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The Wrong Pony

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Major Brown, r. Virginian, and a also "Forty-niner," once illustrated the value of Duvy Crookett's arivice, " Be sure yonr rijflit tlien go ahead." The major's disobedience to the Texan's proverb furIlisIlCll tllC illllhl IM1ÍOM Duiïng the gold fever of 1849 a company of Virgin innt, of whom tbe major was one, started for California. After they had crossed the backbone of ilie Sierras, the major and five men were selected to go ahead and tnake rrangementsfnr the the temporary accoinnodftüon of the conipany. One day, as they were about to re9ume the journey, the major fonnd that his pony was too lame to travel. After con.ultation, his conirades agreod to #0 on, and leave liim to await the arrival of the Uialn body with the wagons. " I had a lonesotne time of it," said the major, relating the story, "and I was delighted when on the second day of my enforced solitude I saw three men appioaching. But rny delight was clmnged to anger as they rjrew near - tbr I discovered that one of tlie men was leading my pony. " 'What are you doing with that pony ? ' I asked indignantly. " 'He belongs to us,' said the man. " You are very cool to catch niy pony, and tlien claim him as yours,' I answered : "They all protested that I was mistaken. " 'No, gentlemen,' said, 'I am nol mistaken. I have had that pony Jong enoujrh to know every bslr on his body.' "Oue of the men pointed out a scar on the foieleg, and asked, 'Has your pony such a so.iir as that? ' "'My pony has that scar.' " 'Well,' rejoined another, 'is this your Uriai ? ' " 'No, but it is an eay matter to take one lariat off a pony's nt-ck, and put anothei on.' " 'Have you looked for your pony ! You'd betler search and see if you have lost your pony before you claim anotlier inan's.' "I saw they were not going to ylfld, sol said firtuly, 'You are tb vee ui one, but if you think I am going to subuiit tanicly to this outr ige, you are mistaken. You may overpower me, liut you will not til leave this place alive.' "They saw that. I was iletermined, and one of them, speaking very rnildly, ?aid: "My triend, you arecertainly mistaken Thit pony is ours; we've hnd him Kr mouths. You'd better look round and see if you can't find your pony sonielïlifl i" tlie bnsin " "i prelendeu to take their advice, but cpt within reacli, resolved, if they unlertook to cari-y of the nonv to open lire on them with my revolver. Well, sir, I hadn't goue a dozen rods, wheu, staiuliiiii bcliind a clump of bu.shes 1 saw ny own abominable pony, lariat, scar, and all ! I uever feit so nieau ia inv lite."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News