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The H. and L. boys report ft good time at Milán on the Fourth. The Deiter folks say they nuver had n. better celebration, and the Whitinore Lakcrs are jubilan t over the way everything passed off at that place. So it look as if all were satistk-d. At a meeting held Monday even ing, the following offloers were selectcd for the Seventh Srengerfest, to be held in the city of Ann Arbor during the suinmer or 188G: President- Dr. C. George; corresponding secretary- John Wotzke; treasurer- Fred. II. Belser; flrst director- Prof. II. H. Kempf. The Couiuer is indebted to the General Supt. of the United State Life Saving Service for a copy of the "Annual Report of the Operatious of the U. S. Life-Siiving Service,'' for the year ending June 30th, 1884. As mucu of tliis service is upon our great lakes, it has au uuusual interest to Michigan men. In the published report last week of the appointinent of teachers for the several schools, the name of Miss Julia C. Howard, by mistake, was not in the list of those for the secoud ward. Other appointments, upou wliich final action haa not been had, will probably be passed upon at the next ineet ng of the board. The paper of Hon. Chas. R. Whitman, at the sanitary convention in Ypsilanti last week, upon the limitations and duties of board9 of health, was so clearai.d forcible that theauthor was requested, by vote of the convention, to draw up a law to submit to the legislature at ita next session, defining the duties and powers of such boards. The committee appointed by the variOU8 masón ic organizaüons of the city, have accepted the new masonic temple, and it passed intotheir hands July lst, to be completed. Work is being rapidly pushed, and the various rooms begin to show the uses for wliich they are designed. To complete and furnish it the masous expcct to expend about $2,G00. Everything will be elegant and tasty. The young ladies of Giand Haplds have askcd the common couneil of that city to set asldecertaiu hours for theui to enjoy bathii g privileges. That'a right. Public baths ought to be establihed by every city and village located so that they can be estahlished, and oertftlo hom? devoted to each sex. Public batlis would be bettnr than medicine for many of the (lread disenses that destroy tlií human fütuily. We all know- or should know- tlmt "cleanliness Is next to (Jodliness." The Ypsilanti Commercial pays au Anti Arbor boy the following compliment: "The seminaiy mourns the loss of Prof. Vollaod. lie carne hcre tliree ycatsago f resh freso college studies. He has made a decided impression upon the ininds and heartl of his associate teachers and liis pupils, m well as our citizens who have liad the ftood fortune of his acquaintance as being a young man of great promise in his chosen profession. Or.ind Hapids gets a tair, square compensation in exChttmza for robbins it of an admired princlpal to fill h chair in the normal.'1 The following Item taken from a recent issue of the Winona, (Minn. ) Daily Republican, vvill be of interest to many of our readers ; Improvementsin the business blocks of the riiy continue In a very gratifylng raanner. Mr 8. W. Morgan has íinally determlned lo erect a brick store on Center st : et-t adjoinlng the new building of Messrs. Cuminlngs & II. .Mr. Moran's building wlll be 25x90 fi Jtlins been Ieased by Messrs. A. M. Feit A Bou, who wilt open a handsome aad well apffifOfoftflydmdfallfift 'un'IerMa„ 'Ül'gllsh clu-inistand pliarmaclst and had illic.-n yenrs active experience In the retail drug business. His son. W. F. l'ett, is a gradúate Of ttlH t'l,ivor,,l.y „f MloKI0„n. ( I) lh litêrary deptrtinenl, and of pharraacy Rnd cliemïstry. The liunily were former resi 'ents of Jhls city, where they have a large clrcleof i.Jki."''?'.11 Elve tliera a corllal welcome Arbor S'X yearS resldeuce at Ano There are several notary public commissions at the county clerk's office awaitin: tlicir OWnerg, and if not called for in a iew üays will be returned to Lnnslng. The list is as follows : Ann Arbor- B. J. Conrad, Joseph II. Vanee, E. K. Frueauff, W.W. Doujflass, Hascall Laraay, Chas. F. Gruner, Frank Howard, Wm. H. Jewett. Ypsilanti- Jacob D. Shutts, Cassius Vf. üsgood, J. Willard Babbiit. Saüne- Albert SI. Clark, Marvin Kussell, W. H. Davenport, C. Mliton Clarke, Howard T. Nichols. Manchesten- T. 8. Flinn. David G. Rose, John L Spíifford, W.B Oíborn, Tilos. Birkitt.of Birkitt's milis. Chelsea- Geo. H. Kempf Wm. E BliMkburnt Chas. H. Kempf J =i8. P. Wood. Post-offlce not knowu- Martin Thorne, L. M. Thorne.


Ann Arbor Courier
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