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HUNT mmm JT CTTBJ5S WaM I action. It la fe. ALL OTEIEK l eviro Audípcedy cur CIWB8 PATL, a it vtJEk aid hnnot DIHECTI.Y VtMfcO&dred. hmv and AT ONCE on "wjuBboea oured th HIIIK15YB, Tf_JbT it whn LTVER and Syjjr rHyiicíaiuand XL8. reitorinj UfcüT' M .friend h d thom to taMlthy yJ0ÍgiTtn thunnp IT 18 BOTH A SAFE CURE and a SPECIFIC. Xí jCUR?íí al1 nlsee. of the Kidaers, Bropir, CiraTcl, Diabetes, llrMhi'. I'uenw, ervuuUii-iura, Kxcea¦e, IVuiaie Weatutnt, uumi-r, itiiiouancas, lleadnchr, Noor Slounch, Drspepita, Consüpation, lue, pH„. in ib. nck talo, or SMe, Kctentlon ar n aa.K e t en 1 1 on t L r 1 ¦ . tl.tS 1T DBt'GaiSTS. -TAKE NO OTHER.-W MU.NT'S RKMEDY CO., Provldence, R. I. " Goot! morning, Murphy. Are these your children?" " Yi. sor; that is my small poluto erop." " Wliy do yu say that?" " Because, gor, they are all llttle Murphie8." S. B. Durfey, mate of stenmer Arizona, had hig foot badly jamnied. Thomas' Ec" lectric Oil cured it. Nothing egaal tolt for a quick pain reliever. Why (a a man climliiiif; up Mount Vefuvius au Irïshman who wishes to kis his 8veethert? IJecanse he wants to get at tlie moulh of the "erator. " Jusl 88 l.ll piI. Many unscriipulous dealers may teil you they have remedies for Coujihs and CoJds iqual in inerlt and inevery respect just as ood as the old reli.ible Dr. Busanko Coiigh and Lung Syrup, unies? you insist upon tlils remedy and wlll take no other, you are liable to be grewtly deoeived' Price 60 cents awd $1.00. oíd by Eberbach & Son. At a cheap restaurant : " Will you have a twenly-íive cent dinner, or a thirtyfive cent one, air?" " What is the difference between the two ? " ' Ten cents, slr." A celebralpd physician declares tlint "Elunt'í Remedy will cure uny case ot' kidney disease that can be cured." Little Nell - Oh, mamma, you'rv talkinir slang." Mamma- '-I guess not, nct " " Ye?, you are, miiiiinia. Dldn't yon ti-il me that 8iynjí ' ki.i' Instead ofchUd was slang? ' '¦ Yus, pet" " Well, just novv jou was teilinf about jrypsies that steal clnldren, and you talfced flang tlwn " "Indeed? Why, whutdid Isay?" "Ym called lüem kid '-Mappers."- Philadelpliia Cali. A Wondcrful Mscovery. Consumptives and nll, who aiiffer from and Lnngs caí. luid asure cure in Dr. King's New D?covery for Consuinption. Tnousaiids of permanent cures ver fy tlie truth of this statement. No mediciae can show such a record of wondeitul cures. Thousandsof once hoplesg suffererg now pratefully proclaim tlicy (uve ilichlivcsto tliisJícw DUcovery. It will cost you notliiug to ve It n trial. F ree Trial Bottlen at Ehcr bach ion drug stort. Lire size, $1.00. I knew bald-headed man who qut smoking, and in less tlian a month he liad H8 tlnck :i head of hair as I over saw 1 " Do yuu mean to say tliat the liair (jrew out .all over Mis head?" '-No, of nonite not; but as soon as he atopped smokinc lie saved up money enoiigli to huv 111111"self a wíjf. "Tbattlred feellng" from which you cufter so much, pnrtieuliuly in the moming, is entirely thrown üff by Ilooci'.s Sarn.iparilla. "lie lauglia best who langhs last" rherefore, the man who eatches on fo a joke after evervbody else has got throuh laughing over ït is the best man.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News