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Regular meeting of tbe Council MonUay evening. At the opening, Mayor Kapp being absent, Aid. Henderson was callea to Ihe chair. Minutes of previous meetings rcail and approred. PET1TIONS. Of Peter Dignan, Abel Spauldtng and 17 others, nsking that Church ut., in tlie 6th ward be continuad tbrough to HUI street. Referred to streel coinmittue. Of Geo. Walker, Chrlstlan Allmendinger and four others, asking for a sidewalk on the west side of Fifth st., f rom Packard to Madison st. Referred to sidewitlkcoiiiiiiitti'p. BEPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Aid. Hiscock, from Financo coruniittee reported the following bilis for June and recomended their allowance: lat ward „ 7 28 2d " _ 286 0 8d " „_ 264 7 411 " „ , ,,_ jo 7 6th " m 94 3g Olb " _ „. 745 68 Uenerul Htreet tund !...!.!. 29) 25 Uenerul finid... „ igg ÖO Contingent fuad 1,233 "4 Total _ „ f 3,700 08 Also the following bilis, which were handed in too late for audtting. The Vandepoele Electric Light Company street lights for June, $60; and Richard Zebbs, for work on Hanover square, $12. All of which were allowed and warrants ordered drawn for the same. Aid. Martin, from sidewalk committee reported the following walks as needing construction, and the same were ordered: On lots of Martha A. Leonard, east side of Füurth st., and on the soutli slde ol Packard st. Alao on lote of Libbic Beahan on wost side of Mann st. Aid. Lawrence moved that the Chief Kiiffluuer bo instructed not to allow the ringing of the fire bell on the city hall except in case of fire. Which was carried. The Mayor, upon the request of President Angelí, appointed Aid. John F. Lawrence and Aid. A. F. Martin of the council committee to act on a reception committee witli the citizen's committee for the same purpose, for the coming reception to be given the American Associatlon for the Advancement of Science. Aid. Bijrgs from special committfe on liquor bonds reported the bond of Henry Laubeugayer, and the same was approved by the council. Aid. Lawrence moved that Aid. Bíjtks be appointed a committee of one to confer wilh the prosecuting attorney in reference to the rijfht of W. Fred Schlanderer to sell bottled betr witliout paying the 8tute Ux. Aid. Martin moved that the matter of (training the ent-holes in the sixth ward be taken from the table and that the subject be referred to the street committee with instructions to investígate the necessity and the cost of draiiiinj; the same. Adopted. PermUslou beiug asked for Jos. Wagner to erect a wnoden awninjí in front of hts meat market in the 5th ward, a remonstranoe sig-ned by E. Leseur, E. W. Moore, C. A. Mathcwson and 12 other residents of that ward was presented, and the subject dropped. KKPORTS OK OFFICEHS. City Marshal Fall presented the poor report for the month of June, showing the followin figures: lst ward j 10 25 ¦g ;; 19 4i 6th " ..,,..... ..-.,. IJL 5 7B Total 100 5Ü City Treasurer Watts reported receipts for the inoDth of June is $10,655 19, and d8bur8emenU $2,851.66. The amount on hand and (overdrawn) In the different city fnnds was reported by liiiu as follows : Contingent fund on band $15.514 68 Geueral " overdrult i,.tm 19 " street fund overdraft 618 87 lst ward fund, on hand. 88S 8) 2d 875 21 3d overdraft „ 31 31 4th ward fund, ou hand 4M 79 5tn " ¦ " 211 27 6tu " " orerdraft 259 77 City Ceroetery fund, overdratt 24 87 Dof? tai, on hand 100 00 lellnqunet tax fund, overdraft 903 Water works tax, on hand. „ 4,ü(W 00 The Recorder reported the followlng balances, according to hls book, for the month ending June 30th: Contingent fund, on hand f 14 965 37 Qeneral fund, overdraa na 50 Ueneral street fund. overdruli 745 54 UI ward fund on hand _ 8fl6 21 H"} V. " " " _.. 864 9 d " overdraft si 44 4th " on hand 480 94 'L ' " " lo 33 oth " overdraft 240 19 City cemetery fund, overdraft ïT 14 Dog Uu, on hand „ 100 00 Delinquent Tax, overdraft ... 903 40 Water Work _ „ 4 000 UU


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