harmony between all members of the party In the interlur of the suite, and uu dlspogitlou to flnd faiilt wllh the leaders. If the General will step over to Ann Arbor merely, he can llnd somc hoart-burnings over bis own candidacy for the pension offlee. Achitttel mortago upon Ihat posit ion was held by one of the old school demócrata bere, and for the General to step in and serve an attaebment and take the goods, liasn't lelt it all baniiony, l)y any means. And then there are otlier elements of unhappiness, also.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Alban Cemetery (Ypsilanti)
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Michael Dealy
Willas Watkins
Joseph Schnable
Peter Schnable
Stephen H. Dodge
Jennie C. McDowell
Cassy Ann Rooke
Eugene M. Rooke
Ed Croakin
John Dolan
Ann M. Johnson
Buel Johnson
Mary Ann Bilbie
Nellie Hemingway
Henry Krause
Simon F. Hirth
O. L. Matthews
William Wanty
Samuel Wanty
Alpheus Felch
Elvira M. Nichols
Ira Bassett
Laura B. Godfrey
John McDonald
Samuel W. Smith
Maria Loomis
Elisha Loomis
Susan Rice
Lucy Rice
Louisa M. Hurd
H. T. Morton
Adolph B. Covert
Nancy Baldwin
George Alban
Perry C. Depew
E. S. Prudden
Elmer S. Prudden
Thomas Wilkinson
M. E. Pepper
Samuel Chapin
Lillie J. Hicks
C. V. Hicks
A. Fletcher
Charles Smith
C. H. Minnis
J. H. Warner