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Miss Rosa Dolan, of Dexter, died June 28th, aged 33 years. The Northfleld B. B. C. plays ball on Sunday. Wicked boys. Mrc Slary A. Stiesle, of Scio, d!ed June 29th. aged 26 years. Jus McCoy, one Ypsi's slioemakers has gone to Deadwood, Dakota. Jas. Gpddes and Miss Amelia Sclienck, of Chelsea, married July l.-t. Elmer Brijrgs and Miss Dollie Comstock, ot Siiline, were married June Sth. Hereafter the Milan Journal will he issued on Siturday instead of Wcdncsday. W. H. Davenport & Son, of Saline, are building a new brick office for themselves. The Dexter paint works of G S. Sill now employs six hands, and is growing rapidly. t. iiviiv iu oniMri tien jhiui ouv needs two papers as mucii as a cat does two tails. Milán has ordered her marshal to keep all business places clnsfrt nu c i . Thai 's H"l The ipsllantl associalion are to have some races In August, witli a good array of premiums. H. C. Gregory & Co. paid $0,000 to the farmers in and about Dexter, for wool in one day recently. Saline folks were not blessed with cheap strawberries, ten cents being the lowest paid by them. Prof. Willits has moved from Ypsilanti to Lansing, where he takes charge of the Agricultuml college. The Maecabees have taken a new lodge room at Milan, and piopose to have it lixed up in tine shape. Chas. E. Sliipman, of Ypsilanti, received $2,200 back pension recently, and gets $10 per month hereafter. The Saline sportsmen have fitted up a race traok about two miles west of thut villaje to speed tlieir nags on. Mr. Perman, a practical carpenter, has boujfht Wagar & Co's. lumber yard at the T. & A. A. R. R .depot, Milan. AlozoBurch, a brother of C. T. Bnrcb, of Milan, was severely injured at Belleville, on the Wabash È. R., recently. John Wise, of Ypsilanti, bas theagency of Washtenaw county for Gen. Grant's new book, and will appoint sub-agents. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rice celebrated fhe 20th anniversary of their marriage, at their home in Milan, on the 25th uit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Carpenter, of Dexter, celebrated their Öth wedding anniversary recently, wlth the aid of inany friends. Miss Alice Barr, of Pittslield, will teach In the Ionia schools again next year; and her sister Miss Maggie will probably teach in Lansing. St. James' church, Dexter, will have no lurther service for the present. Rev. Mr. Stanley having taken the rectorsliip of a church in Midland. The Milan school board bas employed Mr. Scliinan, of Detroit, who taught at Marshall last year, as principal of lts schools the coming year. The township clerk's blank order book was printed In 1848, and there are yet blanks enoiigh reniaining to last two or three years. - Manchester Enterprise. Tïelson Hendershot, of this township' is contestlng the will of bis deceased sister, Mrs. Sarah Hebuer, on thesroundg of incompetency and undue inüuence. - Saline Observer. The lock-up at Milan is private prop erty, therefore the city marshal is in a quandary what to do with a law lireaker provlding he arrests one. Why, stand and hold him, of course. Only an hour apart lat Thursday mornlng, H. L. and Charles Van Wormer, brothers, were the lecipients of a babv iu each of their househoMs - the foimer a boy and the latter a glrl. - Milan Journal. According to the Whitraoie Lake Sun the M. E. picnic recently held there nptted f38.54, which was given to the pastor RfV. Wright. Revs. Pope, McEldowney, Allen, and other notables present. Prof. and Mrs Parker started for Qiiincy, Monday, with hors and buggy. It wlll require about two days to niikr the journcy. Thi-y will spend the racktion iu that village, their former home. - Chelsea llerald. Wm. Roach, of Dentón, has raised some valuable lanibs this year. February lambu weigbing 82 Ibs., 75 Ibs., 08 lbs., 66 Ibs., and one 7 weeks old weighed 75 lbs. Who iu Wayne or Washtenaw county can compete wlth this?- Ypsilantian. The state normal school at Ypsilanti, has been placed upon the distributing list of the Sniithsouian Instituto ai Washington, and has recently received over 100 specimens representiug the marine inveitebrates of the Atlantic coast. A choice collection of marble specimens has been presented by Mr. Longhridge, of Ypsllautl. At the lust meeting of Wolverine L'vlge No.M97, I. O. O F., the following nfflnpi'8 were elected for the ensuin" yeitr: N. G.- A IS. Smith; V. G- H. L. Van Woriner; secretai-y - A. E. Densmore; treasurer - C. H. AIcMullen.- Alilan Leader. The Leader aks: "Shall we have the Sitlvation army In Dexter?" Tliey atlenipted Aon Arbor. but gave it up in clÍ!-uir after their advance picket bad reported what sort of au enemythey wou ld have to contend with. Perhiips they might attempt the desperate battle in Dexter. An Aun Arbor man was in town S.iturday, and said he shw dozeus of men trom the very near vicinlty of bis city in Chelsen wiih rooi. There is no use of other towns lli)WÍDg, Clielaea buys more wool by at least doublé than any other place witliin a radius of fifty miles, and the usures are at hand to prove this assertion.- Herald. The Dexter high school sent out nine grgduxtes this year. An Adrián college cholarshin was presented to Gnrdou Stannard for being the best scholar in hiselass. the record being 'J4.9 llattie. Calkius followed close with 94.8, and Roy Copelind, 94.7. The names of the {rraduates are: Mattie Sharply, Millie Weston, Lena Mallory, M.vra Wood, Hattie Calking, Theresa Croakin, Gordon Stannard, Joey MeNamara, Huy Copeiand. According to the Vhitmore Lke Sun department of the South Lyon Picket. the prize ring is getting wonderfully close to u.-: "The long pending glove contest between John Whiteman and Charles Conely, was brought to a final issue on the Northtielü base ball grmrndl Sunday evening. The contestants were to box four three minute rounds under Marqhis of Queensbury rille. Scientific points only to win. Whireman was vlctorfoua with a score of 23 clean hits to Oonley'a 18." A thick headed country chap may get asiride of a hobby and ride along as he thinks to succe8s, when a little wind f rom a scientific city chap blows the tiail creature from under him and he comes down to the bare earth full of disappointment. I have been for years trying; to yiow big stiawbeiries and now when I have irot them up to the size of biscuits these learned fellows come and teil us that there is just ns much real strawbeiry in an old tashioned wild one the 8ize of a No. 6 shot as in a tame one as big M a ten cent loaf. - Sontli Lyon Excelsior. ger has approved H sweeping measure to prevent the cirulation of obscene literaL 1M, U'iids. gives away or shows any obscene, lewil, inimoial orindecent. publicatioii8 of any sort; or who offers to do so; or who has any such thing in his ]ossession with intent to sel I, loan, show, distributeor giveitaway; or any one who gives Information where such puhlicatlons m y be procured; or who hires any one to do so.or permits any child to distiibute uch matter shall be guilty of a mjslemeanor, on conviction whereof he shall be punished by iinprisonment in the county j:iil not more than three months, or by tine not exceeiling $100, or by both fiue and imprisonment in the dise.retion of the court. On complaint all justices of the peace shall issue warrants authorizing the city or county offlcers to search persons and on conviction the offeusive publications shall be destroyed and the fact enteredon the court records. Tliis sivnping bill found noopposition, all respectable men ajireei' g as to the dcadly and petilential character of the vile trafflc aimed to be 8iippressed. The (Jonnecticut legislature passed, at its last session, an excellent law which took effect on June lst. It proyides for the impo-ition of tine or imprisonment or both on persons selling or keeping for sale publications devoted to criminal news or stories of ei me. It is said to have already purified the ik us stands. Connectlcut has set a good


Ann Arbor Courier
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