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Whitmore Lake

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The villaje school was closed Frlday last. R. Kempf of Ann Arbor was at tliis place Sundiiy. Dr. Brenkey of Ann Arbor was at the Lake the Fourth. Mrs. E. U. Stiles of Vtrmontville is vUiting at thU place. Miss Uattie Steward of Ann Arbor i visitinjj t this place. Frank Rane of Detroit spent the Fourlh witl bil brother, Wm. Rane. Miss Sibyl and Mr. V. R. Stiles of Fowlerville vUited a( L. J. Stiles lately. Oue hundred and thirty-four couples attended the dances at each hotel, the 3d. Mr. Dellhemen and wife of Dlxborough visited at Frank Lemen's last week. Misses Mildrcd and Ada Gilbert of Ann Arbor have been vlsiting at the Lake. Married- On Wednesday evenlng, July lst, by Rev. R. B. Pope of Ann Arbor, Mr. Frank Roper to Miss Lizzle Sheffer, at the residence of the bride's fatuur. CliriRtian Frey a Germán and well-todo farmer of Northfield township, made a sad dny for his family on the Fourth. He adminlstered unto lilmself enough paris-green to have killed a whole regiment of men, and died in a short time afterward In great agony. At first the cause of hia sudden death wasnotknown, and a measenger was sent to Ann Arbor for the coroner. Sunday morning coroner Sullivan and Dr. George went out and held an inquest and the poison was found in li is stomach, which could only have been self-administered. Tlie statement Is made that his home afl'uirs were not ahvays of the most happy nature, and that he was subject to spells of jjrcat mental depression. It was thought that in one of these spell he took the fatal dose. He leaves a wife and two or three cliildren.