Will Prlce is recuperating at Whitmore Lake. Will öraves isto epend his Fourth in Adrián. Dr. Q. A. Hendricks is in Detroit for a few days. Rob't. Sbannon and family are visiting in Lexington. C. M. Fuller, of Milan, is cleiking for Alvin Wilsey. Mlf.8 Jipson, of Blissefield, is visitlnsr at Chus. H. Worden's. Dr. W. J Webb of Cliicago spent Sunday willi his relatives. The faniily of Mr. Morse have gone to Alpena f 01 the summer. Birdie Bliss is In .Jackson for a stay of a week or so witli friendo. Miss Flora A. Wildon, of Utica.N. Y, is visiting W. W. Whcdon. Judge Cooley nnd wife have gone to Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Miss Lrd of Cliicago, is visiting Miss Anna Beakes, on Fiftli street. S. Moore and wife of Saline, wereguests at H. Blinton's during the week. Mrs. Foster, of State st., poes to Flat Rock to-morrow. for a short stay. Prof. C. B. Cady has gone to N. Y. City to attend a musical convention. Miss Bessie Steinfield. of Detroit, is visiting Mrs. S. S. BÜtz, W. Uuron st. Prof. C L. Ford and family are spending their vacation at Harbor Spring. Miss Anna Bigalke is at Whitmore Lke ou a visit to lier aunt Mrs. W. Nelbon. Edward F. Loud and wife of Oscodu spent Coinuiencemeiit week with Mrs Gay. Miss Onin Williams, ofMilan wlll spend her summer vacation with relutives in this city. Mrs. A. Grawford and cliild of Lyons, N Y., vlsited at Henry Blinton's the past week. Miss Isabella Noble of East Saginaw bas been spending a few days wiih Miss Paul. J. D. Btimpaon hns returned from his Canadlan trip somewhat improved in health. Prof. McLouth. of the state normal school, was a caller at the Courier office Monday. Miss Sadie Burnstine and sister, of Detroit, are visiting Miss Susie Clark, on División st. Miss Lizzie Flaumervelt of Rochester, has been visiting at Mr. Wileye, on S. Thayerst. Mr. and Mrs. Mij. Wm. C. Stevens and ffimilv were over to Green Oak a few days sitice. Jolin Malloy, of Kalamazoo. has been in Ibe city the past week, visiting at Jos. Donnelly's. Prof W. II. Pnyne goes next week to attend the Nationü Teachers' convention at Saratoga. Miss Mary Rinsey has returned from St Mary's, Monroe, academy for the summer vacation. Waker Hawtin and family of Chicago are visiting tbelr únele A. C. Bliss, on 8. División St. Misses Kittieand Ora Hateh leftyesterday for h visit of severaldays at their uncle'8 in Jackson. E. J. Morton and Howard E. Gidleygo to Bahe Lake Saturday, and reraaln until Tuesday, fl.-hing. Win A Butler, Jr. and Jas. Remick, of Detroit, were eucsts of J. F. Lawrence over the Sabbath. Col. Henry S. Dean is drinking in the health giving waters of Massena Springs in the Atlirondacks. Mrs. Alex. Angelí nee Miss Fannie Cooley, and obildren, are staying at her father's for a time. Mrs. Hicks and son of X. Y. City, spent the Sabbath with Waker S. Hicks and family, V. Hu ron st. J,.. and Julin Shannon, of Trlbe's HUI, N. Y., have been guests of Chris. T. Donnelly the pust week. Geo. W. Noble, of Buchanan, stopped over in the city Monday to visit his brother, A. L. Noble Miss Carrie Comstock returneil Thursday to Washington, her vacation bein" recluced to two weeks. Truman ÍI. Wadhams, formerly with Joe T. Jacob?, was in Wichita, Kansas, when last heard from. Bert Henion is in town for a week or so, visiting his parents and other relatives and friends in the city. Mrs. A. C. Young, of Caro, and Mrs. Dr Morris, of Vassar, were in the city last week visiting friends. Misses Ada, Eliza and Mattie Ladd, leave for Cliarlevoix the last of the week for a stay of severa 1 weeks. J. Ausman- not Gil Osman- state ag't for the Detroit Evening News, was in the city yesterday, on business. Miss Kerr, the mlssionary from India, has arrived at her home, somewhat improved by her ocean voyage. Philand Fred Stimpson havereturned from their western wanderlngs through Colorado, Nevada, California, etc. Frank Johnson, of Pueblo, New Mexico, who has been visiting fi iends here for a time, returned home this morning. Mrs. John Schumacher and mother Mrs. Harkins, have gone to East Saginaw, visiting Mr. Marian Goodale and family.' Mr. Law, of Mexico who has a son and daughter attending school here, living at Aretus Dunn's, Is paying tlieru a visit. Revs. G.S. Hickey, '68, of Battle Creek and W. Gardner, of Jackson, were the guests of M. O. Graves and mother, on commencement day. W. B. Gildart, oí the Btockbtidge Sun, who had been visiting In the city a few days, was a caller at the Coukier eanctum early Mondny morning. Miss Joan Kemp has returncd to Ann Arbor for the summer vaciition. She will " teach the youngi.lea how to shoot1' at the "Soo" agaln next year. Mrs. H. Trainer and child, of Adelaide st., Chicago, acompanied by her sister Miss Fraiikie Hceney, are visiting Miss Francés Devaney on E. Ann 8t. Wm. Herz had the misfortune to sprain his left ankle in jumping from his wagon, a few days since, and experlences some difflculty in walking about yet. Frank Howard and wife go to Pevil's Lake, Dakota on business, and will be absent about four weeks. Their family will reinain at home in charge of residen ce. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Chas. H.Stowell left last Saturday to spend their summer vacation at Petoskey, hnplngto fincl in that cool andealubriousellmatea health giving property. Miss Abble A. Pond left FrMay for a few day's stay at Dexter, from where she goes to Alpena ThurIay, returning the last of' August, and resuming her old place in school airain. Col. G. M. Devlin, Jackson, a member of the Governor's staff, stoppet' over in Ann Arbor on his return from Portland grand encampment, to visit his sister Mrs. Wui. A. Hatch, Jr. Air. Jack Wiles, of Grand Haven, spent several days last week with D F. Schairer. Mr. W. was on board one of the D & M. boats last winter on Lake Michigan, that was not heard from for 17 days. Üeacon Ebenezer Smith, of Dexter, Geo. P. Wright, of Clinton, and Wm. J. Canfield, Plttsfleld, representing the Washtenaw Baptist Association, were in the city last Thursday on business. E. S. Crawford leaves the city Frlday for a week's trip. He will spend the 4th In Grand Rapids, from whence he will go to Traverse City to altend the state press meeting at that place - taking in all the excursions, banquets. etc. Grandma Brown, of Detroit, formerly a resident of this city, is spending some weeks here with her old friends. Although some 85 years of age she still dressesin the helght of fashion, and pets around about as llvely as a inatron of 40.