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TNtí L(NS SeLÍOft BYiySTJ. 8.-00TTO CARRY THE FA8T MAIL. It Is the only line with lts own track trom CHICACO TO DENVER, Eithor by way of Omaha, Pacific June., St. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It conneets in Union Depots with throuqh tralns Trom NEW YORK. PHILAOELPHIA. BOSTON and all Eastern points. It Is the principal Une to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND A. CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the six great States of ILLINOIS, IOWA, MISSOURI, NEBRASKA. KANSAS, COLORADO with branch Unes to all their important cities and ""rom CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS. It run every day In the ycar trom one to three elegantly equipped through trairis over lts own tracks between Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Council Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Pooria and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwest. Itscqulpment is complete and flrst class In every particular, and at all Important points Interlocking Switches and Signáis are used, thus Insuring comfort and salety. For Tickets, Rates, General Information, etc, regarding the Burlinqton Route, cali on any Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1sr V.P. 4. Gfn. Müh., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, Asst. Gen. Mor., Chicado. PERCËVAL LOWELL, Gn. Pass. Aot., Chicaoo. Chancerjr Notlce. 'I-h.' Circuit Coiirt for the (Jounty of Waal) 1 ieu;iw, m Chaneery. Dedillo J Rook wel! i1 d David Rockwell, Cotnplalnante, va. Ellxabetb Twitcnell, Danlel TuitchH, A nu Case, Krniiklln B Cuínminus, .loanna (.'umiiiliigH and Uie uiiknuwn helrH of .I'.na.i Twitcheil, dteeased, Defendall Is Al i sesslon of sald court, held at the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the 7lh ilay nf May A. D. 1886. Present Hou. Clmuncy Joslinlfirciilt Judfte. Muit pending In the Clr cult court lor the Couuly ol Waaluenaw In chaneery, at Aun Albor, Michigan, on ttie 7th day of My A. D. 188". [t wllsfaetorlly appearlng to ihts court by the affidiivit oí ald Hled In Inll i'ouit at Iho lime of tlllng the bill of complalnt In Hald eause, that eald Junas TKiicliell.deceased.dled leaving heirs, wbone ñames and places of resldenoe are unknown 10 iiid afnants in aid afïïuavlt, and il furiher appearlne t' Uie ullafactlon of ibis OOUl t ttmt snob unknown helrn ure necessary parties to this sult, therefore 11 Is orderea 1 1 j ; t suici ankoown holrs of said Jonas Twltchell, deoeased, cause their appearmu-e to tie enteied In sald suil oo or helmi' Fnday, ilicioih tlay ol November A. D. ltWn, and In oase of their appearance they cause ihelr answers to ihi' cnniplaln nl's bill of coiiiplalut to be 111 ud, and a eopv thereof t be ser ved nu coinplHiiianl's sollcltor, wlthln tweuty days af lr M-ivii-e on themof a copy of sald blll, and nol ice OÍ l hls order ; und 1 hat in deliiull Uieicof. ald bill be laken as confessed by the sHiil unkii' ¦ belra. And it In furiherordered. tliat wllliiu twt-nty days after the date hereof. Ihe suid oomplaloant cause a notlce ol Ui is urilfsr to be publlsbed In the Ann Arbor CÖÜEIIK. a nrwspaper priuied published mihI clrculaUng in sald couuty, aud that snob publïoatlon be coutiuueil Hierein at lenst once in eaob weele, lor six weeks In succesDated Ann Arbor, kttoh., Mts 7, A. !"., 1885. C. JO81.YN, sawyki: Kni.wi.tox. Circuit Judge. öolk'ilui.s lor ( oinpluinants. Real Estáte Tor Sale. STATK ()!' MICHIGAN, Counly of Washleliaw. 88. In Ihe matter of cslate of Mlnnle C. llenley, Minor, Nollce 1 horeby give, that in pursuauc(; ol' au order Kranled to the uuilerslgned guardián, of Uie Ksiate of ald nrfnor. by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the i ¦nintv öf Washlfimw, on the 28tll day ol Ma.v.A.u iss.", therewlll be soldat public vendne, to Uie hlhest bidder, at Hm sant lioni door ol the Courl House In the city ot Aon Arbor, In Uie Counly ol Wubtenawln sald State, i Baturday, ibe elgbtaenlb day of .luly, A. Ii. isv, at H) o'clock In the forenooii ói that day (subject to all encumbranees bj mortgageor otberwlseezIsilngatUi Urne al the sale), all the richt, tftle and interest i .-Uil minor, THe followtng df-mimi Real Bstate, lowit: Lo number fonr on 11 ook nnniher two, aocordïng to uie reoordad pial "1 ihe VU lage of Delhi, Waslitenaw County, In Michigan. JOUISHON W. KNIGHT, Guardian. Dated May i8th, 18SV folleo to ('red i fors. STATU OF MICHIGAN, County of Noiice ie bereby glTun, thai by ao ordir or the Proimte Court for the Cminty of Wmhten', made on the twenty-secudday of June, A. l. 1B85. ix moinhe from ttiat dure were allowed tor rreiliior8 to pretanl ilieir ebtime aKainet the eptate of John G. DüvIh, late of waul county, deceaned, and hst ll cfBdltoii of öaid deceased are required to preaenl their claims lo said l"rohaie Court, at the Prohato ütllre, in ihe iiiy of Ann Arlior.for examin¦itiun an'; allowsDCe, on or before the 'Z2d day of Decumher nort. and thnt urh claltna will he heard ')efore said court, o '1 uedav, the 22d day of september it:id on Tueftday, the 22ii day ol Decembtr, next, ai ten o'clock iu the foreaoon of eacb ol uaid Dnted, Ann Arhor, June 22d, A. D. 1885. W1LL1AM L). HAKKIMAN, 12J2-1255 Judeeof Prohate. AYER'S V Agne Onre eontalns an antidote for all malaria! disorders which, so far as kuown, is used in no otber romody. ]t contaiiia co Quinine, nor any mineral nor deluterious substance whatver, and consequcntly produces noinjurious effect npon the constitutiou, but leavea tba ystem as keallLy as it tm liuiure lUo uiuck. WE WABKANT AYEE'S AGÜE COKE to cure cvery case of Fever and Ague, Intermlttent or Chili Fever, Iteiuiltcut I'cver, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, amt I.iver Complalnt caused by malaria. In oase of filur, Bfter dne trial, dealers are authoi ized, by our clrcnlar dated July lst, 1882, to refund tba money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowc!!,Mass. Bold by :i WatgUU. n. uptu n. si ; EOAK'S IMPEHIAL TRUSS. SE BB ThU u#w Tniu Iim ijiral tTiny mil 0R4D1" SSBg tïi FRKSSI'IUC ; jieldi Ut ffvery tnotloi), retKkilair J thp herntlwTi. Wom tiay mul moii wilh ,-..111. ' . Pp fort. Seat 00 Trlml. EncloM 8uuiii for ClrcuUr. V Vd tn bolh Unitrlty HovpttAli. eOAHS IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., Box 228S, Atw Arbor, ré. Office. Hamflton Block. Ann Arbor. DrCLARKE J?,ïn . i Etblisued lííl ) Merrill tnattni Ideiboit, mich. f Block. BRJV T.'ic regular oldestabluhed lTOTIBSSSiPhyiiciaD. and Surgeon DB. li}lk-is}ffilOLARKK, at the old number ml jjjm lllcontinucs to treat with his utual ft y sLm j8ret skill all private, lljlchroDÍc, nervous and special llSstJE Jldiieaies. DB. CLAEKE itthe ¦¦¦MallBBH uldest Advertising Physician, as files of Papers show and all old Kcsideüts Icdow. Age and experienoe Important. 49" Nervons Diieaies (with or without dreams,) or debllitj' and loss of nerve power treated scientificlly bynew methodi wilh never failing success. 4It malees no differencc whftt yOU have taken or Who has failed to cure you. WToung1 men and middle-a&ed men and all who luffcr should consult the celebrated Dr. larlte at once. ;3-The terrible poieons of all btd blood and skin diseases ot every kind lame and nature completely cradicated. Remem3 r, that ons horrible ditease, if neglected or mproperly treatedf oarses the present and coming genermtioni. 4jjr üiseascd disohargei cureS jromptly without hindrance to business. Both sexes consult oonfidentially. U in tronóle, cali or wnl "Proorastination tne thief of time." A written warranty 01 care given in every oase undertaken. Send two stampi for oelebrated woxk on üronio, Nervou and Delicate Diseases You lave an exhanstive symptomatology by which o study your own Oases. Consultation, personjj'y or y 'e", Contult the old Dootor nouiandsoured. Offices and parlón private Vou see no onc but the Doctor. Before onfidine your case consult Dr. CLAREE. A friendly letteï 5j" '.my v future uffering and sharae, and ad golden yearttolifc. Medicines sent evcrywhere ecure from exposnre. Hou 8 to 8 ; Sunday, to 1. Address letten: f. S. ('LlUKl:, ¦ D- Herrill Bloek, Cor. Woodward and offeraonAves. DETBOIT, MICH. OPIUM HABIT! "itt. f;om nii' Ig"'' hllllW B1 wil to writ to DR. AJlfeH, of OuImj, Ich., who luu wnrld wM K,.utibon fr curMhehaimarldunr4tthepat lwlveyn. The min ¦int to bHnimimirated are the im-m &u' of hllh, length tim utd, nd procent amount of drug usd jwr wnL ttanluiura Trotinent hn dtursd. Sond fr tetimoiiiajj trom wdjot ihnicin&&d repr3nutiv ineu auJ womiu curtd.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News