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Short advortisemeuls nut to exceed tbree line, of Lost and Found, Houses for Sale or Rent, Waiiis. etc.. lnserted tlire weeks for )Í5 cent. Sltuations wanted, free. I-O FARMERS- Salt Pork to ell at M. A. sniiili. E st Uulvernlty Avenue, ad block south of Cuuipus. P'ILTERS Repacked at reasonable rates, to use up my Block of Material, algo new and so. ond hand une. Also some Bee Hlves and Hoxes lor Corab Honey. N. A. Prudden, No. 80 N. State street, Ann Arbor, Mlch. ÍOR HALE OR RENT-The R. J. Barry ivM.U-nce on 4lh street Is for sale on reasoimhleteims.tlie Hulbert resldenceon north uil corner of state and North Unlvi rally avenue is for rent. The Farrand resldence on North 81 reet, near Catholic church Is for ale S' r7'J-Apply to J. Q A. Sesulons. National Bank Block, Ann Arbor. FOK KALE-A Platform Spring Wagon with top Price40.00 lf sold wlthln two week. C'. W. W aguer, 21 3. Main street, Aun Arbor. WANTED-SITUATION-In small farally TT to do general housework. Can do all kinds of plaln cooklng. washlngand ironliiK. Reference ex hanged. Slluatlou In or near city preferred. Adress P. O. box. 1,866, Ann ¦ I ! l H , M 1 C U , OHIRT IRONING made easy by the new i i Inx-e8s ot preparing and uslng staroh I iu;iis Hleam Ijinndry tnstructlons. Malled on recelpt cif U cents- dlme and stamp Addremi A. Speer, 231 21t gtreet Detroit, Mlch. WANTED- An agent In everv city and town to sollclt order foran Btiucationai ViclopeManDii Polyglol Family Blble for cash orontlie lustiillint-nt plan. Address, K. H. Wheele), Ann Arbor, sfich. FOR HALE CHEAP-A house and lot on flrst street near Huron, well located ALp:yAr;'MLubew'' iteai e""ia'' FOR SALK-FIne farm of 160 acres In town W ebster, well-wiioded and watered. Ap. " &SMe ?%? BOARD WITH ROOM. t3 ñO per week. 75 cents per ilay or 25 cents per rneal, and 25 cents for lodging. at Walker' Brardlni; House, Ornernf First and C'alherine Street Ann Arbor. Mlch. F R SALE- Tlie three story brick store, corner of W ashlngton and Fourth streets and the frame store adjo nlng the sarae on' o.biv Sw"n"s:u For terrabi eto ¦ eniulre HOU8E FOR8ALE-NO. 85 East Washlngton streel. Terms reasouable. FOR 8ALE-Ten acres of land on Miller . . Ave;.KOodfor gardentngor small frults. I o bn sold cheap. Apply to Jas. Kearns, Keglsier of üeeds offloe. LOAN Monejr to loan on flrst-class Real Kstate Mortgage at Current rateg of Inieresl. Satlsfactory arrangements made wlih capitalista deslrlng sach lnvestmsuu. Kvery conveyance and transactlon In abstracts ortltlescarefully ezamlned as to leual effect. Z K KINU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News