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POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE Preparod by a ptaysldu with special recaní . to health. Ko Axumoula, Umi or Alom. ,V È0ÈÏÈI Gathering Grapcs for Making Creim of Tartar for DR. PRICCSCREAM BAKING POWOEP wwcf4 SPECIAL laEXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE rmvstanrt stronesst Natural Fruit Flavors. V anilla, Ij-mon. Oransc, Alinond, Rose, etc., Bavor itó delicately and uaturally aa the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. gT. L0ÜI8. w ébjê i 1 8 i i té ijl CURES ALL HUMORS. from a common Blotch, or Ernption. to the worst Scrofula. Sall-rhYu in, "Fcrer..ore., Scalr or Rougl, Ski" in short, all disoases causod by bad blood nr.' conquerid by this powerful, purifylnit. and (DvigorKtiiiK motUoine. Great KatiiiK Hct rnindly heal undor its twnign influomv EBpecialJv bas it inanifcstod its potencv In curin Vetter, Ronp Hash, Bil, CarI1IU, , ¦„, Sor1 Eje, ISl inl.lhMI. M,rr il',.Sn2IIiV'' Mfp--oint Diñase, Whito SuollliifCH, iinitre, or Tlii.k Nek? and Uiilarged Ulaiidü. Si-nd ton canta in stampa for a largre treatise, with colnnd platos, on Skin Diseases, or tho same "THE LOOD IS THE UFE. 1 hnmuKhly cU-aiiae it by usintr Dr. Pierce'H .oldrii ',al Discover), and good llrexlioii, a fair skin, buojanl SpirIts, t tal MtreiiCtli, and aomiditcs ui ohm i i ii (ion, will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Si rofuloiiH Disease of tbc I. lililí, is promptly and certalnly arrestwi and cured by this God-piven remcdy, if taken iK-fore the last stafres of thr disease are reached rom lts wonderlul power over this terribly fatal disease, when flret offering this now eet ebrated remedy to tho public. Dr. Pierci thoiiifht soriously of clllng it his 'Con. Kit m it i n Cure," but abandoned that name -ÍPiL'i'ÍJÍÍKSíicJaS.whicJijronj ing, alterative, or blood-eleansiiiK, anti-bilióus. pectoral, and nutritivo properties, is unequaled not only as a remedy for consumption of thó lungs, buf for aU CHRONIC DISEASES Oï1 THE Líver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull. drowey, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowlsb-brown spots on face or body, frequent beadacbc or dizzinoao, bad taste in mouth, internal beat or cbiik a ternatiuK with hot flashes, low spirits and Klooiiiy borebodings, irregular appetite, and coat.-d (migue, you are suffering from Indigestión. ín .,,i.;i, „11,1 Torpid Iiiver. 'ñrj In many cSses only part of these iymptotni are cxperlencíd. As a remody for all such ca, Or. Pierce's ¦olden Medical BUcovery S no Vor WeaU Lnngg, Spiui n of Blood, MiortiiCMM of Itrciiili, Itron. hitis Seirere 4oukIih, Consuniptloii, and kmdred affwtiong, it ig a soverefcn re'medy bend tea cents in stamps tor Br Pjerceg book on Consumption. Sold by Urulii," PRICE$I.00,??rVSTS World's Dispensary Modioal issociation, Proprietors, 663 Main St., Büitalo, N. Y. 5SVGVCeS LITTLE ""Kewexs PILIS. ANTI-BIMOrs and CATHABTIC. Soid by Druggists. 25 cents a vial. ÍJ$500 REWARD %3 is offerod by the propriftors :Mk of I)r. Sapo'B Catarrh Rcmcdy f fmr fr a case of catarrh wnich tney S m cannot cure. f If you have a discharge from f p the nose. offensive or other" wise, partlal loes of smell, taste, orhearinsr. weakeyes, dull nain or prefisure in head, you have Catarrh. Thousands of caseR termínate in eonsumption ür. Sagre '.8 ('ataiíhii Kemedy cures the worst casos nf Cninrrh, "Cold I (he Head." and Catarrhal Ileadache. 60 cents.


Ann Arbor Courier
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