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The acceptance of office by th Marquls of Salisbury was officially announced ia Parliaineot on the 23d by Earl GranriUe and Mr. Uladstoue, and was commnnicated by the new Premier in person to the Queen at Windsor Castle. Thk Itallan steamer Italia was rectntly wrecked in South American waters, aad aixty-flre lires were lost. Apí ice generator in a MarseillM (Franee) brewery bursr th othr day, wreckinp; two buildings, kilUng flre par ¦ons and injuring many others. Active preparations were being mada on the Zl'l for the trial at Regina of Louis Riel and about sixty others engaged in Uu Northwest rebellina. Advices of the 23d say that Captain liawton was obliged to abandon the trail of the hostils Apaches in the Sieira Madres, in Mexico, owing to the exhaustion of his horses. fcTHE Hoyal Ueographtcal Society will send out another African exploring expe dition, to start from Zauzibar in August. An explosión recently in a powder-mill at Lucca, Italy, oaused a he&ry lost of life. It was stated on the 24th tbat tb Rössian were secretly operating extensivo gunworks, under the disguise of hospilals and asylumns, at Batoum, on the Black Sea coast. Miss Mii.drkd Colkridqe, daughter of the Lord Chief Justice of England, was married on the 24th to Charles Warren Adaras. Her father refused to attend th wedding. Guymas (Mex.) adrices of the 24th report two engagement with the Yoquis Indians, in whi'jh two bundred Indiani and six Mexieans were killed. Three Americana were reportad to hare beea killed near Palruaripa by a part of Gerunimo's Apache band. The differences between Russia and Turkey, growing out of the demand of the former upon the Porte for the remoral of the Governor of Salónica, hare been amioably setüed. The Dominion House of Coramons has passed a bilí iucreasing the Northwest mounted pólice to onethousand men. Of one hundred immi,'rants recently lanled at Montreal, thirty-six were deafmuteg. The French army in Tonquin was on the 25th being decimated by disease. Three thousand siek soldiers bad been sent home, portation. Several slight shocks of earthquake wero feit on the 2öth at Iuverness-shira, Scotland. A rkport was receired at the Nary Department on the 2ótb from Admiral Jouett announcing the failure by the parties interested tosettle the disputes in the United States of Colombia. He said the politica! differences between the two parties were of sneu a nature that a peaceable settlement was quite impossible, and that hostilities were likely tocontiune ind.fiuitelr. A violent earthquake was feit in Nord, Franee, on the 'JOtti. The damage vu sluht. Without waiting for the ratifleation of the treaty of peace with China, Franee issued an order on the 2lith to raise the blockade of Chinese ports and to cease searching vessels on the high seas. IlThe Pacific Mail Company's steamer City of Tokio, reported stranded in the harbor of Yokohama, prored a total wreek on the 26th. The loas to the company would be $1,2."0,000. French Canadiana of Quebec har organized to raise funds for the purpose of defending Riel and other half-breeds engaged in the Northwestern rerolt. There were 454 new cases of cholera and 209dealhs in Spain during the twentyfour hours ended at six p. m. on the 26th. I At Toronto on the 2öth Thomas White and Charles Bent were conricted of uttering forged circular notes of the Baak of Scotland. Confessions of two of their conEederates showed tbe existence of a gang of forgers, whose members were scatlered throngh Amerioa and In nearly erery country of Europe. The recent financial decrees of the Mexcan Gorernment bare produced great monetary stringency in the repnblic. Leading banks at the capital hare su Dended their discount business, foreign exchange has advanced, and manyfailures ore apprehended. LATER NEWS. Tui Indians who accompanied thlr agent to Dolores Valley, Col., to inrestiCate the recent outrages, were fired upon by cowboys and overal of their number were killed. Smaix-pox was on the 2Sth workinf frigbtlul rarages in the Rio Grande Valley, southeast of El Paso, Tex. During the twenty-four bours ended at six p. in. on the 2Stb tbere were 1,257 new cases of cholera and 577 deaths in the Spanisb provinoes. One thousand men were on tbe 27th deprired of erupl yment by the closing of the Boutbwark woolan milis at Philadelphia, Jaueb D. Fish, the conricted President of tb late Marine Bank of New York.was on the 27th genteneed to ten years' lmprisonment in the State Priton at Aujurn. Much damage was done to crops, fences and Luildings, and ereral lires were lost in the ricinty of Ashton, D. T.( by a storm the other night. Recent advices from Central Americ state that at tbe late battle of Santo Domingo live hundred Nicaraguans cut their way through Wenendisto's force of flre tbousand. The Nicaraguans lost three bund ed in killed and wounded. An explosión on the 27th ia a coal mine near Soorbruck, Germany, caused the los of cighteen lires. Tm town of Gardner, Mass., celebratcd ;ts centennial aunirersary on the 27th with ppropriate ceremonies. The President on the 27th appointed Edward L. Heddn Collector of the Port of New York, Henry 8. Beattie Burreyor of ('ustorus, and Süas W. Burt Naral Offlcer. Huratio C. Burchard, Director of the Hint, was suspended, and James B., of Philadelphia, was appointed in his stead. John McCullouoh, the actor, was on the !7tli hamled over to the care of the BloomLngdale (N. Y.) Insano Asylum authoritiea jy three of bis closest friends. The exchanges at twenty-six leading housen in the Unite 1 States durng the week ended on the 27th aggregate.l $671,259,597, against $771,0251,268 th rerloos wek, As compa ed with th c rrespouding ppriod of 1884, the falling off amonnts to 18.8 per cant.


Ann Arbor Courier
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