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BIGr CUT O I) KV GOOHS DURING THE MOM H OF JCLT AT 1 1. spui BUY DRY GOOI) WHILK THEY ARl CHEAP. We wlll pive jrou more for jour Dollar tlian jiny other house. 2 cases inore of tJiose liandsome 5 cent Lavms. 10 dozen good Bustles at 25 cents each. 25 dozen Hoop Skirts at 25 cent each. 15 dozen All-Linen Towels 12 . cents eacli, One case good Prints -1 cents per yard. 2 cases Handsome Dress Prints, 5 cents per yard. 15 dozen more Ladies' (Jauze Vests at 25 cents each. 5 dozen Children's (auze Vesls 15, 20 and 25 cents. 15 dozen Meri's Oauze Vests 25 cents each. 20 dozen Ladies' BaUbriggan Hose, regular made, worih 35 cents, ourprice 20 cents a pair. 30 dozen Childrens' Solid Color Hose at 10 cents per pair, wortli 15 cents 10 dozen Ladies1 Lisie lióse at 50 cents a pair, worth 75 cents. 20 dozen Merís Plain and Fancy Hose at 25 cents, worth 35 cents. IS dozen i-button lengtli Ladies Berlín Glaces, black and colors, at 10 cents a pair, worth W 10 pieces Dolled and Fiyured Swiss at 25 cents per yard, worth Ifi cents. 15 pieces Lace Stripe and Plaid Piques at 8 cents per yard, worlh 15 cents. 18 pieces India Linen ai 12 1-2 cents, worth 20 cents. One Bale Linen Crash at O cents per yard worth 10 cents. 5 pieces 9-.$. Bleaehed Sheetmq al tO cents per yard, worth 28, One case L Bleached, Coito n ai 5 cents, worth 8 cents. One Bale 4-4 Sheelw at 5 cents, worth 7 1-2 cents. ' 500 yards Wool Buntimj at 12 1-2 centi per yard ; nerer sold less than 25 cents. 28 pieces black and colored Doublé Fold Lace Bunting at 12 1-2. cents, worlh 30 cents. One case Indi ff o Blue lrints at 6 12, cents. 10 dozen good Jerseys at 75 cents each. Our Entire Stock of Summer Silks, worlh 50 cents now 35 cents. We are the rccognized and flrmly estab llshed headquarterg for genuiue Bargrains in ihis city. Come and see iis, It wlll por you. D. F. SCHAIRER. W'ill the county buy enough ground at the new jai! location to establish a stoneyard, so Unit prisouers nmy be employed f Tlie sale of the chipped stone to cilies and towns for macadamizlng purpocs would uuiply repay the county. To most children the bare suggestlon of a dose of castor oil is nauseatiu;. Why not, tben, when physic is ueoessary for the little ones, use Ayer's Cathartic Pilis? They combine every esscntial and valnable principie of a eathartle medicine, and being sugar-coated are easily taken. The P. O. Some of the papers round about wlll have their say on the post-offlce business, and here are two quotations on the Ann Arbor change: The Adriftn Record remarks: The appolntmenl of Edward Duffy, of Ann Arbor, to be postmaster of thal city, iiives republloan. atl.factlon, or as mach of It as Ibey feel at sering aoy republlcau ¦ walk the plank In favor of a democrat. Duffy Is ,lL? boy," and they could always aetlïoof hlm atanytlme íor a democratie blow out, and tben ee talm walk In the procession carrylug one of th lorclies hls mouey had bought. J This is from the Lansing Republican: Edward Ouffy la the new civil ervlce reform po maier at Ann Arbor, made o by the grace of President Cleveland, to tnegreat dlscomflture of uoh old-tlme democrat as 1IS"ltor R'chmond. E B.Pond and olher J. C. Knuwltuii, wlio wan suspended for " of fetulve partlnanshlp," was an efficiënt publlo offlcll,butthe fact that he " rallled iound the flag, boys," when the Blalne train paued Ihrough Ann Arbor last fia.Il, wat conuldered ufflclent reaon for the appolntinent ol a demooratlo "olWl service reformer " In hls place. Why sbould the hends of the varloun governraental departments I ngr enact the P,arUf llnek" hypocrltesT If they want the offices let thera plant themtel ves squarely on the democratie doctrine of to ihe victor belongí i ihespoils."and go rlgbt along In the 721 Jf making remováis, Justas ttiey have been dolng. Nearly 40,000 changes have been madeunder the bald-laced lleof "oOeuslve partlsanshlp Ig it not about time to get back to the bed-rock of trath T There have not been so many remováis In the same length of time In any admlulstratlon durliiK the pait 40 yers. Burely thU Is clvll servlcï reform wlth a vengeance lOO Doses Oí Dollar. Hood's Barsaparilla U the only medicine of bieb tbia can b trui y sald; and llliu unanjwerable argument as to tb treogtb and potlttre tconomy of tblt Kreat medicine. Hood's Sanaparilla 11 made of rooti, berbi, barks, etc., long and farorably known tor tbelr power In purlfyüig tbe blood and In eombination, pruportlon, and procets, Hood'i Barsaparilla Is pteuliar to iuelf. "¦orteonomy and comfort we use Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mbs. C. BwtwiTï, Búllalo "Hood's Sanaparilla tak e le$$ Hm and quantity to show lts effect thaa any other preparatlon I erer beard of. I wonld not be without lt In the house." Mus C. A. M Hubbabb, Nortb Chili, V. T. 100 Dotit ' One Dollar Hood's Baruparlll cures scrofnl, sait rheum, aU humors, bolls, pimples, general do. blllty, drspepsla, blllousness, slclc beadache, caUrrh, rheumaUim, kldney and UTer complalnts, and all Jlectlons caused by lmpure blood or low condltlon of tbe system. Try lt. " I was sererely affllcted wlth scrofula, and f or orer a year had two running sores on my neck. I took llTe bottles of Hood's Sanaparllla, and conslder myself enörely cnred " C. E. Lovïjor, LoweU, Mass. "Hood's Sarsaparilla dld me aa Immense amount oí good. My whole system has been bnllt up and strengthened, iny digestión lmproTed, and my head reliered of the bad feeling. I consider lt tbe best medicine I have erer nsed, and should not know bow to do without lt." Mabt h. Piib, Balem, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla 8old by all druggirt. t ; slx for te. Made only by C. L HOOD ft Ca, Lowell, Hais 100 Doses One Dollar.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News