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THE LINESELEOTEDBYTHS U.S.QOVT TO OARRY THE f A8T MAIL. It is the only line wlth lts own track trom CHICAGO TO DENVER, Eitlier by way of Omaha, Pacific June., St. Joscph, Atchison ur Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots with throujh tralns trom NEW YORK. PHILAOELPHIA. BOSTON and all Eastern points. It Is the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND & CITY OF MEXICO It all of the sis qreat States of ILLINOIS, IOWA, MISSOURI, NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO with branch lines to all thelr important cities and From CHICAGO. PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS, it run every day In the yrar trom one to three elcgantly equipped through trains over lts own tracks between Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Councü Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points in Northwest, West and Southwest, ltsequipment is complete and first class In every particular, and at all important points Interlocklng Switches and Signáis are used, thus insuring comfort and safety. For Tickets, Rates. General Information, etc, regarding the Burlinutnn Route, cali on any Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER tsT V.P. &. Gen. Mor., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, AsST. Gen. Mok., Chicago. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gíh. País. AOT., Chicaoo. Ckiincery Xotlce. 'l'lir (Jireult Cuart for the County of Wasli 1 tellHW, 1M CllillH'lTy. Ueunla J Kockwell a d David Hockwell, i'iiiiil:iiii!intN. VM. hl xauelh Twltchell, Imii iel Twllchel, Ann l'asi-, Prnnktln H Cum tntngt, .luaiina Carammn tDd tiie unkimwii uelra oj J na 'J'wilche.l, Ueotased, Dtlendi nis Al a session of siiid court, held nttljeclly of Ann Arbor, M ichig n. on the 7lh day of May A. I). IMS. ITeHwit, Hou. Cbauucy JorI ui . i Circuit Judge Hult pending In tlie C'lr cult cotirt tor the Counly ol Washlc-imw In chanoery, ut Ann Arbor, Michigan, ou the 7Ul day of Muy A. D. ]0O. IL s;t islacloi ily appearing to tliiscourtby ihe afflUavlt ol saul con ptalDanl. llled In nns oonrt at the iliue ut limit: the bul ol -iiiilaiiit In Kald (-Hltse, Ihal i-Hld -Iilias l'wii'lir II. lTfitM (i. t led lea vl uk helrK, wlutRe namei aad piaceaol reaidence ara unknown !o ahl allianls in saiii illiuiivil. and il luii tier upiit-arill" to the mttitOfcton oí (Iiíh M)iirt tlml KQob unknown heirs are DeoaM&rj partían io iin mui. tterefor it is ordered lliat Miid iinknown lu-irs ot sa ui Jonas Twiicln-11, iifc asi-d, cause Iheir appearanee Ui uien (1 i n said sim on or belore p'r;day, tlu'iiiili dny ol Kovember a. I), tuto, and In ch ni Huir appearaace thoy oaaM ulielr anKWen to ihecnniplain nt's Bill of complana io lic Oled, and a copv thereof to be srrved on oomplHinanrs soln-iior, within twenrv dayw ;i n t-i service on Ihemof a copy of 8ald blll. and nolice of thls orler ; and i hal in de la u II i liereof. .a]d bill be laken is confessed by ilie nl tinkn wii lit-irs. And it ík furlherordered. lliatwlihln tweiity days after thti date l . ¦ i - 1 1. Mi, saui 'oniplai Mant i-ause u notice of tliis order to be puulisln-d in uiuAnnAibor LkCKIKh. a newsjmjier primed published and circulaUiiü In xnld coiinlv, and [hal sucli pUblicuUOU be cotttliiued 'hi-rcin at least once in eaota week, for six weeks In succeHsion. lMl.d A;i n Allu.r. Micli., May 7, A. I)., 1886, C. JOS YN, ¦i.urrei! & KHOWLTOM Circuit Judge. Solicitors lor (oinplainanls. of John O. Dayis. oTATEOK BOOUlGhkM, (Jouniy 01 ttashtenaw. A! aeesmou ot ttiti Prubatel'ourt iortheCounty o ¦V'itHlitcnaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Auu Arlmr. on Monday. che 5th day ol May in fie year, onv thoupand eighi oundreo mcl eiirhty-flvi'. Presant, Wiiltam D Hatriinati, 'udfcre ui l'robate. In the mattei ol the efttaie ol John G. Divie, d rc.-el. On reftding and fillDg the (Rtmoii. 1 1 1 1 venfled, ot Kmimi A f'avif praving ihul ad!iiiniftrttti"n of Srtl'l muy bc giaüli-d 10 hut?ell or (ime otiicr ralttble pwon. rhureu[on il iï ordt-red, thui Monday, tbt884 tlay ol Juni1 ncx', at ten o'clock in fortbe tni,'r]¦(l tor hranin: of .'afd peition Rnrt itifit iiir ai I.iw ot nin dtBased, and uil oiher porMB interestd it ¦uid ostate, are i'equircd lo app'ar ht a ï-es ciou of snid couri, theu to be buiden ai ibe l'rohutc (ifficv, il the cily ol Aun Arbor, and eiiov caiiM-. il any tht re he, wh the imyi:r ol' Ihc puütlonoc should uot bc gram' ed. And it is furthur ordered, 'liai said uetiliun.1 ;ive Botten to iheperponx iutcro-ted in asid et.iul the pendency of taid petition, and tüe hearitt 'hereuf. by cautin,' a coiy ot' order to be puf' [lsbed in 17ie Arm Aroor Courier, a DfWsfMpe printed and circulatfcd ui aaid i ouni thrie -ur .-;- a:ve iveeki previoiiK runiiid Aas n beariiu' (Alru copy.) V11XIAM I). HAKK1MAN, JudfOt PritnHte "'M n i TY. Mo-ut-r Ui-vut, Kcui Ktii1c lor Sule. IJTATE OF MICH.QAN, CoaDly of W-.shO tcnaw. ss. In tlie muller of the estáte of Minnie C. Ilenley, Miimr, Notu-e tl liereby that In pureuaoce Of an orit.r Krauted lotlieunilerHigned guardián, ol the Kstate o( aid ininiir. ly the Hun. Judge of Hrolmle for llie ('onnty of Waabteuaw, on the üSth day ol Ma.A. L) 18XR, therewlll be soul at public v-ndue, to the bigbent bidder, ut cast lionidoorol the Courl House In the city ol Ann Arbor, In the t'ounty of Washtenaw in suid Ktate. on Saturday, the eighteenth day of July, A. D. 188.r, ut II) o doek lu the foremooi ol that day (subject to all encumbran ces by mortifuge or on crwisc exlM in at tlie time of the sale), all the rluht. tille and In terest ¦ f sald minor, the fullowlng de crlbed Keal Estille, towlt: Lo numbrr four ou B ock nuinber Iwo, accordlug to Ihe recorded plat or the Village of Delhi Waslitenaw County, in Mirblgan. JOuKSON W. KNIQHT, Guardian. Dated May S8th, 188V Notie1 lo Crediiors. OTATE OF MNJHlUAN.Couiity ol il Notice ie bereby eiren, ibnt by an order of tbc Probate Court for tlie County of v&sbtenHW, luadcoD the twentj-ai-condday olJiine, A. u. 1886. "ix munitie froni that date uere allowed lorcrediiore to present thuir cluime aainm the eptate of John G. D.ivie, late of eaid county, decrai-ed, aud bat all cretlitors of sald deceused are required 'o present their claims to satd l'robate Court, at tht Probate Otüce, in the city of Ann Arbor.for examin atiun an' allowance. on or beinre the 22d da of Uecember next, and that ncb claime will be hcanl oeiore eaid court, uu 'I uefday, tne 22d dy ui September and on Tuesday, the 22d da 01 Decemfh r, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eacu ol bala days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Juno 22d, A. D. 1885. WILL1AM D. HAkKIMAN. 123Í-1255 Judüeol Probate. An Ordinance Kelative to Sialllous- 1'asMMl June lOtli, 185. Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder aud Aldennen o ihe (,ity of Ann Arbor: btcTioN I- Tliat it Kliuil nut be lawful tor nny person to dlbpluy or publlcly exblblt withfn the 11 . lts of the Oty of Ann Arbor, a y sUilllou or Jackaiui. or keep or use for the purp,,se ol generution any u orlackass in sald city, except iu an eDclosed cov ered building, and no person shall keepor use any slalliou or Jackuss iu sucb. u manner as to cause a iiuLsauce. Section II- Any vlolatlon of the provisions of, this ordinuuce sliall be punislied by il niie of not Uss than tlve dollars, nor to MOed seventy-flve dollars and tobe reoovered any Justlee ol the peaee of Ihe Uity ol Ann Amor, and In the Impoaltlon of any such flae and costa, the sld J st uv ot ihe ]u aee, inay inake tt lurllierseutence, that In deraull Iu the pnyment ihereof wiihin tlu'tlnie fixi'il In sucb senteuce, the otlitul r be coiniiiittt'ü lo Ihe Uetroll liouse oi eorjeotton or the Washtenan Coin ly Jnil lor u period or time not t.ueeiliiK Uibely d y.s. Bkctioh III.- An ordinanc-e pntltlwl ¦ An Ordlbu ce Belatlve to Stalllons," pus.-,tLl Jiinnai-y 151 li IÍ7I, is hereby repealed. aEO.H'pÖND, ' JllSKAyor. .iiLi Hccorder. AYËR'S V Agne Curè conuin an antijote for all malarlal dlordcra which, m) far n Uuown, is uaed ia no otbor reuiedy. It eoutaini no Quinine, nor any mineral Bc dtr.ioui substance whatTer, and pB#qucutlj i jdqoM no injuriou effect upon tiio coiutitutlon, lui Icárea tb yiteni a liuaiiLy as t was Ijefuia tUe atlack. WE WARRANT ATER'3 AGïïE CUEB to cnr cvery mso et l'cver and .4 pvc, Intermlttent or Chil Ki ¦ ir, P.eiuil tei.t Fevcr, Dunib Ague, Iiilious Fevcr, anl Lier Coniplalut eaased by ninlriri.i. Incnsfor fnilur, Bfterdae trial, di':i!-ra are auitirtzcri, byour lrcular dateü Juiy is:, 1 O, W re:uud tb monej. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lov J',ras8. Sold Ly il gt BuAirs ïiirsniALTKuBs. ' ga Tlili i,twT„h, ,,,,,„ ..,„„„ „„i,,. _ SSr "" "'.i ; JLKUU. ..y irníL, r.U,„,n, ' JgT lhWrnllwivi WnnJn, nil m'ull wllb n.iii ' iraals&siBSSF "" ''"""" i iBArS MPWAL TW$S 00. ft 3388, Am Arbor. MM. I " Office, Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News